Symptoms Directory
Identify possible conditions and treatments related to your symptoms. Below is an alphabetical listing of common symptoms. Select the symptom to view related conditions and its details.
- A
- A bad taste in the mouth
- A broad nose with a flattened or depressed tip
- A broad nose with a rounded tip
- A bump-like painless and harmful skin abnormality appears usually appears around arms
- A discolored tongue that is black
- A few minutes of exposure to the sun induces pruritus
- A flat growth or a slightly raised bump with a scaly surface
- A foul-smelling discharge from a wound
- A long smooth area between the nose and the upper lip
- A rash over the chest
- A red or purple rash that spreads
- A reddened area of skin in the crease in the groin; it often spreads to the upper thigh in a half-moon shape
- A round
- A round or oval-shaped patch of colored skin
- A round or oval-shaped waxy or rough bump
- A scaly ring-shaped area
- A small group of painless lesions
- A small jaw and large ears
- A small percentage of patie
- A small red rash consisting of “dots” under the skin (these are called petechiae)
- A sore throat
- A stiff neck
- A strong and growing headache
- A thick
- A thin upper lip
- A tongue that feels fuzzy or sticky
- A white spot of skin or an area of skin that is lighter in colour than your natural skin tone
- Abdomen
- Abdominal cramping
- Abdominal cramps
- Abdominal pain
- Abnormal
- Abnormal blistering of the skin
- Abnormal bumps or masses (nodules) appear in the fatty layer under the skin (subcutaneous fat) of the legs
- Abnormal ears
- Abnormal elongation
- Abnormal excessive perspiration
- Abnormal eye movements
- Abnormal eyes
- Abnormal facial features
- Abnormal fingers
- Abnormal growth of the skull and facial bones
- Abnormal hair
- Abnormal hearing
- Abnormal mole
- Abnormal skin
- Abnormal teeth
- Abnormal thickening of the skin
- Abnormal white blood cells
- Abnormalities of the skull
- Abnormalities of the teeth and nails
- Abnormality of hair texture
- Abnormality of the nail
- Abnormally long openings between the eyelids (palpebral fissures)
- Abnormally small head
- Abnormally wide pubic joint
- Absence of eyelids
- Absent finger or toe nails
- Absent nails
- Absent sweating in affected areas
- Absent vagina
- Accompanied by painblood in ey
- Acral keratosis
- Acute eruption of monomorphic skin-coloured to pink-red papules on the face
- Acute pain is followed by numbness
- Acute sunburn
- Adherent
- Aged appearance at birth
- Allergic issues
- Allergic reactions
- Allergies
- Allergy
- Along the insides of the wrists
- Altered consciousness
- Altered sensation
- Aminoaciduria
- An increase in the size of the bump over a few days as it fills with pus
- And abnormal thickening of the skin in the neck
- And ankle ccclonus
- And areas surrounding body openings and the genitals
- And around the ears shortly after eating certain foods
- And back of the head
- And behind the ear
- And blistering on your hands and feet.blistering or skin ulcers
- And can emit a strong odor
- And corneal
- And crusted skin condition
- And denuded skin at birth
- And edema
- And elevated
- And extensor surfaces of the extremities
- And eyes
- And feet
- And fever
- And gums turning slate-gray
- And in infants
- And inflammation of the eye’s cornea
- And it may ooze at times
- And legs
- And may appear on almost any part of the body
- And middle of the body
- And nodules
- And other areas that are exposed to the sun
- And parchment-like
- And partially flexed hands and feet
- And pimple-like eruptions
- And pressure
- And progressive decline of vision
- And scaling
- And scaly-looking
- And skeleton
- And small clusters of blood vessels just under the skin (telangiectases)blood in ey
- And sometimes blisters appear on the tops of the hands and forearms
- And sometimes the genitals
- And swelling under the skin
- And tenderness in the are
- And the anal/genital region
- And the arms
- And the skin may be flaky or scalyblood in ey
- And tiny bumps)
- And warm areas of skin
- And/or face may be involvedb
- Ankle swelling
- Ankles
- Appearance of blisters with a red border and are filled with a watery liquid
- Appearance of elevated ridges (wheals)
- Appearing and disappearing blisters
- Arched eyebrows
- Areas of thinning skin (atrophy)
- Arm blisters
- Armpits
- Arms
- Arms and legs
- Arms and legsb
- Arms or legs that may or may not itch
- Around the waist
- Arthritis
- As old blisters desquamate new ones will erupt
- As well as obvious areas of skin thickening
- As well as pain in the affected area
- Asthma
- Asthma or vasomotor rhinitis blo
- Asymmetric limbs
- Asymmetrical mole
- Asymptomatic in mild cases
- Atrophic scars
- B
- Babies with red
- Back
- Back of the arms
- Back pain
- Bacterial infection
- Bad breath
- Bed-wetting
- Behavioral problems
- Being pain
- Beneath the breasts
- Beta-blockers such as inderal
- Between the belly button and knees -angiokeratoma
- Between the thi
- Bilateral and symmetrical small eyes
- Birth defects
- Black
- Black urine
- Black velvetty symmetric patches on the body
- Blackhead
- Blackheads
- Blackheadsblood in
- Bleeding
- Bleeding lesions
- Bleeding under skin
- Blemishes are found on the scalp
- Blindness
- Blister-prone skin
- Blistered
- Blistering
- Blistering skin lesions on areas of the skin that are frequently exposed to the sun
- Blisters
- Blisters and sores on the skin and on mucus membranes of the mouth
- Blisters clumped together
- Blisters found on the face
- Blisters inside the mouth and throat
- Blisters on back
- Blisters on the palms and bottoms of the feet
- Blisters on the toes or soles of feet
- Blisters on your skin and the mucous membranes of t
- Blisters ooze seropurulent
- Blisters that break to form scabs or crusts
- Blisters that rupture and develop scabs or crusts
- Blisters with a thin
- Bloated stomach
- Bloating
- Blocked tear ducts
- Blood in stool
- Blood in the urine
- Blood in urine
- Blood in vomit and bowel motion
- Blood may be present in the stool and abnormal bleeding
- Bloody vomit and stools from internal bleeding
- Blotchy
- Blotchy patches
- Blue
- Blue skin
- Blue-grey discoloration of skin
- Bluish skin
- Bluish tinge to the whites of
- Blurred vision
- Body ache
- Body aches
- Body temperature is not stable
- Boils
- Bone abnormalities
- Bone lesions
- Botox for wri
- Brachial melasma- appears on your shoulders and upper arms
- Breasts and upper arms
- Breathing and eating difficulties
- Breathing difficulties
- Breathing issues
- Breathing problems due to t
- Briak tendon reflexes
- Bronze
- Brown
- Brown or tannish discoloration on the cheek and back
- Brown scaly skin
- Brown skin patch
- Brows
- Bruising
- Bump or elevation on the skin with dry condition
- Bumps
- Bumps appear anywhere on the skin
- Bumps in the hands
- Bumps look like goosebumps or the skin of a plucked chicken
- Bumps on the skin
- Bumps that feel like sandpaper
- Bumpy
- Burning
- Burning sensation
- Burning sensation on your skin
- But malaise
- But often on the genitals
- Buttocks
- Buttocks blisters
- Can spread through physical contact
- Celiac disease
- Cellulitis
- Centrally adherent scales on limbs and trunk
- Centrofacial melasma- the melasma appears on your forehead
- Cerebral vascular malformations
- Changes in skin color from red to dark blue
- Changes in the color
- Chee
- Cheekbones
- Chest
- Chest pain
- Chills
- Chloral hydrate
- Choristomas
- Chronic diarrhea
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic infection
- Chronic infections
- Chronic inflammation
- Cleft lip
- Cleft lip (rare)
- Cleft lip or palate
- Cleft palate
- Closed or absense of vagina
- Closed vagina
- Clothing and towels
- Clouded eyes
- Clouding (opacity) of the cornea and eye movement abnormalities
- Clouding of the lenses of the eyes
- Cloudy corneas
- Clubbed fingers
- Clubbed toes
- Clumps of red bumps on exposed areas of the body - face
- Cluster headaches
- Clusters of itchy
- Coarse facial features
- Cognitive disabilities
- Cognitive impairment
- Cold hands and feet
- Colobomas of the eyelid
- Color loss in the tissues lining the inside of t
- Color or formation over time
- Commonly on the hands
- Congenital heart anomalies
- Congenital heart block
- Conjuctival lipodermoids
- Conjunctivitis
- Constipation
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Contraction of the muscles around the bronchi
- Corneal dystrophy
- Corneal opacities in the eye
- Cortical atrophy
- Cortical blindness
- Cosmetic surgery to tighten skin that is loosened due to cutis laxa; these results may last temporarily
- Cough
- Coughing or choking
- Cracked skin
- Cracking of the skin
- Cramping abdominal pain
- Cranium abnormalities
- Crawling and walking
- Crinkled skin
- Crossed eyes
- Crossed eyes (strabismus)
- Crusting of skin bumps
- Crusting skin
- Crusty skin
- Cyclical patchy redness and thickening of the skin of the palms and soles
- Cystic acneblood
- Cysts
- Dandruff flaky scalp
- Dark brown or light grey
- Dark discolored skin
- Dark pigmentation and severe itching which leads to scratching and skin-picking (excoriation)
- Dark pigmented skin
- Dark red spots on the skin
- Dark skin
- Dark tongue
- Dark urine
- Darkened skin
- Darkening of the urine
- Deafness
- Deafness (more common in type ii disease)
- Decrease in wet diapers
- Decreased appetite
- Decreased blood flow
- Decreased muscle tone (hypotonia)
- Decreased pituitary function
- Decreased reflexes
- Decreased sensation
- Decreased sweat production
- Decreased sweating
- Deep
- Defect in elastin
- Defective bones
- Defective brain
- Defective corneas
- Defective eyes
- Defects in the eyes (clouding of cornea)
- Deformed tear ducts
- Degeneration of the nerve-rich membrane lining the eyes (retina)
- Degenerative muscles
- Dental anomalies
- Dental defects
- Depending on the original damage size and when the keloid finishes growing
- Depigmented skin
- Deprived socia
- Deprived social
- Development of a yellow-white tip that eventually ruptures and allows
- Development of greyish brown or black pigmentation
- Development of multiple
- Developmental delays
- Diabetes
- Diarrhea
- Diarrheablood in eye
- Diazepam
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty completely straightening joints
- Difficulty eating
- Difficulty in inhalation
- Digestive problems
- Digestive system issues
- Diminished capacity to sweat
- Diminished sensitivity to pain
- Discoloration
- Discoloration (red
- Discoloration may stand out most on your forehead
- Discolored area of skin less than 1 cm wide
- Discolored gums
- Discolored lesions
- Discolored mole
- Discolored skin
- Discoloured area of skin blood in e
- Discomfort
- Discomfort or pain
- Disruption of the ability to walk
- Distinct
- Distinctive facial features
- Distorted facial features
- Disturbances in consciousness
- Disturbs sleep
- Dizziness
- Dizziness and an increased heart rate after st
- Dizziness and disorientation
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
- Drooling (because closing the mouth is painful)blood
- Drooping of the upper eyelid
- Drooping of the upper eyelids and pupiliary constriction
- Dry blister that cause the peeling of skin from the palms and soles
- Dry eyes and lack of tears
- Dry scalp
- Dry scaly patches which can be red and thick
- Dry scaly skin
- Dry skin
- Dwarfism
- Dysarthric speech
- Ears
- Ears fused to the head
- Easy bruising
- Easy tearing
- Eczema
- Eczema (atopic dermatitis)
- Eczema or a hive-like rash
- Edema of the hands
- Elbow creases and groinblood in eye
- Elbows
- Elevated ige levels
- Elevated lesions on the skin or just under the skin that are dark blue
- Emotional stress
- Encircled by a bloated red ring
- Enlarged liver
- Enlarged lymph glands
- Enlarged lymph nodes
- Enlarged lymph nodes in the chest
- Enlarged nodes are present on both sides of the neck
- Enlarged nose
- Enlarged spleen
- Enlarged venules
- Enlargement of digits and clubbing
- Enlargement of lymph nodes
- Epilepsy
- Erythema
- Especially at night
- Especially on the
- Especially on the hands
- Especially on the hands and feet
- Especially the place where there are hair follicles
- Etc.
- Etc. and moves easliy when pressure is applied
- Etcblood i
- Eventually
- Everted eyelids
- Excessive growth of frontal bone of the skull (hyperostosis frontalis interna)
- Excessive hair growth
- Excessive roughness and drynes
- Excessive sweating or absence of sweating
- Expanding rings on your skin
- Extra fingers
- Extra fingers or toes
- Extra lines on palms
- Extra toes
- Extreme tiredness
- Extreme tiredness (fatigue)
- Extremely fragile skin that can peel or blister on minimal impact
- Extremely pale blue eyes or eye colors that don't match
- Eye abnormalities
- Eye irritation
- Eye problems
- Eyebrows or beard
- Eyelashes
- Eyelids
- Eyelids and lips pulled open due to tight skin
- Eyelids and lips to turn inside out revealing the red inner linings
- Eyelids turning inside out
- Eyes
- Eyes not closing
- Face
- Face and neck
- Facial telangiectasia
- Failure to gain weight
- Failure to grow
- Fainting (uncommon)
- Fatigue
- Fatigue and joint ache in severe cases
- Feeding difficulties
- Feet
- Feet pain
- Fertility problems
- Fever
- Fever and chills
- Fever and other flu-like symptoms
- Fevers
- Fewer to no sweat glands
- Fine hair
- Fine or rhomboid
- Fine scales with predominant extensor distribution in patients with heterozygous mutations
- Fine scaling
- Finger abnormalities
- Finger and toe issues
- Fingers and toes
- Firm
- Firm red nodule on skin
- Flaking
- Flaky scalp
- Flame shaped patterns of raised
- Flame-shaped pattern with pain
- Flat
- Flat bumps
- Flat nose
- Flat patch of itchy skin
- Flat patches develop all over the body
- Flat pimples
- Flat sore and scaly crust of skin
- Flattened wart-like (verrucous) bumps (papules) on the backs of the hands or feetbloo
- Flesh or purple covered lesions on the skin or just underneath the top layer of the skin
- Flexible joints
- Fluctuating body temperature
- Fluid-filled blisters
- Fluid-filled sac under the skin in the lower back
- Flushing
- Flushing and warmth in the affected areas
- Flushing or blushing of blood vessels in the face
- Followed by redness and swelling
- Followed by the appearance dry blisters which subsequently peel in an expanding pattern
- Foot pain
- Forearms
- Forehead
- Forehead sweating
- Forehead sweating and nasal discharges
- Foul smelling pus
- Fragile bones
- Fragile skin
- Fragile skin that blisters easily
- Fragile tissues
- Frequent and easy bleeding that can occur from the nose
- Frequent and easy bruising
- Frequent respiratory infections
- Frictional pain
- Fungal infection
- Further thickened and flat lesions (pintids) appear all over the body
- Fused ears
- Fused eyelids
- Fused fingers
- Fusion of certain fingers
- Hair
- Hair abnormality
- Hair and eyes
- Hair anomalies
- Hair l
- Hair loss
- Hairless
- Hairless scalp
- Hand pain
- Hands
- Hands and feet
- Hands and soles of feet
- Hanging skin
- Hard mole
- Hard patches of skin
- Hard skin
- Hard to the touch
- Hardening skin
- Having difficulties moving an arm or a leg
- Headache
- Headaches
- Hearing impairment
- Hearing loss
- Hearing problems
- Heart
- Heart issues
- Heat
- Heat in the skin around the hematoma
- Heat sensitivity
- Hemifacial discoloration cluster headaches
- Hemorrhage
- High hypermetropia
- High temperature
- High-pitched voice
- Higher rates of depression and mood disorders
- Hip dislocation
- Hives
- Hives consisting of red rings around white ridges (wheals)
- Hives or rash
- Hoarse voice
- Hollow cheeks
- Honey-colored crust
- Hyperhidrosis
- Hyperkeratosis
- Hyperpigmentation
- Hyperpigmented spots
- Hypersalivation
- Hypertonia
- Hypertrichosis(excessive hair growth)
- Hypopigmentation
- Hypopigmented skin
- Hypotonia
- Ichthyosis
- Ichythosis
- Idiopathic nodular panniculitis usually begins gradually
- If pressed
- Immune system dysfunction
- Impaired swallowing reflexes
- Imperforate anus
- Improper development
- Improper development of nails
- In a skin flap beneath a bulging belly
- In bowel movements
- In extreme cases- unex
- In homozygous individuals
- In severe cases
- In some patients
- In the armpits
- In the groyne area
- Inability sense changes in temperature (can lead to injuries)
- Inability to sweat
- Including autism spectrum and learning disab
- Including eyelashes or eyebrows
- Including palpable purpura
- Including the liver
- Incomplete closure of cleft palate
- Increased
- Increased body hair (hirsutism)
- Increased coloration or pigmentation (hyperpigmentation)
- Increased sensitivity to light photophobia
- Increased susceptibility to atopic eczema (a skin condition that can result in dry
- Inelastic skin
- Infection
- Inflamed
- Inflamed blister-like bumps and itching or prickling in the affected area
- Inflamed lumps
- Inflamed lymph nodes
- Inflammation
- Inflammation of eyes
- Inflammation of the eye
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Inside the bend of the elbows and knees
- Intelectual impairment
- Intellectual deficit
- Intellectual disability
- Intense pain and discomfort in the affected region
- Intense pain out of proportion to the signs of the local skin infection
- Interconnected abscesses suppuration
- Internal organs
- Intertrigo appears on the skin as a red
- Intolerance to heat and reduced perspiration
- Intrauterine growth retardation
- Involuntary eye movements
- Iris and retina
- Irregular heartbeats
- Irritability
- Irritable skin
- Irritated sense organs
- Irritation
- Irritation in eyes
- Itchiness
- Itching
- Itching (pruritus)
- Itching abdominal pain
- Itching and burning around the lesions
- Itching or discomfort in the cervix
- Itching skin
- Itchingblo
- Itchy
- Itchy and tiny blisters on palms and the sides of fingers
- Itchy bumps around underarms
- Itchy or burning sensation in one or more areas of skin
- Itchy skin
- Lack of appetite
- Lack of appetite (anorexia)
- Lack of melanin
- Lack of tears
- Lacy white areas around the mouth
- Lacy white patches in the mouth or on the lips or tongue
- Large
- Large blisters filled with fluid on surface of the skin
- Large blisters that don't easily rupture when touched
- Large head
- Large plate-like patches on skin
- Lateral ventricle enlargement
- Learning problems
- Leathery patches of skin
- Leaving the mouth open and making nursing difficult
- Leg blisters
- Leg pain
- Legs
- Lesion may remain for several hours
- Lesions
- Lesions are also found in muscle
- Lesions are usually present in the exposed surface of arms and legs
- Lesions under skin
- Light colored eyes
- Light colored skin
- Light eyes
- Light hair
- Light sensitivity (photophobia)
- Light skin
- Light-colored hair
- Lighter or darker skin discoloration found on the back
- Limb defects
- Limited mobility in arms and legs
- Lines of hypopigmentation on arms and legs
- Lines on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet are extra
- Lips
- Lips pulled tight
- Little or no hair
- Livedo reticularis
- Liver complications
- Liver disease
- Liver disease with lipid storage
- Liver failure
- Look for yellow skin in your infants
- Loose
- Loose joints
- Loose skin
- Lopressor
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of central vision
- Loss of color in the tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose (mucous membranes)blood in
- Loss of elastic tissue
- Loss of fluid (dehydration)
- Loss of hearing
- Low birth weight
- Low body temperature
- Low-s
- Lower back
- Lower eyelids that are turned outward (everted)
- Lumps
- Lung and kidney issues
- Lung problems
- Macro- or anophthalmia
- Making the skin feel harsh
- Malaise
- Malformed bones
- Malformed brain
- Malformed nails
- Malformed or missing teeth
- Marbling of the skin
- May or may not be painful
- Medications to control swelling
- Memory loss
- Memory loss or altered sensation
- Mental retardation
- Mental status changes
- Metallic or blue-gray in color
- Metoclopramide
- Micro-
- Microcephaly
- Microphthalmia
- Might have hair growing out of them
- Mild fever
- Mild itching
- Mild itching and soreness
- Mild systemic manifestations
- Mildly greasy
- Millium cyst
- Misshaped ears
- Missing or unusually shaped nails
- Mites that burrow into the skin and result in itchiness
- Moles
- Moles that change their size
- Moles without pigment
- Most commonly on areas exposed to sunlight
- Most often found in between the fingers
- Most often on the inner forearm
- Mostly on the elbows
- Mouth (white patches)
- Mouth and gums
- Mouth breathing
- Mucous membranes
- Mucous patches in mouth
- Multiple
- Multiple dysmorphic features
- Multiple painful lesions on the surface of the skin
- Multiple venous malformations in various organ systems
- Muscle atrophy
- Muscle contractions
- Muscle degeneration
- Muscle weakness
- Muscular stiffness and fever
- Muscular stifness
- Musculoskeletal symptoms
- Na
- Nails
- Nails (thinning
- Nails that are thick or don't form
- Narrow head
- Nasal discharge
- Nausea
- Nausea and vomiting
- Near the crease of the buttocks
- Neck
- Neck and arms
- Neck and back
- Neck and upper arms
- Neck or back of the hands
- Neck pain
- Neck tumors
- Neurological abnormalities
- Neurological deficits
- Neurological speech impairments
- Neurological symptoms: delay in sitting
- Nighttime sweating
- Nipple itching
- No available drug or medications.
- No permanent teeth
- Nodules
- Nodules or more substantial hemorrhages under the skin (purpura)
- Non-cancerous small bumps beneath the skin
- Nose
- Nose and chin
- Nose and throat
- Nose bleed
- Nose irritation
- Nosebleed
- Numbness
- Numerous cells (keratinocytes) with two nuclei are visible under electron microscope examination
- Nursing difficulties
- Nystagmus
- Obesity
- Occasionally itchy when they're larger
- Occur mostly often on the back
- Ocular abnormalities
- Ocular defects
- Odor
- Oedema
- Often around the nose and mouth
- On the inner elbows
- On the soles of the feet
- Open pores
- Or ankle
- Or beard
- Or brown
- Or brown scales on the front of the legs
- Or brown)
- Or hairless
- Or middle chest
- Or mild abdominal pain
- Or neck
- Or neck. these areas enlarge and thicken
- Or oval red bumps form on the skin that typically firm and raised
- Or plaques in a limited area on exposed skin
- Or red
- Or ridges (wheals)
- Or stomach
- Or tongue
- Or trunk
- Or volume of vaginal discharge
- Or yellow
- Oral mucosal blisters
- Osteopenia and progeroid features
- Other facial abnormalites
- Other symptoms include hair loss (alop
- Oval or round discolouration in the face chest and other places of the body
- Overall discomfort
- Overgrown nails
- Overlapping ringsbloo
- Owl-eyed appearance
- Pain
- Pain and burning sensation in hands and feet along with fever
- Pain around the joints
- Pain in abdomen
- Pain in muscles
- Pain in muscles and abdomen
- Pain in the affected area
- Pain in the joints (arthralgia)
- Pain in the neck and arms
- Painful
- Painful and itchy rash
- Painful and swelled area
- Painful areas)blood in
- Painful clusters
- Painful cystic lesions
- Painful nodules
- Painful sores in the mouth or vagina
- Painless peeling
- Painless skin peeling
- Pale color skin
- Pale eyes
- Pale or yellowish skin
- Pale skin
- Palmoplanar fiss
- Palmoplantar keratoderma
- Palpitation (fast pacing of the heart)
- Papules
- Papules (small red bumps)
- Paralysis
- Partial deafness
- Patches of missing skin pigment
- Patches of red and inflamed skin and flaky scales
- Patches of skin that may be lighter or darker than the skin around them
- Patchy changes in skin coloring
- Patchy loss of skin color
- Patchy skin
- Patchy ulcers
- Pauses in their breathing while sleeping
- Pea-sized lumps
- Peeling skin
- Periorbital edoema
- Persistent skin redness
- Petechiae
- Photophobia
- Photosensitive
- Photosensitive eyes
- Photosensitive rashes
- Photosensitivity
- Pigeon breast
- Pigmentation and itching leading to scratching
- Pigmentation anomaly
- Pigmentation in some parts of the body
- Pimple-like eruptions
- Pimples
- Pink
- Pink moles
- Pits are tiny indentations in the skin patch that resemble little holes
- Pits can congregate to form a sore (lesion) that resemble
- Plantar hyperkeratosis
- Plaques
- Plates of thick skin
- Poor coordination and unsteady walk
- Poor growth
- Poor muscle tone
- Poor nail formation
- Poor sucking ability
- Poor vision
- Poorly developed fingernails
- Possible slight decrease in intellectual functi
- Premature aging of skin
- Premature face aging
- Premature whitening or graying of the hair on your scalp
- Premature whitening or greying of your scalp hair
- Prematurely-aged appearance
- Preterm birth
- Progresses to dry scaly appearance over days
- Prominent eyelashes
- Prominent nose
- Prominent veins
- Pruritis
- Psoriasis
- Psychological distressblood
- Psychomotor impairment
- Pubic area and around the nipples
- Pubic area itching
- Puffy eyelids
- Pulmonary infections
- Pupillary constriction
- Purple
- Purple and red bruises
- Purple colored skin in the affected area
- Purple nodules
- Purple-red or black in color
- Purplish
- Purplish skin
- Pus
- Pus-filled cyst
- Pustules (small red bumps containing white or yellow pus)
- Rai
- Raised
- Raised and bumpy scalp
- Raised bumps
- Raised bumps on the skin)
- Raised mole
- Raised papules
- Raised skin
- Rapid
- Rapid eye movements (nystagmus)
- Rapid heartbeat
- Rarely with blistering and petechiae
- Rash
- Rash is mainly found on the neck
- Rash-like skin
- Rashes can form in the inside of the thighs
- Rashes on the chest
- Rashes on the skin
- Raw rash; it may be painful or irritating
- Recurring inflammation in the subcutaneous fat layer of the skin
- Red
- Red and flaky skin)
- Red areas that are warm to the touch
- Red blisters on the skin
- Red bumps
- Red bumps that starts out small and can enlarge
- Red eyes
- Red marks on skin
- Red painful and itchy rashes all over the body
- Red patches
- Red patches and blisters on palms of hands
- Red plaques
- Red rash
- Red rash or red blotches on your skin
- Red rashes
- Red skin
- Red sore and rough patch inside mouth
- Red spot on the skin
- Red spot swelled
- Red spots (macules or papules)
- Red spots on a specific area or entire body
- Red spotting of the skin (most often on the buttocks and backs of the legs)
- Red to brownish-gray patches
- Red-blue papule
- Reddened areas on the arms
- Reddened areas on the hands
- Reddened rash
- Reddening
- Reddish or darker than normal
- Reddish or purplish
- Reddish sores
- Reddish-purple spots
- Redness
- Redness and peeling of the skin on the palms and soles
- Redness around the bumps
- Redness around the skin eruptions
- Redness of skin or mucous membrane
- Redness of the skin
- Reduced joint mobilityblood in e
- Reduced sweat glands
- Reduced sweating
- Resemble your underlying skin disease and are usually linear (run in a straight line)
- Restless sleep
- Restricted breathing
- Restricted movements of fingers
- Resulting in aspiration pneumonia or poor growthblood in ey
- Retarded growth
- Retinal changes
- Ridges
- Ring-shaped patches or itchy welts
- Ring-shaped rashes bordered with a line of small blisters that burn or feel itchy
- Rippled lines or grooves across the skin
- Rise in body temperature
- Rough
- Rough bumps
- Rough bumps (papules) or plaques that may be greasy or have a brown or yellow crust
- Rough skin
- Rough skin plaques
- Rough-scaly patch on lip
- Round
- Runny nose
- Scalding
- Scales on neck
- Scales on the skin that are white
- Scaling
- Scaling of the skin
- Scaling skin
- Scaling skin (ichthyosis) ranging from mild to severe
- Scalp
- Scalp (redness
- Scalp blistering
- Scalp erosions
- Scaly
- Scaly patch on the skin that develops from years of sun exposure. it's often found on the face
- Scaly skin
- Scarring
- Scarring and baldness result from the skin around the hair follicles hardening
- Scarring and hair loss (scarring alopecia)
- Scarring may develop and affected skin may darken
- Scarring of the skin
- Scarring that is thick and uneven
- Scoliosi
- Scoliosis
- Scratchy throat
- Seizures
- Sensitive to heat
- Sensitivity to cold- eruptions on the skin
- Sensitivity to light (photophobia)
- Sepsis
- Severe body pain
- Severe headache
- Severe pain
- Sex gland disturbances
- Sexual discomfort
- Shabby fingernails
- Shedding skin
- Shiny spots that develop into white patches of thinned
- Short heigh than average
- Short limbs or digits or the digits might even be missing
- Short stature
- Shortness of breath
- Shoulder or the back
- Shoulder pain
- Shoulder tumors
- Shoulders
- Shrinking skin
- Single or multiple
- Skeletal abnormalities
- Skeletal abnormalities and venous malformations in muscle
- Skeletal abnormalities in elbows
- Skeletomuscular malformations
- Skin
- Skin (shiny red or purple bumps)
- Skin abnormalities
- Skin affected on peripheral body parts
- Skin and nail thickening
- Skin around the blisters that is normal
- Skin bul
- Skin changes color to brown-red
- Skin color changes ranging from mild grey to blue
- Skin color loss that develops in patches
- Skin conditions that usually present at birth: redness
- Skin cracks
- Skin defects
- Skin denudation across various body parts
- Skin discoloration
- Skin erosion
- Skin flakes
- Skin has a tendency to be thick
- Skin hyperpigmentation
- Skin infections
- Skin inflammation
- Skin irritations
- Skin issues
- Skin itching
- Skin lesions
- Skin lesions appear on previously healthy skin at the site of a skin injury
- Skin lesions consisting thickened
- Skin lesions may be flat and red (macules)
- Skin manifestation in genital and anal areas
- Skin manifestations: blistering rashes at birth and heals over time
- Skin manifestations: erythematous and hyperkeratotic appearance at birth
- Skin or body-wide infections
- Skin pain
- Skin peeling
- Skin pigmentation
- Skin pustules
- Skin rash
- Skin rashes
- Skin rashes on face
- Skin redness
- Skin roughness
- Skin that bruises easily
- Skin that is cool to the touch
- Skin that is shiny
- Skin that is thick and hard and can appear practically anyplace on the body
- Skin that is thin
- Skin thickeningblood
- Skin tightening both in external skin and also the mucosa in the internal organ
- Skin tightness
- Skin-picking (excoriation)
- Skin-related protein
- Sleep terrors
- Slesions
- Slight pinkness or redness around bumps itchy
- Slightly raised
- Slimy ulcers in or near the mouth
- Slow growth
- Slow heartbeat
- Slow-growing
- Slowly enlarging circular red patches may develop
- Slowly progressive weakness of the proximal arms and
- Slowly progressive weakness of the proximal arms and legs
- Small
- Small blisters
- Small blisters and bumps
- Small blisters or sores in the mouth or other mucous membranes
- Small blood vessels growing from the iris over the cornea (neovascularization)
- Small bumps
- Small clusters of enlarged blood vessels may appear in the rash and in the eyes
- Small eyes
- Small feet
- Small hands
- Small jaw
- Small permanent teeth
- Small pits in palm
- Small red bumps
- Small red bumps on arms
- Small scaly crusty patches of varying color on the surface of the skin
- Small stature
- Small teeth that are either decreased or increased
- Small tongue
- Small-swollen hands and feet
- Smelly material that sometimes drains from the cyst
- Smooth white patches on your skin
- Sneezing
- Snoring
- Snorting
- Soft
- Soft and tiny bulged skin on the surface of the body which is painless and skin brownish or skin-colored
- Soft tissue and boneblood in e
- Soles of feet and face
- Sometimes bleeding and black or brownish dots of bloodstain
- Sometimes called flesh m
- Sore genitals
- Sore throat
- Soreness
- Soreness and discomfort
- Sores
- Sores can appear and the skin locally can become thin
- Sores can spread to other areas of the body through touch
- Sores in the mouth or vaginal area that are
- Sparse hair
- Spastic paraplegia
- Spastic paresis
- Spasticity
- Speech abnormalities
- Spinal cord cyst
- Spl
- Splitting)
- Spotting or light vaginal bleeding
- Stiff back
- Stiff neck
- Stiff neck (meningismus)
- Stinky feet (bromhidrosis)
- Stomach pain
- Stomach painblood in
- Streaked
- Strokes
- Students with varying abilities
- Stunted growth
- Subepidermal blistering with cleavage in the lamina lucida
- Such as heartburn and constipation
- Sudden
- Sudden unilateral skin flushing and sweating
- Sunburned skin like appearance
- Sunken face
- Sunsenstive skin
- Superficial defects of the cornea
- Surgeries to repair hernias
- Susceptible to infection
- Swallow
- Swallowing problems in infants
- Sweating
- Sweating after eating certain foods
- Swelling
- Swelling and pain
- Swelling of gi tract causing nausea
- Swelling of the face
- Swelling of the painful area
- Swelling of the throat or airway causing pain
- Swelling of your skin
- Swollen
- Swollen blood vessels
- Swollen feet
- Swollen hands
- Swollen hands and feet
- Swollen lips
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Swollen mass
- Swollen skin
- Swollen skin around the bump
- Symmetrically distributed bumps
- Symptoms of linear nevus sebaceous syndrome (lnss) can be seen from birthdate and continues till the age of 2- 11 years of age. in symptoms may differ from person to person. the symptoms may be mild to severe in different personsblood in
- Symptoms vary from mild xerosis to large adherent scales
- T
- Target-shaped (bull’s-eye pattern) lesions appear on the backs of hands
- Tearing of eyes
- Tearing or bleedingblood in e
- Teeth abnormalities
- Temperature diffences over the two halves
- Tender bumps on the shins
- Tender knuckle pads
- Tender or painful bumps below the surface of the skin subcutaneous nodules
- Tender skin
- Tender to touch
- Tenderness
- Texture ran
- The arms
- The brown or grey-brown sometimes inflammed or red patches of melasma appear most often on the cheeks
- The edges of the scales curl occasionally
- The face and scalp
- The groin
- The hands and feet are slender
- The inside areas of the forearm and the lower extremities blood in
- The lipoma may increase in size or suddenly grows very quickly
- The nuclei frequently have shells made of a primitive
- The overlying skin may be discolored red or purple and ulcerated
- The patches of scaly
- The primary symptom is that the tongue looks hairy due to the presence of long
- The scaling is usually prominent on the back of the neck
- Then blue-gray
- Then greeni
- Thick
- Thick eyebrows
- Thick palms
- Thick plate-like scales of skin
- Thick skin
- Thick skin plaque
- Thick skin plate
- Thickened skin
- Thickened skin on the palms and soles of the feet
- Thickened skin range from spotty to severe
- Thickening skin
- Thickness and redness in the skin of palms and soles
- Thighs and buttocks
- Thin
- Thin bones
- Thin face tissue
- Thin hair
- Thin muscle
- Thin skin
- Thread-like growths
- Threadlike marks
- Throat
- Throat irritation
- Ticklish itch
- Tight
- Tight and bent fingers
- Tight skin
- Tightening of skin in infants
- Tightness
- Tingling
- Tingling of the skin
- Tinnitu
- Tiny blackhead plugging the central opening of the cyst
- Tiredness
- Toe abnormalities
- Toe pain
- Too much dandruff
- Toprol etc. for heart problems
- Tops of feet
- Trou
- Troubled breathing
- Trunk
- Trunk and lower extremities
- Typically on the buttocks
- Typically on the face
- Ulcers
- Uncoordinated movements
- Under arms (axillae)
- Underarm itching
- Underdeveloped knee caps
- Underdeveloped nails
- Underdeveloped testicles or penis
- Undescended testes
- Unexplained widespread skin pain
- Unilateral underdevelopment of ribs
- Unintended weight loss
- Unstable blood pressure
- Unstable joints that dislocate easily
- Unusual facial features
- Upper arms
- Upper body
- Upper chest
- Upper limb pain
- Upper trunk and extensor surfaces of the limbsblood
- Upset stomach
- Urinary tract abnormalities
- Urination that hurts
- Urticaria
- Usually in sun irradiated zones of the bod
- Usually on the earlobes
- Usually on the extremities
- Usually on the face
- Usually on the inner forearm
- Warm patches of skinb
- Warm skin
- Warmth
- Wart-like blemishes on the body that are yellowish in color
- Wart-like skin growths that fade with time and recur as grey or brown hyperpigmentation. in adults
- Watery eyes
- Watery liquid inside and a hair follicle in the center
- Weak back
- Weakness
- Weakness and fatigue
- Webbed fingers
- Webbed fingers or toes
- Webbed skin
- Webbed toes
- Webbing of skin
- Weight loss
- Welts
- Welts often start as itchy patches that turn into swollen welts
- Welts that form in minutes to hours
- Wheals
- Wheals (small
- Wheezing
- Which can be severe
- Which is excessive sweating on the cheek
- Which may be severe
- Which may result in the eyes being very sensitive to light (photophobia)
- Which may swell over time
- White
- White hair
- White spots
- White spots on skin
- Whiteheads
- Whites of the eyes
- Whites of your eyes and nail beds turn blue-gr
- Whitish patches on skin over genitalia common in menopausal women
- Whorled or mottled patches of skin on the arms
- Wide nasal bridge
- Wrinkled patches
- Wrinkly skin
- Wrist
- Wrist or ankle
- Wrists