The following Conditions are related to Seizures
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- What is acanthocytosis-neurologic disorder? is a general term for a group of rare progressive disorders characterized by the association of misshapen, spiny red blood cells (acanthocytosis) and neurological abnormalities, especially movement disorders. Chorea, which is c...
What are the symptoms for acanthocytosis-neurologic disorder? - What is aicardi syndrome? syndrome is an extremely rare genetic disorder. Almost all people with Aicardi syndrome are females. Individuals with Aicardi syndrome have agenesis of the corpus callosum, chorioretinal lacunae and seizures. Agenesis of the corpus callosu...
What are the symptoms for aicardi syndrome? - What is alpers disease? disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that begins during childhood and is complicated in many instances by serious liver disease. Symptoms include increased muscle tone with exaggerated reflexes (spasticity), seizures, and loss of co...
What are the symptoms for alpers disease? - What is arachnoid cysts? cysts are fluid-filled sacs that occur on the arachnoid membrane that covers the brain (intracranial) and the spinal cord (spinal). There are three membranes covering these parts of the central nervous system: the dura mater, arachnoid, ...
What are the symptoms for arachnoid cysts? - What is argininosuccinic aciduria? aciduria is a rare inherited disorder characterized by deficiency or lack of the enzyme argininosuccinate lyase (ASL). Argininosuccinate lyase is one of six enzymes that play a role in the breakdown and removal of nitrogen from th...
What are the symptoms for argininosuccinic aciduria? - What is autosomal dominant long qt syndrome? syndrome is an inherited heart (cardiac) disorder characterized by abnormalities affecting the electrical system of the heart. The severity of Romano-Ward syndrome varies greatly from case to case. Some individuals may have no apparent...
What are the symptoms for autosomal dominant long qt syndrome? - What is axonal neuropathy, giant? axonal neuropathy is a rare neuropathy that severely affects the peripheral as well as the central nervous system. The first symptoms appear in early childhood. This disorder is characterized by abnormalities in the peripheral and central ne...
What are the symptoms for axonal neuropathy, giant? - What is balo disease? Disease is a rare and progressive variant of multiple sclerosis. It usually first appears in adulthood, but childhood cases have also been reported. While multiple sclerosis typically is a disease that waxes and wanes, Balo Disease is differe...
What are the symptoms for balo disease? - What is batten disease? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic disorders known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by the age a...
What are the symptoms for batten disease? - What is batten turner syndrome? Turner Type Congenital Myopathy is an extremely rare, inherited muscle disease (myopathy) and is characterized by the lack of muscle tone or floppiness at birth (congenital hypotonia). The symptoms of Batten Turner Type Congenital Myopathy ...
What are the symptoms for batten turner syndrome? - What is batten-mayou syndrome? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic disorders known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by the age a...
What are the symptoms for batten-mayou syndrome? - What is batten-spielmeyer-vogt\'s disease? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic disorders known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by the age a...
What are the symptoms for batten-spielmeyer-vogt\'s disease? - What is brain cancer? is brain cancer? Brain cancer is a disease of the brain in which cancer cells (malignant cells) arise in the brain tissue. Cancer cells grow to form a mass of cancer tissue (tumor) that interferes with brain functions such as muscle c...
What are the symptoms for brain cancer? - What is brain tumor? brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain. Many different types of brain tumors exist. Some brain tumors are noncancerous (benign), and some brain tumors are cancerous (malignant). Brain tumors can begin in your bra...
What are the symptoms for brain tumor? - What is brain, micropolygyria? type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) is one of several forms of a rare type of muscular dystrophy known as congenital muscular dystrophy. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Symptoms of this disorder are apparent at birt...
What are the symptoms for brain, micropolygyria? - What is branched chain ketonuria i? syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by deficiency of certain enzymes (branched-chain alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase complex) required to breakdown (metabolize) specific amino acids in the body. Because these am...
What are the symptoms for branched chain ketonuria i? - What is c syndrome? is metabolic syndrome? Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic risk factors that come together in a single individual. These metabolic factors include insulin resistance, hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol abnormalit...
What are the symptoms for c syndrome? - What is cerebral palsy? palsy facts Cerebral palsy (CP) is an abnormality of motor function, the ability to move and control movements. Cerebral palsy is acquired at an early age, usually less than a year of age. Cerebral palsy...
What are the symptoms for cerebral palsy? - What is childhood giant axonal neuropathy? axonal neuropathy is a rare neuropathy that severely affects the peripheral as well as the central nervous system. The first symptoms appear in early childhood. This disorder is characterized by abnormalities in the peripheral and central ne...
What are the symptoms for childhood giant axonal neuropathy? - What is cps deficiency? phosphate synthetase I deficiency (CPSID) is a rare inherited disorder characterized by complete or partial lack of the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) enzyme. This is one of five enzymes that play a role in the breakdown and remova...
What are the symptoms for cps deficiency? - What is craniofacial syndrome? 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is associated with a range of problems including: congenital heart disease, palate abnormalities, immune system dysfunction including autoimmune disease, low calcium (hypocalcemia) and other endocrine abnormali...
What are the symptoms for craniofacial syndrome? - What is cryptococcosis lung? is a fungus that is found in soil all over the world, usually in association with bird droppings. Cryptococcus neoformans is the most common Cryptococcus species that causes illness in humans. Cryptococcus gattii, a less common specie...
What are the symptoms for cryptococcosis lung? - What is cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome? Barsy syndrome is a rare, autosomal recessive genetic disorder, the main characteristics of which are a prematurely aged-looking face (progeria), cloudy corneas, short stature, and mental retardation. The condition is expressed in variable pres...
What are the symptoms for cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome? - What is cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection)? (pork tapeworm infection) facts Cysticercosis is a parasitic disease caused by ingesting the eggs of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium. Humans are infected by ingesting raw or undercooked pork, and cysticercos...
What are the symptoms for cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection)? - What is cysts, arachnoid? cysts are fluid-filled sacs that occur on the arachnoid membrane that covers the brain (intracranial) and the spinal cord (spinal). There are three membranes covering these parts of the central nervous system: the dura mater, arachnoid, ...
What are the symptoms for cysts, arachnoid? - What is dawson\'s disease? sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). The disease may develop due to reactivation of the measles virus or an inappropriate immune response to th...
What are the symptoms for dawson\'s disease? - What is dawson\'s encephalitis? sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). The disease may develop due to reactivation of the measles virus or an inappropriate immune response to th...
What are the symptoms for dawson\'s encephalitis? - What is de morsier syndrome? syndrome of optic nerve hypoplasia (ONH), also known as septooptic dysplasia (SOD) or DeMorsier syndrome, is a congenital disorder characterized by underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the optic nerves. The optic nerves transmit impulses from the ...
What are the symptoms for de morsier syndrome? - What is dehydration? facts The body needs water to function. Dehydration occurs when water intake is less than water loss. Symptoms range from mild to life-threatening. The young and the elderly are especially s...
What are the symptoms for dehydration? - What is dup(5p) syndrome? 5p is a rare chromosomal disorder in which all or a portion of the short arm (p) of chromosome 5 (5p) appears three times (trisomy) rather than twice in cells of the body. Often the duplicated portion of 5p (trisomy) is due to a complex re...
What are the symptoms for dup(5p) syndrome? - What is encephalitis periaxialis diffusa? (en-sef-uh-LIE-tis) is inflammation of the brain. There are several causes, including viral infection, autoimmune inflammation, bacterial infection, insect bites and others. Sometimes there is no known cause. Encephalitis may ...
What are the symptoms for encephalitis periaxialis diffusa? - What is encephalitis, rasmussen\'s? encephalitis, sometimes referred to as Rasmussen syndrome, is a rare disorder of the central nervous system characterized by chronic inflammation (encephalitis) of one hemisphere of the brain. As a result, the patient experiences frequen...
What are the symptoms for encephalitis, rasmussen\'s? - What is epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial? myoclonus epilepsy (PME) is a group of conditions involving the central nervous system and representing more than a dozen different diseases. These diseases share certain features, including a worsening of symptoms over time and the pr...
What are the symptoms for epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial? - What is epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial? myoclonus epilepsy (PME) is a group of conditions involving the central nervous system and representing more than a dozen different diseases. These diseases share certain features, including a worsening of symptoms over time and the pr...
What are the symptoms for epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial? - What is epiloia? sclerosis is a rare genetic multisystem disorder that is typically apparent shortly after birth. The disorder may be characterized by episodes of uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain (seizures); mental retardation; distinctive sk...
What are the symptoms for epiloia? - What is fahr disease? idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (FIBGC) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal calcium deposits (calcifications) of unknown cause. Associated symptoms include progressive deterioration of cognitiv...
What are the symptoms for fahr disease? - What is fahr\'s disease? idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (FIBGC) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal calcium deposits (calcifications) of unknown cause. Associated symptoms include progressive deterioration of cognitiv...
What are the symptoms for fahr\'s disease? - What is febrile seizures? seizures are convulsions brought on by a fever in infants or small children. How common are febrile seizures? Approximately one in every 25 children will have at least one febrile seizure, and more than one-third of these c...
What are the symptoms for febrile seizures? - What is fucosidosis? is a rare genetic disorder characterized by deficiency of the enzyme alpha-L-fucosidase, which is required to break down (metabolize) certain complex compounds (e.g., fucose-containing glycolipids or fucose-containing glycoproteins). F...
What are the symptoms for fucosidosis? - What is fukuhara syndrome? (Myoclonus Epilepsy with Ragged-Red Fibers) syndrome is an extremely rare disorder that begins in childhood and affects the nervous system and skeletal muscle as well as other body systems. The distinguishing feature in MERRF is myoclonus, c...
What are the symptoms for fukuhara syndrome? - What is fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy? type congenital muscular dystrophy (FCMD) is one of several forms of a rare type of muscular dystrophy known as congenital muscular dystrophy. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. Symptoms of this disorder are apparent at birt...
What are the symptoms for fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy? - What is galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome? prolactinoma is a benign tumor of the pituitary gland (adenoma) that produces an excessive amount of the hormone prolactin. In women, hyperprolactinemia is characterized by irregular menstrual periods (amenorrhea), infertility and production of ...
What are the symptoms for galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome? - What is galactorrhea-amenorrhea without pregnancy? Castillo is a rare endocrine disorder affecting adult females, which is characterized by impairment in the function of the pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Symptoms may include the production of breast milk (lactation) not associated...
What are the symptoms for galactorrhea-amenorrhea without pregnancy? - What is galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis? - What is galactosylceramidase deficiency?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for galactosylceramidase deficiency? - What is galactosylceramide lipidosis?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for galactosylceramide lipidosis? - What is galloway mowat syndrome? Syndrome, which is also known as Microcephaly-Hiatal Hernia-Nephrotic Syndrome, is an extremely rare genetic disorder that is characterized by a variety of physical and developmental abnormalities. Physical features may include an u...
What are the symptoms for galloway mowat syndrome? - What is galloway syndrome? Syndrome, which is also known as Microcephaly-Hiatal Hernia-Nephrotic Syndrome, is an extremely rare genetic disorder that is characterized by a variety of physical and developmental abnormalities. Physical features may include an u...
What are the symptoms for galloway syndrome? - What is garies-mason syndrome? syndrome is an inherited, X-linked disorder occurring in males that primarily affects the nervous system. The disease is mainly characterized by hydrocephalus (increased fluid in the center of the brain), spasticity of the lower limbs (muscle s...
What are the symptoms for garies-mason syndrome? - What is giant axonal disease? axonal neuropathy is a rare neuropathy that severely affects the peripheral as well as the central nervous system. The first symptoms appear in early childhood. This disorder is characterized by abnormalities in the peripheral and central ne...
What are the symptoms for giant axonal disease? - What is giant axonal neuropathy? axonal neuropathy is a rare neuropathy that severely affects the peripheral as well as the central nervous system. The first symptoms appear in early childhood. This disorder is characterized by abnormalities in the peripheral and central ne...
What are the symptoms for giant axonal neuropathy? - What is globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy? - What is glycogenosis type iv? disease belongs to a group of rare genetic disorders of glycogen metabolism, known as glycogen storage diseases. Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate that is converted into the simple sugar glucose for the body's use as energy. Glycogen sto...
What are the symptoms for glycogenosis type iv? - What is greenfield disease? leukodystrophy, the most common form of leukodystrophy, is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder affecting the white matter of the brain (leukoencephalopathy). It is characterized by the accumulation of a fatty substance known as ...
What are the symptoms for greenfield disease? - What is group b strep infection? B strep facts Group B strep are bacteria found normally in the intestine, vagina, and rectal area in about 25% of all healthy women. Group B strep infections can affect neonates and adults. Most pregnant wo...
What are the symptoms for group b strep infection? - What is hie syndrome? recessive hyper IgE syndrome (AR-HIES) is a very rare primary immunodeficiency disorder. Symptoms often become apparent at birth or early during infancy or childhood. The disorder is characterized by the triad of highly elevated levels o...
What are the symptoms for hie syndrome? - What is hirschsprung disease syndrome? syndrome (MWS) is a rare genetic disorder that may be apparent at birth or later in childhood. MWS is characterized by intellectual disability, distinctive facial features and seizures. Other congenital anomalies occur in some individ...
What are the symptoms for hirschsprung disease syndrome? - What is hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome? syndrome (MWS) is a rare genetic disorder that may be apparent at birth or later in childhood. MWS is characterized by intellectual disability, distinctive facial features and seizures. Other congenital anomalies occur in some individ...
What are the symptoms for hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome? - What is holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency? deficiency (BTD) is a treatable, metabolic disorder that is the result of a low concentration, or complete lack, of the enzyme, biotinidase. Biotinidase deficiency is an inherited disorder in which the body is not able to properly proc...
What are the symptoms for holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency? - What is holoprosencephaly? (HPE) is the failure of the prosencephalon, or forebrain, to develop normally. The forebrain is a region of the brain in the fetus that develops into parts of the adult brain, including the cerebral cortex. Instead of the normal ...
What are the symptoms for holoprosencephaly? - What is hydrocephalus? is a condition characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. Hydrocephalus may be congenital or acquired. Communicating hydrocephalus occurs when cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can still flow amon...
What are the symptoms for hydrocephalus? - What is hyper-beta carnosinemia? is a very rare inherited metabolic disorder characterized by impaired neurological function and developmental delays. Symptoms that begin during infancy may include drowsiness, seizures that may be accompanied by involuntary jerking m...
What are the symptoms for hyper-beta carnosinemia? - What is hyperammonemia due to carbamylphosphate? phosphate synthetase I deficiency (CPSID) is a rare inherited disorder characterized by complete or partial lack of the carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) enzyme. This is one of five enzymes that play a role in the breakdown and remova...
What are the symptoms for hyperammonemia due to carbamylphosphate? - What is hyperammonemia due to ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency? transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency is a rare X-linked genetic disorder characterized by complete or partial lack of the enzyme ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC). OTC is one of six enzymes that play a role in the break down and removal of n...
What are the symptoms for hyperammonemia due to ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency? - What is ichthyosis hystrix gravior? nevus syndromes (ENSs) are a group of rare complex disorders characterized by the presence of skin lesions known as epidermal nevi associated with additional extra-cutaneous abnormalities, most often affecting the brain, eye and skeletal...
What are the symptoms for ichthyosis hystrix gravior? - What is infantile acquired aphasia? Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is a childhood disorder characterized by the loss of comprehension and expression of verbal language (aphasia) in association with severely abnormal electroencephalic (EEG) findings that often result in seizures....
What are the symptoms for infantile acquired aphasia? - What is infantile epileptic encephalopathy? syndrome is a type of epilepsy characterized by spasms, abnormal brain wave patterns called hypsarrhythmia and sometimes mental retardation. The spasms that occur may range from violent jackknife or "salaam" movements where the whole body ben...
What are the symptoms for infantile epileptic encephalopathy? - What is infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic diseases known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL). These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by ...
What are the symptoms for infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis? - What is infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic diseases known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL). These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by ...
What are the symptoms for infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis? - What is ito hypomelanosis? of Ito is a rare condition characterized by distinctive skin changes, in which areas of the body lack skin color (hypopigmentation). These skin changes may present as patches, streaks or spiral-shaped (whorled) areas. In many cases, ...
What are the symptoms for ito hypomelanosis? - What is jackknife convulsion? syndrome is a type of epilepsy characterized by spasms, abnormal brain wave patterns called hypsarrhythmia and sometimes mental retardation. The spasms that occur may range from violent jackknife or "salaam" movements where the whole body ben...
What are the symptoms for jackknife convulsion? - What is Japanese Encephalitis? enenchephalitis is a viral infection that is transmitted through the bite of infected mosquitoes. It is a type of encephalitis, which is inflammation of the brain. Symptoms of Japanese encephalitis can include fever, headache, vomiting, c...
What are the risk factors for Japanese Encephalitis? - What is jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome? DiscussionJervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) is a rare inherited disorder characterized by deafness present at birth (congenital) occurring in association with abnormalities affecting the electrical system of the heart. The...
What are the symptoms for jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome? - What is kenny caffey syndrome? syndrome type 2 (KCS2) is an extremely rare hereditary skeletal disorder characterized by thickening of the long bones, thin marrow cavities in the bones (medullary stenosis), and abnormalities affecting the head and eyes. Most cases ...
What are the symptoms for kenny caffey syndrome? - What is kenny disease? syndrome type 2 (KCS2) is an extremely rare hereditary skeletal disorder characterized by thickening of the long bones, thin marrow cavities in the bones (medullary stenosis), and abnormalities affecting the head and eyes. Most cases ...
What are the symptoms for kenny disease? - What is kluver bucy syndrome? syndrome is a very rare cerebral neurological disorder associated with damage to both temporal lobes resulting in abnormalities in memory, social and sexual functioning and idiosyncratic behaviors....
What are the symptoms for kluver bucy syndrome? - What is landau kleffner syndrome? Kleffner syndrome (LKS) is a childhood disorder characterized by the loss of comprehension and expression of verbal language (aphasia) in association with severely abnormal electroencephalic (EEG) findings that often result in seizures....
What are the symptoms for landau kleffner syndrome? - What is le jeune syndrome? du chat syndrome (CdCS or 5p-) is a rare genetic disorder in which a variable portion of the short arm of chromosome 5 is missing or deleted (monosomic). Symptoms vary greatly from case to case depending upon the exact size and location of the...
What are the symptoms for le jeune syndrome? - What is Leukoedema? is a benign condition that affects the mucous membranes inside the mouth, causing them to appear white or grayish in color. It is often mistaken for oral thrush or leukoplakia, but it is actually a harmless and temporary condition that ...
What are the treatments for Leukoedema? - What is linear nevus sebacous syndrome? nevus syndromes (ENSs) are a group of rare complex disorders characterized by the presence of skin lesions known as epidermal nevi associated with additional extra-cutaneous abnormalities, most often affecting the brain, eye and skeletal...
What are the symptoms for linear nevus sebacous syndrome? - What is linear sebaceous nevus sequence? nevus syndromes (ENSs) are a group of rare complex disorders characterized by the presence of skin lesions known as epidermal nevi associated with additional extra-cutaneous abnormalities, most often affecting the brain, eye and skeletal...
What are the symptoms for linear sebaceous nevus sequence? - What is lipid storage disease? Dorfman syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder of fat (lipid) metabolism. It is characterized by scaly skin (ichthyosis), degeneration of the muscles (myopathy), and abnormal white blood cells with small spaces (vacuoles) filled with fat ...
What are the symptoms for lipid storage disease? - What is lissencephaly? lissencephaly, also known as lissencephaly type I, is a brain malformation that may occur as an isolated abnormality (isolated lissencephaly sequence [ILS]) or in association with certain underlying syndromes (e.g., Miller-Dieker syndrom...
What are the symptoms for lissencephaly? - What is lissencephaly type i? lissencephaly, also known as lissencephaly type I, is a brain malformation that may occur as an isolated abnormality (isolated lissencephaly sequence [ILS]) or in association with certain underlying syndromes (e.g., Miller-Dieker syndrom...
What are the symptoms for lissencephaly type i? - What is lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency? is a rare genetic disorder characterized by a deficiency of the enzyme alpha-D-mannosidase. Alpha-mannosidosis is best thought of as a continuum of disease that is generally broken down into three forms: a mild, slowly progressi...
What are the symptoms for lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency? - What is meningitis? is an inflammation of the brain. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes (called meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord. Both infections can be caused by bacteria or viruses and rarely a fung...
What are the symptoms for meningitis? - What is microcephaly? is a condition where the head (circumference) is smaller than normal. Microcephaly may be caused by genetic abnormalities or by drugs, alcohol, certain viruses, and toxins that are exposed to the fetus during pregnancy ...
What are the symptoms for microcephaly? - What is morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome? Frontalis Interna is characterized by the thickening of the frontal bone of the skull. It is not clear that this disorder is actually rare. Some clinicians believe that it may be a common abnormality found in as many as 12 percent of ...
What are the symptoms for morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome? - What is moya-moya disease? syndrome is a progressive disorder that affects the blood vessels in the brain (cerebrovascular). It is characterized by the narrowing (stenosis) and/or closing (occlusion) of the carotid artery inside the skull, the major artery that del...
What are the symptoms for moya-moya disease? - What is moyamoya syndrome? syndrome is a progressive disorder that affects the blood vessels in the brain (cerebrovascular). It is characterized by the narrowing (stenosis) and/or closing (occlusion) of the carotid artery inside the skull, the major artery that del...
What are the symptoms for moyamoya syndrome? - What is mucolipidosis iv? IV is a rare inherited metabolic disorder believed to be characterized by a deficiency of transport channel receptor protein, based upon the recent discovery of the Mucolipidosis IV gene. This deficiency may lead to the accumulation ...
What are the symptoms for mucolipidosis iv? - What is mucopolysaccharidosis type iii? Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS Disorders) are a group of rare genetic disorders caused by the deficiency of one of the lysosomal enzymes, resulting in an inability to metabolize complex carbohydrates (mucopolysaccharides) into simpler molecules. H...
What are the symptoms for mucopolysaccharidosis type iii? - What is multisynostotic osteodysgenesis? Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that is primarily characterized by distinctive malformations of the head and facial (craniofacial) area and additional skeletal abnormalities. For example, the disorder is typically associated with...
What are the symptoms for multisynostotic osteodysgenesis? - What is necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh? syndrome is a rare genetic neurometabolic disorder. It is characterized by the degeneration of the central nervous system (i.e., brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve). The symptoms of Leigh syndrome usually begin between the ages of three mon...
What are the symptoms for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh? - What is neonatal lupus erythematosus? DiscussionNeonatal lupus is a rare autoimmune disorder that is present at birth (congenital). Affected infants often develop a characteristic red rash or skin eruption. In addition, infants with neonatal lupus may develop liver di...
What are the symptoms for neonatal lupus erythematosus? - What is nonketotic hyperglycinemia? hyperglycinemia is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of the amino acid glycine in blood, urine and, particularly, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The metabolic block occurs in the conversion...
What are the symptoms for nonketotic hyperglycinemia? - What is pregnancy: preeclampsia and eclampsia? is a condition of during pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure (hypertension) and protein in the urine (proteinuria). Preeclampsia usually occurs after the 34th week of gestation, but it can develop after birth...
What are the symptoms for pregnancy: preeclampsia and eclampsia? - What is purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic? thrombocytopenia purpura (TTP) is a rare, serious blood disease. Major symptoms may include a severe decrease in the number of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia), abnormal destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia), and disturban...
What are the symptoms for purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic? - What is pyridoxine-dependent seizures? epilepsy (PDE) is a rare cause of stubborn, difficult to control, (intractable) seizures appearing in newborns, infants and occasionally older children, of which more than 200 cases have now been reported in the medical litera...
What are the symptoms for pyridoxine-dependent seizures? - What is rasmussen\'s syndrome? encephalitis, sometimes referred to as Rasmussen syndrome, is a rare disorder of the central nervous system characterized by chronic inflammation (encephalitis) of one hemisphere of the brain. As a result, the patient experiences frequen...
What are the symptoms for rasmussen\'s syndrome? - What is riley-day syndrome? dysautonomia is a rare genetic disorder of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that primarily affects people of Eastern European Jewish heritage. It is characterized by diminished sensitivity to pain, lack of overflow tearing in the eyes, ...
What are the symptoms for riley-day syndrome? - What is ring 21 chromosome? 21 Ring is a rare chromosomal disorder in which the affected infant has a breakage of chromosome 21 at both ends, and the ends of the chromosome join together to form a ring. The amount of genetic material lost at the two ends of the ch...
What are the symptoms for ring 21 chromosome? - What is santavuori disease? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic diseases known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL). These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by ...
What are the symptoms for santavuori disease? - What is santavuori-haltia disease? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic diseases known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL). These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by ...
What are the symptoms for santavuori-haltia disease? - What is short stature and facial telangiectasis? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by short stature; increased sensitivity to light (photosensitivity); multiple small dilated blood vessels on the face (facial telangiectasia), often resembling a butterfly in shape; immune de...
What are the symptoms for short stature and facial telangiectasis? - What is sneddon syndrome? DiscussionSneddon syndrome is a rare progressive disorder affecting the blood vessels characterized by the association of a skin condition and neurological abnormalities. Characteristics include multiple episodes of reduced blood ...
What are the symptoms for sneddon syndrome? - What is spielmeyer-vogt disease? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic disorders known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by the age a...
What are the symptoms for spielmeyer-vogt disease? - What is spielmeyer-vogt-batten syndrome? disease, a rare genetic disorder, belongs to a group of progressive degenerative neurometabolic disorders known as the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses. These disorders share certain similar symptoms and are distinguished in part by the age a...
What are the symptoms for spielmeyer-vogt-batten syndrome? - What is subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by inflammation of the brain (encephalitis). The disease may develop due to reactivation of the measles virus or an inappropriate immune response to th...
What are the symptoms for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis? - What is succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...? semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency is a rare inborn error of metabolism that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. In individuals with the disorder, deficient activity of the SSADH enzyme disrupts the metabolism of gamm...
What are the symptoms for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...? - What is succinylpurinemic autism? lyase deficiency (ASLD) is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder due to a lack of the enzyme adenylosuccinate lyase (ASL). The defect is characterized by the appearance of two unusual chemicals, succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide r...
What are the symptoms for succinylpurinemic autism? - What is sulfatide lipidosis? leukodystrophy, the most common form of leukodystrophy, is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder affecting the white matter of the brain (leukoencephalopathy). It is characterized by the accumulation of a fatty substance known as ...
What are the symptoms for sulfatide lipidosis? - What is taybi syndrome? DiscussionRubinstein-Taybi syndrome is a rare genetic multisystem disorder that affects many organ systems of the body. The group of findings (constellation) associated with this syndrome include growth retardation and delayed bon...
What are the symptoms for taybi syndrome? - What is wolf hirschhorn syndrome? syndrome is an extremely rare chromosomal disorder caused by a partial deletion (monosomy) of the short arm ("p") of chromosome 4. Major symptoms may include extremely wide-set eyes (ocular hypertelorism) with a broad or beaked nos...
What are the symptoms for wolf hirschhorn syndrome? - What is x-linked mental retardation-clasped thum...? syndrome is an inherited, X-linked disorder occurring in males that primarily affects the nervous system. The disease is mainly characterized by hydrocephalus (increased fluid in the center of the brain), spasticity of the lower limbs (muscle s...
What are the symptoms for x-linked mental retardation-clasped thum...?
Conditions & Treatments 690 results
What are the causes for acanthocytosis-neurologic disorder?
What are the treatments for acanthocytosis-neurologic disorder?
What are the risk factors for acanthocytosis-neurologic disorder?
Is there a cure/medications for acanthocytosis-neurologic disorder?
What are the causes for aicardi syndrome?
What are the treatments for aicardi syndrome?
What are the risk factors for aicardi syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for aicardi syndrome?
What are the causes for alpers disease?
What are the treatments for alpers disease?
What are the risk factors for alpers disease?
Is there a cure/medications for alpers disease?
What are the causes for arachnoid cysts?
What are the treatments for arachnoid cysts?
What are the risk factors for arachnoid cysts?
Is there a cure/medications for arachnoid cysts?
What are the causes for argininosuccinic aciduria?
What are the treatments for argininosuccinic aciduria?
What are the risk factors for argininosuccinic aciduria?
Is there a cure/medications for argininosuccinic aciduria?
What are the causes for autosomal dominant long qt syndrome?
What are the treatments for autosomal dominant long qt syndrome?
What are the risk factors for autosomal dominant long qt syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for autosomal dominant long qt syndrome?
What are the causes for axonal neuropathy, giant?
What are the treatments for axonal neuropathy, giant?
What are the risk factors for axonal neuropathy, giant?
Is there a cure/medications for axonal neuropathy, giant?
What are the causes for balo disease?
What are the treatments for balo disease?
What are the risk factors for balo disease?
Is there a cure/medications for balo disease?
What are the causes for batten disease?
What are the treatments for batten disease?
What are the risk factors for batten disease?
Is there a cure/medications for batten disease?
What are the causes for batten turner syndrome?
What are the treatments for batten turner syndrome?
What are the risk factors for batten turner syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for batten turner syndrome?
What are the causes for batten-mayou syndrome?
What are the treatments for batten-mayou syndrome?
What are the risk factors for batten-mayou syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for batten-mayou syndrome?
What are the causes for batten-spielmeyer-vogt\'s disease?
What are the treatments for batten-spielmeyer-vogt\'s disease?
What are the risk factors for batten-spielmeyer-vogt's disease?
Is there a cure/medications for batten-spielmeyer-vogt's disease?
What are the causes for brain cancer?
What are the treatments for brain cancer?
What are the risk factors for brain cancer?
Is there a cure/medications for brain cancer?
What are the causes for brain tumor?
What are the treatments for brain tumor?
What are the risk factors for brain tumor?
Is there a cure/medications for brain tumor?
What are the causes for brain, micropolygyria?
What are the treatments for brain, micropolygyria?
What are the risk factors for brain, micropolygyria?
Is there a cure/medications for brain, micropolygyria?
What are the causes for branched chain ketonuria i?
What are the treatments for branched chain ketonuria i?
What are the risk factors for branched chain ketonuria i?
Is there a cure/medications for branched chain ketonuria i?
What are the causes for c syndrome?
What are the treatments for c syndrome?
What are the risk factors for c syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for c syndrome?
What are the causes for cerebral palsy?
What are the treatments for cerebral palsy?
What are the risk factors for cerebral palsy?
Is there a cure/medications for cerebral palsy?
What are the causes for childhood giant axonal neuropathy?
What are the treatments for childhood giant axonal neuropathy?
What are the risk factors for childhood giant axonal neuropathy?
Is there a cure/medications for childhood giant axonal neuropathy?
What are the causes for cps deficiency?
What are the treatments for cps deficiency?
What are the risk factors for cps deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for cps deficiency?
What are the causes for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the treatments for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the risk factors for craniofacial syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the causes for cryptococcosis lung?
What are the treatments for cryptococcosis lung?
What are the risk factors for cryptococcosis lung?
Is there a cure/medications for cryptococcosis lung?
What are the causes for cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome?
What are the treatments for cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome?
What are the risk factors for cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for cutis laxa-growth deficiency syndrome?
What are the causes for cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection)?
What are the treatments for cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection)?
What are the risk factors for cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection)?
Is there a cure/medications for cysticercosis (pork tapeworm infection)?
What are the causes for cysts, arachnoid?
What are the treatments for cysts, arachnoid?
What are the risk factors for cysts, arachnoid?
Is there a cure/medications for cysts, arachnoid?
What are the causes for dawson's disease?
What are the treatments for dawson\'s disease?
What are the risk factors for dawson's disease?
Is there a cure/medications for dawson's disease?
What are the causes for dawson's encephalitis?
What are the treatments for dawson\'s encephalitis?
What are the risk factors for dawson's encephalitis?
Is there a cure/medications for dawson's encephalitis?
What are the causes for de morsier syndrome?
What are the treatments for de morsier syndrome?
What are the risk factors for de morsier syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for de morsier syndrome?
What are the causes for dehydration?
What are the treatments for dehydration?
What are the risk factors for dehydration?
Is there a cure/medications for dehydration?
What are the causes for dup(5p) syndrome?
What are the treatments for dup(5p) syndrome?
What are the risk factors for dup(5p) syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for dup(5p) syndrome?
What are the causes for encephalitis periaxialis diffusa?
What are the treatments for encephalitis periaxialis diffusa?
What are the risk factors for encephalitis periaxialis diffusa?
Is there a cure/medications for encephalitis periaxialis diffusa?
What are the causes for encephalitis, rasmussen\'s?
What are the treatments for encephalitis, rasmussen\'s?
What are the risk factors for encephalitis, rasmussen\'s?
Is there a cure/medications for encephalitis, rasmussen\'s?
What are the causes for epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial?
What are the treatments for epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial?
What are the risk factors for epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial?
Is there a cure/medications for epilepsy, myoclonic progressive familial?
What are the causes for epiloia?
What are the treatments for epiloia?
What are the risk factors for epiloia?
Is there a cure/medications for epiloia?
What are the causes for fahr disease?
What are the treatments for fahr disease?
What are the risk factors for fahr disease?
Is there a cure/medications for fahr disease?
What are the causes for fahr's disease?
What are the treatments for fahr's disease?
What are the risk factors for fahr's disease?
Is there a cure/medications for fahr's disease?
What are the causes for febrile seizures?
What are the treatments for febrile seizures?
What are the risk factors for febrile seizures?
Is there a cure/medications for febrile seizures?
What are the causes for fucosidosis?
What are the treatments for fucosidosis?
What are the risk factors for fucosidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for fucosidosis?
What are the causes for fukuhara syndrome?
What are the treatments for fukuhara syndrome?
What are the risk factors for fukuhara syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for fukuhara syndrome?
What are the causes for fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy?
What are the treatments for fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy?
What are the risk factors for fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for fukuyama type congenital muscular dystrophy?
What are the causes for galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome?
What are the treatments for galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome?
What are the risk factors for galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for galactorrhea-amenorrhea syndrome?
What are the causes for galactorrhea-amenorrhea without pregnancy?
What are the treatments for galactorrhea-amenorrhea without pregnancy?
What are the risk factors for galactorrhea-amenorrhea without pregnancy?
Is there a cure/medications for galactorrhea-amenorrhea without pregnancy?
What are the causes for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
What are the treatments for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
What are the risk factors for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
What are the causes for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
What are the treatments for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
What are the risk factors for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
What are the causes for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
What are the treatments for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
What are the risk factors for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
What are the causes for galloway mowat syndrome?
What are the treatments for galloway mowat syndrome?
What are the risk factors for galloway mowat syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for galloway mowat syndrome?
What are the causes for galloway syndrome?
What are the treatments for galloway syndrome?
What are the risk factors for galloway syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for galloway syndrome?
What are the causes for garies-mason syndrome?
What are the treatments for garies-mason syndrome?
What are the risk factors for garies-mason syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for garies-mason syndrome?
What are the causes for giant axonal disease?
What are the treatments for giant axonal disease?
What are the risk factors for giant axonal disease?
Is there a cure/medications for giant axonal disease?
What are the causes for giant axonal neuropathy?
What are the treatments for giant axonal neuropathy?
What are the risk factors for giant axonal neuropathy?
Is there a cure/medications for giant axonal neuropathy?
What are the causes for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
What are the treatments for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
What are the risk factors for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
What are the causes for glycogenosis type iv?
What are the treatments for glycogenosis type iv?
What are the risk factors for glycogenosis type iv?
Is there a cure/medications for glycogenosis type iv?
What are the causes for greenfield disease?
What are the treatments for greenfield disease?
What are the risk factors for greenfield disease?
Is there a cure/medications for greenfield disease?
What are the causes for group b strep infection?
What are the treatments for group b strep infection?
What are the risk factors for group b strep infection?
Is there a cure/medications for group b strep infection?
What are the causes for hie syndrome?
What are the treatments for hie syndrome?
What are the risk factors for hie syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for hie syndrome?
What are the causes for hirschsprung disease syndrome?
What are the treatments for hirschsprung disease syndrome?
What are the risk factors for hirschsprung disease syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for hirschsprung disease syndrome?
What are the causes for hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome?
What are the treatments for hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome?
What are the risk factors for hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for hirschsprung disease-mental retardation syndrome?
What are the causes for holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency?
What are the treatments for holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency?
What are the risk factors for holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for holocarboxylase synthetase deficiency?
What are the causes for holoprosencephaly?
What are the treatments for holoprosencephaly?
What are the risk factors for holoprosencephaly?
Is there a cure/medications for holoprosencephaly?
What are the causes for hydrocephalus?
What are the treatments for hydrocephalus?
What are the risk factors for hydrocephalus?
Is there a cure/medications for hydrocephalus?
What are the causes for hyper-beta carnosinemia?
What are the treatments for hyper-beta carnosinemia?
What are the risk factors for hyper-beta carnosinemia?
Is there a cure/medications for hyper-beta carnosinemia?
What are the causes for hyperammonemia due to carbamylphosphate?
What are the treatments for hyperammonemia due to carbamylphosphate?
What are the risk factors for hyperammonemia due to carbamylphosphate?
Is there a cure/medications for hyperammonemia due to carbamylphosphate?
What are the causes for hyperammonemia due to ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency?
What are the treatments for hyperammonemia due to ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency?
What are the risk factors for hyperammonemia due to ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for hyperammonemia due to ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency?
What are the causes for ichthyosis hystrix gravior?
What are the treatments for ichthyosis hystrix gravior?
What are the risk factors for ichthyosis hystrix gravior?
Is there a cure/medications for ichthyosis hystrix gravior?
What are the causes for infantile acquired aphasia?
What are the treatments for infantile acquired aphasia?
What are the risk factors for infantile acquired aphasia?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile acquired aphasia?
What are the causes for infantile epileptic encephalopathy?
What are the treatments for infantile epileptic encephalopathy?
What are the risk factors for infantile epileptic encephalopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile epileptic encephalopathy?
What are the causes for infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
What are the treatments for infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
What are the risk factors for infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
What are the causes for infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
What are the treatments for infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
What are the risk factors for infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile type neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis?
What are the causes for ito hypomelanosis?
What are the treatments for ito hypomelanosis?
What are the risk factors for ito hypomelanosis?
Is there a cure/medications for ito hypomelanosis?
What are the causes for jackknife convulsion?
What are the treatments for jackknife convulsion?
What are the risk factors for jackknife convulsion?
Is there a cure/medications for jackknife convulsion?
What are the treatments for Japanese Encephalitis?
Is there a cure/medications for Japanese Encephalitis?
What are the causes of Japanese Encephalitis?
What are the causes for jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome?
What are the treatments for jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome?
What are the risk factors for jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for jervell and lange-nielsen syndrome?
What are the causes for kenny caffey syndrome?
What are the treatments for kenny caffey syndrome?
What are the risk factors for kenny caffey syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for kenny caffey syndrome?
What are the causes for kenny disease?
What are the treatments for kenny disease?
What are the risk factors for kenny disease?
Is there a cure/medications for kenny disease?
What are the causes for kluver bucy syndrome?
What are the treatments for kluver bucy syndrome?
What are the risk factors for kluver bucy syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for kluver bucy syndrome?
What are the causes for landau kleffner syndrome?
What are the treatments for landau kleffner syndrome?
What are the risk factors for landau kleffner syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for landau kleffner syndrome?
What are the causes for le jeune syndrome?
What are the treatments for le jeune syndrome?
What are the risk factors for le jeune syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for le jeune syndrome?
What are the risk factors for Leukoedema?
What are the symptoms of Leukoedema?
What are the causes for linear nevus sebacous syndrome?
What are the treatments for linear nevus sebacous syndrome?
What are the risk factors for linear nevus sebacous syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for linear nevus sebacous syndrome?
What are the causes for linear sebaceous nevus sequence?
What are the treatments for linear sebaceous nevus sequence?
What are the risk factors for linear sebaceous nevus sequence?
Is there a cure/medications for linear sebaceous nevus sequence?
What are the causes for lipid storage disease?
What are the treatments for lipid storage disease?
What are the risk factors for lipid storage disease?
Is there a cure/medications for lipid storage disease?
What are the causes for lissencephaly?
What are the treatments for lissencephaly?
What are the risk factors for lissencephaly?
Is there a cure/medications for lissencephaly?
What are the causes for lissencephaly type i?
What are the treatments for lissencephaly type i?
What are the risk factors for lissencephaly type i?
Is there a cure/medications for lissencephaly type i?
What are the causes for lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency?
What are the treatments for lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency?
What are the risk factors for lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for lysosomal alpha-d-mannosidase deficiency?
What are the causes for meningitis?
What are the treatments for meningitis?
What are the risk factors for meningitis?
Is there a cure/medications for meningitis?
What are the causes for microcephaly?
What are the treatments for microcephaly?
What are the risk factors for microcephaly?
Is there a cure/medications for microcephaly?
What are the causes for morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome?
What are the treatments for morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome?
What are the risk factors for morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for morgagni-stewart-morel syndrome?
What are the causes for moya-moya disease?
What are the treatments for moya-moya disease?
What are the risk factors for moya-moya disease?
Is there a cure/medications for moya-moya disease?
What are the causes for moyamoya syndrome?
What are the treatments for moyamoya syndrome?
What are the risk factors for moyamoya syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for moyamoya syndrome?
What are the causes for mucolipidosis iv?
What are the treatments for mucolipidosis iv?
What are the risk factors for mucolipidosis iv?
Is there a cure/medications for mucolipidosis iv?
What are the causes for mucopolysaccharidosis type iii?
What are the treatments for mucopolysaccharidosis type iii?
What are the risk factors for mucopolysaccharidosis type iii?
Is there a cure/medications for mucopolysaccharidosis type iii?
What are the causes for multisynostotic osteodysgenesis?
What are the treatments for multisynostotic osteodysgenesis?
What are the risk factors for multisynostotic osteodysgenesis?
Is there a cure/medications for multisynostotic osteodysgenesis?
What are the causes for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
What are the treatments for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
What are the risk factors for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
Is there a cure/medications for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
What are the causes for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
What are the treatments for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
What are the risk factors for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
Is there a cure/medications for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
What are the causes for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
What are the treatments for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
What are the risk factors for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
Is there a cure/medications for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
What are the causes for pregnancy: preeclampsia and eclampsia?
What are the treatments for pregnancy: preeclampsia and eclampsia?
What are the risk factors for pregnancy: preeclampsia and eclampsia?
Is there a cure/medications for pregnancy: preeclampsia and eclampsia?
What are the causes for purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic?
What are the treatments for purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic?
What are the risk factors for purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic?
Is there a cure/medications for purpura, thrombotic thrombocytopenic?
What are the causes for pyridoxine-dependent seizures?
What are the treatments for pyridoxine-dependent seizures?
What are the risk factors for pyridoxine-dependent seizures?
Is there a cure/medications for pyridoxine-dependent seizures?
What are the causes for rasmussen\'s syndrome?
What are the treatments for rasmussen\\\'s syndrome?
What are the risk factors for rasmussen\'s syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for rasmussen\'s syndrome?
What are the causes for riley-day syndrome?
What are the treatments for riley-day syndrome?
What are the risk factors for riley-day syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for riley-day syndrome?
What are the causes for ring 21 chromosome?
What are the treatments for ring 21 chromosome?
What are the risk factors for ring 21 chromosome?
Is there a cure/medications for ring 21 chromosome?
What are the causes for santavuori disease?
What are the treatments for santavuori disease?
What are the risk factors for santavuori disease?
Is there a cure/medications for santavuori disease?
What are the causes for santavuori-haltia disease?
What are the treatments for santavuori-haltia disease?
What are the risk factors for santavuori-haltia disease?
Is there a cure/medications for santavuori-haltia disease?
What are the causes for short stature and facial telangiectasis?
What are the treatments for short stature and facial telangiectasis?
What are the risk factors for short stature and facial telangiectasis?
Is there a cure/medications for short stature and facial telangiectasis?
What are the causes for sneddon syndrome?
What are the treatments for sneddon syndrome?
What are the risk factors for sneddon syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for sneddon syndrome?
What are the causes for spielmeyer-vogt disease?
What are the treatments for spielmeyer-vogt disease?
What are the risk factors for spielmeyer-vogt disease?
Is there a cure/medications for spielmeyer-vogt disease?
What are the causes for spielmeyer-vogt-batten syndrome?
What are the treatments for spielmeyer-vogt-batten syndrome?
What are the risk factors for spielmeyer-vogt-batten syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for spielmeyer-vogt-batten syndrome?
What are the causes for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
What are the treatments for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
What are the risk factors for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
Is there a cure/medications for subacute sclerosing panencephalitis?
What are the causes for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
What are the treatments for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
What are the risk factors for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
Is there a cure/medications for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
What are the causes for succinylpurinemic autism?
What are the treatments for succinylpurinemic autism?
What are the risk factors for succinylpurinemic autism?
Is there a cure/medications for succinylpurinemic autism?
What are the causes for sulfatide lipidosis?
What are the treatments for sulfatide lipidosis?
What are the risk factors for sulfatide lipidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for sulfatide lipidosis?
What are the causes for taybi syndrome?
What are the treatments for taybi syndrome?
What are the risk factors for taybi syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for taybi syndrome?
What are the causes for wolf hirschhorn syndrome?
What are the treatments for wolf hirschhorn syndrome?
What are the risk factors for wolf hirschhorn syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for wolf hirschhorn syndrome?
What are the causes for x-linked mental retardation-clasped thum...?
What are the treatments for x-linked mental retardation-clasped thum...?
What are the risk factors for x-linked mental retardation-clasped thum...?
Is there a cure/medications for x-linked mental retardation-clasped thum...?