The following Conditions are related to Neck
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- What is acanthotic nevus? Keratosis is a skin disorder usually characterized by discolored lesions that appear to be "stuck on" the skin surface. Warts may appear and skin is often oily or greasy. These skin lesions are sometimes mistaken for cancerous growths a...
What are the symptoms for acanthotic nevus? - What is actinic keratosis? actinic keratosis (ak-TIN-ik ker-uh-TOE-sis) is a rough, scaly patch on your skin that develops from years of exposure to the sun. It's most commonly found on your face, lips, ears, back of your hands, forearms, scalp or neck. Also know...
What are the symptoms for actinic keratosis? - What is angina? is angina? The heart is the pump responsible for circulating blood throughout the body. Myocardium (myo=muscle + cardium=muscle) is the heart muscle that contracts to pump that blood and like any other muscle, it requires oxygen rich ...
What are the symptoms for angina? - What is angina? heart is the pump responsible for circulating blood throughout the body. Myocardium (myo=muscle + cardium=muscle) is the heart muscle that contracts to pump that blood and like any other muscle, it requires oxygen rich blood for energy. Angina...
What are the symptoms for angina? - What is ankylosing spondylitis? spondylitis facts Ankylosing spondylitis belongs to a group of arthritis conditions that tend to cause chronic inflammation of the spine (spondyloarthropathies). Ankylosing spondylitis affects males two to three...
What are the symptoms for ankylosing spondylitis? - What is atopic dermatitis? dermatitis facts Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema. The disease may be inherited and genetically determined. The patient's skin may be "super sensitive" to many irritants. Dry, scaly patches ...
What are the symptoms for atopic dermatitis? - What is campomelic dysplasia? dysplasia is a severe disorder that affects the development of the skeleton and reproductive system. This condition is often life-threatening in the newborn period. The term "campomelic" comes from the Greek words for "bent limb." Affec...
What are the symptoms for campomelic dysplasia? - What is carate? is a rare infectious tropical disease affecting the skin that is caused by the bacterium Treponema carateum, which is transmitted by direct, nonsexual contact. Pinta progresses through three distinct stages, which are characterized by variou...
What are the symptoms for carate? - What is cryptococcosis lung? is a fungus that is found in soil all over the world, usually in association with bird droppings. Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common Cryptococcus species that causes illness in humans. Cryptococcus gattii, a less common specie...
What are the symptoms for cryptococcosis lung? - What is cylindroma? cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a relatively rare form of cancer that most commonly develops in the salivary glands or other regions of the head and neck. In some cases, ACC may arise in other primary sites, such as the skin; the breast; the nec...
What are the symptoms for cylindroma? - What is cysts? facts Cysts are closed sac-like or capsule structures that may be filled with semisolid material, gaseous material, or liquid. There are several causes of cysts, including genetic, infectious, and other causes that resu...
What are the symptoms for cysts? - What is doc 16 (unilateral hemidysplasia type)? syndrome (an acronym for congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects) is an inherited disorder, affecting primarily women, that is characterized by ichthyosis-like skin abnormalities and limb defects on one side...
What are the symptoms for doc 16 (unilateral hemidysplasia type)? - What is down syndrome? syndrome is a genetic disorder and the most common autosomal chromosome abnormality in humans, where extra genetic material from chromosome 21 is transferred to a newly formed embryo. These extra genes and DNA cause changes in the development...
What are the symptoms for down syndrome? - What is dyschondrosteosis? is a very rare inherited disorder characterized by unusually shortened, bowed bones in the forearms (radius and ulna), abnormal deviation of the wrist toward the thumb side of the hand due to shortening of the radius and dislocat...
What are the symptoms for dyschondrosteosis? - What is empeines? is a rare infectious tropical disease affecting the skin that is caused by the bacterium Treponema carateum, which is transmitted by direct, nonsexual contact. Pinta progresses through three distinct stages, which are characterized by variou...
What are the symptoms for empeines? - What is encephalitis and meningitis? is an inflammation of the brain. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes (called meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord. Both infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses and rarely a fungus. ...
What are the symptoms for encephalitis and meningitis? - What is erythema multiforme? multiforme (EM) is the name applied to a group of hypersensitivity disorders, affecting mostly children and young adults, and characterized by symmetric red, patchy lesions, primarily on the arms and legs. The cause is unknown, but EM fre...
What are the symptoms for erythema multiforme? - What is european blastomycosis? is caused by a fungus known as Cryptococcosis neoformans. The infection may be spread to humans through contact with pigeon droppings or unwashed raw fruit. Contact with an infected individual may also spread the infection. Individu...
What are the symptoms for european blastomycosis? - What is facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy? muscular dystrophy (FSHD), also known as Landouzy-Dejerine muscular dystrophy, is a neuromuscular disorder. Symptom onset usually occurs in adolescence or early adulthood; however, less commonly, symptoms may become apparent as...
What are the symptoms for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy? - What is Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)? influenzae type b (Hib) is a type of bacteria that can cause serious infections, particularly in young children. It can lead to illnesses such as meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis. The Hib vaccine is highly effective in preventin...
- What is harrington syndrome? 10, monosomy 10p is a rare chromosomal disorder in which the end (distal) portion of the short arm (p) of chromosome 10 is missing (deleted or monosomic). The range and severity of symptoms and findings may be variable, depending upon t...
What are the symptoms for harrington syndrome? - What is heat rash? rash facts Heat rash occurs when the skin's sweat glands are blocked and the sweat produced cannot get to the surface of the skin to evaporate. This causes inflammation that results in a rash. Common symptoms of heat ...
What are the symptoms for heat rash? - What is histoplasmosis? is an infection caused by the fungus Histoplasma. The fungus can be found in the environment, particularly in soil with a high concentration of bird or bat droppings. Histoplasma is mostly found in the central and eastern United Sta...
What are the symptoms for histoplasmosis? - What is ichthyosis x linked? ichthyosis is a genetic skin disorder that affects males. It is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme steroid sulfatase. Under normal conditions, this enzyme breaks down (metabolizes) cholesterol sulfat...
What are the symptoms for ichthyosis x linked? - What is infantile spinal muscular atrophy? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for infantile spinal muscular atrophy? - What is larynx cancer (throat cancer)? is cancer? Cancer begins in cells, the building blocks that make up tissues. Tissues make up the larynx and the other organs of the body. Normal cells grow and divide to form new cells as the body needs them. When normal cells...
What are the symptoms for larynx cancer (throat cancer)? - What is launois-bensaude?'s disease is a disorder of fat metabolism (lipid storage) that results in an unusual accumulation of fat deposits around the neck and shoulder areas. Adult alcoholic males are most often affected, although women and those who do not drink...
What are the symptoms for launois-bensaude? - What is lichen urticatus? urticaria, usually called hives, is characterized by large numbers of very itchy red bumps (papules) that come and go every few days over a period of a month or so. The bumps are usually between 0.2 and 2 cm. in size and some may develop i...
What are the symptoms for lichen urticatus? - What is lindau disease? Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by the abnormal growth of blood vessels in certain parts of the body (angiomatosis). Very small blood vessels (capillaries) "knot" together to form benign gro...
What are the symptoms for lindau disease? - What is lipoma? lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situated between your skin and the underlying muscle layer. A lipoma, which feels doughy and usually isn't tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure. Lipomas are usually detected in ...
What are the symptoms for lipoma? - What is listeriosis (listeria monocytogenes infection)? is an infection caused by a gram-positive motile bacterium named Listeria monocytogenes. The infection produces fever, muscle aches, and, in many people, diarrhea. Severe infections can cause headaches, meningitis, convulsions, and dea...
What are the symptoms for listeriosis (listeria monocytogenes infection)? - What is male turner syndrome? syndrome is a common genetic disorder that is typically evident at birth (congenital). The disorder is characterized by a wide spectrum of symptoms and physical features that vary greatly in range and severity. In many affected individuals,...
What are the symptoms for male turner syndrome? - What is meningitis? is an inflammation of the brain. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes (called meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord. Both infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses and rarely a fung...
What are the symptoms for meningitis? - What is Meningococcal disease? disease is a serious bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis. It can lead to meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord) and septicemia (blood poisoning). Meningococcal ...
Is there a cure/medications for Meningococcal disease? - What is mmr syndrome? retardation (MMR) syndrome, otherwise known as Neuhauser syndrome, is an extremely rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the eye, several degrees of cognitive impairment, and a wide variety of addi...
What are the symptoms for mmr syndrome? - What is monosomy x? syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder that affects females. The disorder is characterized by partial or complete loss (monosomy) of one of the X chromosomes. Turner syndrome is highly variable and can differ dramatically from one person t...
What are the symptoms for monosomy x? - What is moravcsik-marinesco-sjogren syndrome? syndrome (MSS) is a rare genetic disorder that affects multiple organ systems of the body. Common symptoms include difficulty coordinating voluntary movements due to degeneration (atrophy) of the cerebellum (cerebellar ataxia), c...
What are the symptoms for moravcsik-marinesco-sjogren syndrome? - What is morquio disease? syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type IV; MPS IV) is a mucopolysaccharide storage disease that exists in two forms (Morquio syndromes A and B) and occurs because of a deficiency of the enzymes N-acetyl-galactosamine-6-sulfatase and beta-gal...
What are the symptoms for morquio disease? - What is morquio syndrome? syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type IV; MPS IV) is a mucopolysaccharide storage disease that exists in two forms (Morquio syndromes A and B) and occurs because of a deficiency of the enzymes N-acetyl-galactosamine-6-sulfatase and beta-gal...
What are the symptoms for morquio syndrome? - What is morvan disease -- syringomyelia? is a neurological disorder characterized by the formation of a fluid-filled cyst (syrinx) within the spinal cord. This cyst may, for unknown reasons, expand during adolescence or the young adult years, destroying the center of the sp...
What are the symptoms for morvan disease -- syringomyelia? - What is mps disorder type vii?, which are also known as mucopolysaccharide storage (MPS) diseases, are a group of rare genetic disorders caused by the deficiency of one of ten specific lysosomal enzymes. The lysosomes are particles bound in membranes withi...
What are the symptoms for mps disorder type vii? - What is mucopolysaccharidosis iv? syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis type IV; MPS IV) is a mucopolysaccharide storage disease that exists in two forms (Morquio syndromes A and B) and occurs because of a deficiency of the enzymes N-acetyl-galactosamine-6-sulfatase and beta-gal...
What are the symptoms for mucopolysaccharidosis iv? - What is mullerian duct-renal-cervicothoracic-upp...? (MRKH) syndrome is a rare disorder that affects women. It is characterized by the failure of the uterus and the vagina to develop properly in women who have normal ovarian function and normal external genitalia. Wome...
What are the symptoms for mullerian duct-renal-cervicothoracic-upp...? - What is multiple epiphyseal dysplasia? epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) is a rare inherited spectrum of disorders characterized by malformation (dysplasia) of the "growing portion" or head of the long bones (epiphyses). Affected individuals may have an abnormally short thighbone (fe...
What are the symptoms for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia? - What is multiple pterygium syndrome? pterygium syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder characterized by minor facial anomalies, short stature, vertebral defects, multiple joints in a fixed position (contractures) and webbing (pterygia) of the neck, inside bend of the elbows...
What are the symptoms for multiple pterygium syndrome? - What is neck pain (cervical pain)? located in the neck is a common medical condition. Neck pain can come from a number of disorders and diseases and can involve any of the tissues in the neck. Examples of common conditions causing neck pain are degenerative disc disease, neck ...
What are the symptoms for neck pain (cervical pain)? - What is Oral Cancer? cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It can occur in the lips, tongue, gums, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, or the inner lining of the cheeks and throat. Oral cancer is often linked to tobacc...
- What is panmyelopathy? aplastic anemia is a rare disorder caused by profound, almost complete bone marrow failure. Bone marrow is the spongy substance found in the center of the bones of the body, in adults mainly the spine, pelvis, and large bones of the legs....
What are the symptoms for panmyelopathy? - What is pericarditis? is pericarditis? The heart muscle has a tight covering that surrounds it, a lining sac called the pericardium (peri=around +cardium=heart). This sac actually has two layers. The visceral pericardium is only one cell layer thick and fi...
What are the symptoms for pericarditis? - What is Polio?, short for poliomyelitis, is a highly contagious viral infection that can lead to paralysis, muscle weakness, and in severe cases, death. It primarily affects children under the age of 5. The virus is spread through contaminated food and wat...
What are the risk factors for Polio? - What is polymyalgia rheumatica? rheumatica and giant cell arteritis facts Polymyalgia rheumatica causes pain and stiffness in muscles and joints. Polymyalgia rheumatica is diagnosed by characteristic symptoms associated with abnormal blood te...
What are the symptoms for polymyalgia rheumatica? - What is recessive x-linked ichthyosis? ichthyosis is a genetic skin disorder that affects males. It is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme steroid sulfatase. Under normal conditions, this enzyme breaks down (metabolizes) cholesterol sulfat...
What are the symptoms for recessive x-linked ichthyosis? - What is recessive x-linked ichthyosis? ichthyosis is a genetic skin disorder that affects males. It is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme steroid sulfatase. Under normal conditions, this enzyme breaks down (metabolizes) cholesterol sulfat...
What are the symptoms for recessive x-linked ichthyosis? - What is rosai-dorfman disease? disease is a rare disorder characterized by overproduction (proliferation) and accumulation of a specific type of white blood cell (histiocyte) in the lymph nodes of the body (lymphadenopathy), most often those of the neck (cervical ...
What are the symptoms for rosai-dorfman disease? - What is salivosudoriparous syndrome? syndrome is a rare disorder that most often occurs as a result of surgery in the area near the parotid glands. The parotid glands are the largest salivary glands in the body located just below the ears on either side of the face. The main sym...
What are the symptoms for salivosudoriparous syndrome? - What is spinal chordoma? are very rare primary bone tumors that can arise at almost any point along the axis of the spine from the base of the skull to the sacrum and coccyx (tailbone). The incidence of chordoma in the general U.S. population is about 8 per 10,0...
What are the symptoms for spinal chordoma? - What is spinal headaches? headaches are a fairly common complication in those who undergo a spinal tap (lumbar puncture) or spinal anesthesia. Both procedures require a puncture of the membrane that surrounds the spinal cord and, in the lower spine, the lumbar and s...
What are the symptoms for spinal headaches? - What is sweet syndrome? syndrome is a rare skin disorder characterized by fever, inflammation of the joints (arthritis), and the sudden onset of a rash. The rash consists of bluish-red, tender papules that usually occur on the arms, legs, face or neck, most often o...
What are the symptoms for sweet syndrome? - What is the heart and vascular disease? disease includes any condition that affects the circulatory system. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the bo...
What are the symptoms for the heart and vascular disease? - What is the heart and vascular disease? disease includes any condition that affects the circulatory system. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the bo...
What are the symptoms for the heart and vascular disease? - What is thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)? outlet syndrome is a condition whereby symptoms are produced from compression of nerves or blood vessels, or both, because of an inadequate passageway through an area (thoracic outlet) between the base of the neck and the armpit. ...
What are the symptoms for thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)? - What is tinea versicolor? versicolor is a common fungal infection of the skin. The fungus interferes with the normal pigmentation of the skin, resulting in small, discolored patches. These patches may be lighter or darker in color than the surrounding skin and most c...
What are the symptoms for tinea versicolor? - What is torsion dystonia? is a group of movement disorders that vary in their symptoms, causes, progression, and treatments. This group of neurological conditions is generally characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that force the body into abnormal, some...
What are the symptoms for torsion dystonia? - What is torticollis? dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a rare neurological disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions in the neck that cause abnormal movements and postures of the neck and head. In some cases, these abnormal con...
What are the symptoms for torticollis? - What is torular meningitis? is caused by a fungus known as Cryptococcosis neoformans. The infection may be spread to humans through contact with pigeon droppings or unwashed raw fruit. Contact with an infected individual may also spread the infection. Individu...
What are the symptoms for torular meningitis? - What is torulosis? is an airborne disease. It is more famously referred to as cryptococcosis. When you inhale infected dust, torulosis slowly spreads throughout your lungs, presenting as pneumonia. It could potentially be fatal. Sometimes, i...
What are the symptoms for torulosis? - What is trigonocephaly syndrome? syndrome, also known as Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome, is a rare disorder transmitted as a result of "gonadal mosaicism". Mosaicism refers to a condition in which a person has cells that differ from each other in genetic makeup. The difference i...
What are the symptoms for trigonocephaly syndrome? - What is weil syndrome? syndrome, a rare infectious disorder, is a severe form of the bacterial infection caused by Leptospira bacteria known as leptospirosis. Weil syndrome is characterized by dysfunction of the kidneys and liver, abnormal enlargement of the liver ...
What are the symptoms for weil syndrome? - What is whiplash? is a relatively common injury that is often ignored or mistreated due to lack of understanding of the condition. Whiplash is usually the result of a rear impact while in a stationary position. Early range of motio...
What are the symptoms for whiplash?
Conditions & Treatments 414 results
What are the causes for acanthotic nevus?
What are the treatments for acanthotic nevus?
What are the risk factors for acanthotic nevus?
Is there a cure/medications for acanthotic nevus?
What are the causes for actinic keratosis?
What are the treatments for actinic keratosis?
What are the risk factors for actinic keratosis?
Is there a cure/medications for actinic keratosis?
What are the causes for angina?
What are the treatments for angina?
What are the risk factors for angina?
Is there a cure/medications for angina?
What are the causes for angina?
What are the treatments for angina?
What are the risk factors for angina?
Is there a cure/medications for angina?
What are the causes for ankylosing spondylitis?
What are the treatments for ankylosing spondylitis?
What are the risk factors for ankylosing spondylitis?
Is there a cure/medications for ankylosing spondylitis?
What are the causes for atopic dermatitis?
What are the treatments for atopic dermatitis?
What are the risk factors for atopic dermatitis?
Is there a cure/medications for atopic dermatitis?
What are the causes for campomelic dysplasia?
What are the treatments for campomelic dysplasia?
What are the risk factors for campomelic dysplasia?
Is there a cure/medications for campomelic dysplasia?
What are the causes for carate?
What are the treatments for carate?
What are the risk factors for carate?
Is there a cure/medications for carate?
What are the causes for cryptococcosis lung?
What are the treatments for cryptococcosis lung?
What are the risk factors for cryptococcosis lung?
Is there a cure/medications for cryptococcosis lung?
What are the causes for cylindroma?
What are the treatments for cylindroma?
What are the risk factors for cylindroma?
Is there a cure/medications for cylindroma?
What are the causes for cysts?
What are the treatments for cysts?
What are the risk factors for cysts?
Is there a cure/medications for cysts?
What are the causes for doc 16 (unilateral hemidysplasia type)?
What are the treatments for doc 16 (unilateral hemidysplasia type)?
What are the risk factors for doc 16 (unilateral hemidysplasia type)?
Is there a cure/medications for doc 16 (unilateral hemidysplasia type)?
What are the causes for down syndrome?
What are the treatments for down syndrome?
What are the risk factors for down syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for down syndrome?
What are the causes for dyschondrosteosis?
What are the treatments for dyschondrosteosis?
What are the risk factors for dyschondrosteosis?
Is there a cure/medications for dyschondrosteosis?
What are the causes for empeines?
What are the treatments for empeines?
What are the risk factors for empeines?
Is there a cure/medications for empeines?
What are the causes for encephalitis and meningitis?
What are the treatments for encephalitis and meningitis?
What are the risk factors for encephalitis and meningitis?
Is there a cure/medications for encephalitis and meningitis?
What are the causes for erythema multiforme?
What are the treatments for erythema multiforme?
What are the risk factors for erythema multiforme?
Is there a cure/medications for erythema multiforme?
What are the causes for european blastomycosis?
What are the treatments for european blastomycosis?
What are the risk factors for european blastomycosis?
Is there a cure/medications for european blastomycosis?
What are the causes for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy?
What are the treatments for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy?
What are the risk factors for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy?
What are the causes for harrington syndrome?
What are the treatments for harrington syndrome?
What are the risk factors for harrington syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for harrington syndrome?
What are the causes for heat rash?
What are the treatments for heat rash?
What are the risk factors for heat rash?
Is there a cure/medications for heat rash?
What are the causes for histoplasmosis?
What are the treatments for histoplasmosis?
What are the risk factors for histoplasmosis?
Is there a cure/medications for histoplasmosis?
What are the causes for ichthyosis x linked?
What are the treatments for ichthyosis x linked?
What are the risk factors for ichthyosis x linked?
Is there a cure/medications for ichthyosis x linked?
What are the causes for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the treatments for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the risk factors for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the causes for larynx cancer (throat cancer)?
What are the treatments for larynx cancer (throat cancer)?
What are the risk factors for larynx cancer (throat cancer)?
Is there a cure/medications for larynx cancer (throat cancer)?
What are the causes for launois-bensaude?
What are the treatments for launois-bensaude?
What are the risk factors for launois-bensaude?
Is there a cure/medications for launois-bensaude?
What are the causes for lichen urticatus?
What are the treatments for lichen urticatus?
What are the risk factors for lichen urticatus?
Is there a cure/medications for lichen urticatus?
What are the causes for lindau disease?
What are the treatments for lindau disease?
What are the risk factors for lindau disease?
Is there a cure/medications for lindau disease?
What are the causes for lipoma?
What are the treatments for lipoma?
What are the risk factors for lipoma?
Is there a cure/medications for lipoma?
What are the causes for listeriosis (listeria monocytogenes infection)?
What are the treatments for listeriosis (listeria monocytogenes infection)?
What are the risk factors for listeriosis (listeria monocytogenes infection)?
Is there a cure/medications for listeriosis (listeria monocytogenes infection)?
What are the causes for male turner syndrome?
What are the treatments for male turner syndrome?
What are the risk factors for male turner syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for male turner syndrome?
What are the causes for meningitis?
What are the treatments for meningitis?
What are the risk factors for meningitis?
Is there a cure/medications for meningitis?
What are the causes for mmr syndrome?
What are the treatments for mmr syndrome?
What are the risk factors for mmr syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for mmr syndrome?
What are the causes for monosomy x?
What are the treatments for monosomy x?
What are the risk factors for monosomy x?
Is there a cure/medications for monosomy x?
What are the causes for moravcsik-marinesco-sjogren syndrome?
What are the treatments for moravcsik-marinesco-sjogren syndrome?
What are the risk factors for moravcsik-marinesco-sjogren syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for moravcsik-marinesco-sjogren syndrome?
What are the causes for morquio disease?
What are the treatments for morquio disease?
What are the risk factors for morquio disease?
Is there a cure/medications for morquio disease?
What are the causes for morquio syndrome?
What are the treatments for morquio syndrome?
What are the risk factors for morquio syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for morquio syndrome?
What are the causes for morvan disease -- syringomyelia?
What are the treatments for morvan disease -- syringomyelia?
What are the risk factors for morvan disease -- syringomyelia?
Is there a cure/medications for morvan disease -- syringomyelia?
What are the causes for mps disorder type vii?
What are the treatments for mps disorder type vii?
What are the risk factors for mps disorder type vii?
Is there a cure/medications for mps disorder type vii?
What are the causes for mucopolysaccharidosis iv?
What are the treatments for mucopolysaccharidosis iv?
What are the risk factors for mucopolysaccharidosis iv?
Is there a cure/medications for mucopolysaccharidosis iv?
What are the causes for mullerian duct-renal-cervicothoracic-upp...?
What are the treatments for mullerian duct-renal-cervicothoracic-upp...?
What are the risk factors for mullerian duct-renal-cervicothoracic-upp...?
Is there a cure/medications for mullerian duct-renal-cervicothoracic-upp...?
What are the causes for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia?
What are the treatments for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia?
What are the risk factors for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia?
Is there a cure/medications for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia?
What are the causes for multiple pterygium syndrome?
What are the treatments for multiple pterygium syndrome?
What are the risk factors for multiple pterygium syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for multiple pterygium syndrome?
What are the causes for neck pain (cervical pain)?
What are the treatments for neck pain (cervical pain)?
What are the risk factors for neck pain (cervical pain)?
Is there a cure/medications for neck pain (cervical pain)?
What are the causes for panmyelopathy?
What are the treatments for panmyelopathy?
What are the risk factors for panmyelopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for panmyelopathy?
What are the causes for pericarditis?
What are the treatments for pericarditis?
What are the risk factors for pericarditis?
Is there a cure/medications for pericarditis?
What are the treatments for Polio?
What are the causes for polymyalgia rheumatica?
What are the treatments for polymyalgia rheumatica?
What are the risk factors for polymyalgia rheumatica?
Is there a cure/medications for polymyalgia rheumatica?
What are the causes for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
What are the treatments for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
What are the risk factors for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
Is there a cure/medications for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
What are the causes for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
What are the treatments for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
What are the risk factors for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
Is there a cure/medications for recessive x-linked ichthyosis?
What are the causes for rosai-dorfman disease?
What are the treatments for rosai-dorfman disease?
What are the risk factors for rosai-dorfman disease?
Is there a cure/medications for rosai-dorfman disease?
What are the causes for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
What are the treatments for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
What are the risk factors for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
What are the causes for spinal chordoma?
What are the treatments for spinal chordoma?
What are the risk factors for spinal chordoma?
Is there a cure/medications for spinal chordoma?
What are the causes for spinal headaches?
What are the treatments for spinal headaches?
What are the risk factors for spinal headaches?
Is there a cure/medications for spinal headaches?
What are the causes for sweet syndrome?
What are the treatments for sweet syndrome?
What are the risk factors for sweet syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for sweet syndrome?
What are the causes for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the treatments for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the risk factors for the heart and vascular disease?
Is there a cure/medications for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the causes for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the treatments for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the risk factors for the heart and vascular disease?
Is there a cure/medications for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the causes for thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)?
What are the treatments for thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)?
What are the risk factors for thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)?
Is there a cure/medications for thoracic outlet syndrome (tos)?
What are the causes for tinea versicolor?
What are the treatments for tinea versicolor?
What are the risk factors for tinea versicolor?
Is there a cure/medications for tinea versicolor?
What are the causes for torsion dystonia?
What are the treatments for torsion dystonia?
What are the risk factors for torsion dystonia?
Is there a cure/medications for torsion dystonia?
What are the causes for torticollis?
What are the treatments for torticollis?
What are the risk factors for torticollis?
Is there a cure/medications for torticollis?
What are the causes for torular meningitis?
What are the treatments for torular meningitis?
What are the risk factors for torular meningitis?
Is there a cure/medications for torular meningitis?
What are the causes for torulosis?
What are the treatments for torulosis?
What are the risk factors for torulosis?
Is there a cure/medications for torulosis?
What are the causes for trigonocephaly syndrome?
What are the treatments for trigonocephaly syndrome?
What are the risk factors for trigonocephaly syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for trigonocephaly syndrome?
What are the causes for weil syndrome?
What are the treatments for weil syndrome?
What are the risk factors for weil syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for weil syndrome?
What are the causes for whiplash?
What are the treatments for whiplash?
What are the risk factors for whiplash?
Is there a cure/medications for whiplash?