The following Conditions are related to Round
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- What is acne? is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It often causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders. Acne is most ...
What are the symptoms for acne? - What is acne (pimples)? (acne vulgaris, common acne) is a disease of the hair follicles of the face, chest, and back that affects almost all teenagers during puberty -- the only exception being members of a few primitive Neolithic tribes living in isolatio...
What are the symptoms for acne (pimples)? - What is apple peel syndrome? Atresia is a rare genetic disorder. Patients with this disorder are born with a partial absence of the fold of the stomach membrane that connects the small intestine to the back wall of the abdomen. As a result, one of the three portions o...
What are the symptoms for apple peel syndrome? - What is Arcus Senilis? senilis is a white or gray arc or circle that appears around the outer edge of the cornea of the eye. It is a normal part of aging and is usually seen in people over the age of 60. It is caused by a deposit of lipids in the cornea and is har...
What are the symptoms of Arcus Senilis? - What is auriculotemporal syndrome? syndrome is a rare disorder that most often occurs as a result of surgery in the area near the parotid glands. The parotid glands are the largest salivary glands in the body located just below the ears on either side of the face. The main sym...
What are the symptoms for auriculotemporal syndrome? - What is Bell's Palsy?'s Palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in the inability to control facial muscles on one side of the face. It is caused by damage or trauma to the facial nerve, which controls the muscles in the face. Symptoms of Bell's Palsy incl...
What are the symptoms of Bell's Palsy? - What is Black Eye? Eye is a mobile photography app that allows users to take and edit photos with a variety of filters, effects, and tools. It also includes features such as face recognition, portrait mode, and a variety of other editing tools....
What are the symptoms of Black Eye? - What is Blocked Tear Duct? blocked tear duct is a condition in which the tear ducts, which normally drain tears from the eyes, become blocked or narrowed. This can cause tears to build up in the eyes, leading to watery eyes, irritation, and other symptoms. Treatment for a...
What are the symptoms of Blocked Tear Duct? - What is bloom syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by short stature; increased sensitivity to light (photosensitivity); multiple small dilated blood vessels on the face (facial telangiectasia), often resembling a butterfly in shape; immune de...
What are the symptoms for bloom syndrome? - What is boils (skin abscesses)? A boil is a painful, pus-filled bump under your skin — the result of a bacterial infection of one or more hair follicles. Carbuncle A carbuncle is a cluster of boils — painful, pus-filled bumps ...
What are the symptoms for boils (skin abscesses)? - What is bowen-conradi syndrome? Hutterite syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that is apparent at birth (congenital). The disorder is characterized by growth delays before birth (intrauterine growth retardation); failure to grow and gain weight at the expected rate (failur...
What are the symptoms for bowen-conradi syndrome? - What is breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence? to Breast Cancer Recurrence Breast cancer can recur at any time, but most recurrences occur in the first three to five years after initial treatment. Breast cancer can come back as a local recurrence (in the treated breast or ...
What are the symptoms for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence? - What is breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence? to Breast Cancer Recurrence Breast cancer can recur at any time, but most recurrences occur in the first three to five years after initial treatment. Breast cancer can come back as a local recurrence (in the treated breast or ...
What are the symptoms for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence? - What is bullous pemphigoid? pemphigoid is an uncommon skin disease characterized by tense blisters on the surface of the skin. Occasionally, the inner lining tissue of the mouth, nasal passages, or conjunctivae of the eyes (mucous membrane tissue) can be involved. Th...
What are the symptoms for bullous pemphigoid? - What is calcium gout, familial? articular chondrocalcinosis is a rare inherited metabolic disorder characterized by deposits of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals (CPPD) in one or more joint cartilages resulting in eventual damage to the joints. Symptoms may devel...
What are the symptoms for calcium gout, familial? - What is Cataracts? are a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Symptoms may include blurry vision, poor night vision, sensitivity to light and glare, faded colors, halos around lights, and double vision i...
What are the symptoms of Cataracts? - What is Cellulitis? is a bacterial infection of the skin and underlying tissue. It is usually caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus. Symptoms of cellulitis include redness, swelling, warmth, and pain in the affected area. If lef...
What are the symptoms of Cellulitis? - What is child naevus? syndrome (an acronym for congenital hemidysplasia with ichthyosiform erythroderma and limb defects) is an inherited disorder, affecting primarily women, that is characterized by ichthyosis-like skin abnormalities and limb defects on one side...
What are the symptoms for child naevus? - What is dislocated ankle (ankle dislocation)? ankle facts An isolated dislocated ankle is a rare injury. Usually, there is an associated fracture of the bones that make up the ankle. The ankle dislocates as a result of a fall, motor-vehicle crash, or sporti...
What are the symptoms for dislocated ankle (ankle dislocation)? - What is dupuytren\'s contracture?'s contracture facts A Dupuytren's contracture is a localized scar tissue formation in the palm. The precise cause of a Dupuytren's contracture is not known. A Dupuytren's contracture is sometimes inheri...
What are the symptoms for dupuytren\'s contracture? - What is eisenmenger complex? DiscussionEisenmenger syndrome is a rare progressive heart condition that develops in some individuals with structural malformations of the heart that are present from birth (congenital heart defects). The disorder is characterize...
What are the symptoms for eisenmenger complex? - What is elbow pain? pain facts The elbow joint is the area of union of three long bones. Tendinitis can affect the inner or outer elbow. Treatment of tendinitis includes ice, rest, and medication for inflammation. Ba...
What are the symptoms for elbow pain? - What is facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum? spectrum (OAVS) refers to three rare disorders that many clinicians believe to be intimately related to one another and which represent the range of severity of the same disorder. These disorders are apparent at birth (con...
What are the symptoms for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum? - What is faciogenital dysplasia? syndrome is an extremely rare genetic disorder marked by stunted growth that may not become obvious until the child is about three years of age, broad facial abnormalities, musculoskeletal and genital anomalies, and mild intellectual disab...
What are the symptoms for faciogenital dysplasia? - What is fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency? XIII deficiency is a rare, genetic bleeding disorder characterized by a deficiency of clotting factor XIII. Clotting factors are specialized proteins that are essential for the blood to clot properly. Specifically, individuals with factor X...
What are the symptoms for fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency? - What is fifth digit syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that may be evident at birth (congenital). The disorder may be characterized by feeding difficulties and frequent respiratory infections during infancy, diminished muscle tone (hypotonia), abnormal ...
What are the symptoms for fifth digit syndrome? - What is fox fordyce disease? disease is a rare skin disorder that primarily affects women. The disorder is characterized by intense itching especially in the underarm area, the pubic area and around the nipples. In Fox-Fordyce disease abnormalities affecting the a...
What are the symptoms for fox fordyce disease? - What is Fuchs' Dystrophy?' Dystrophy is a type of corneal dystrophy, a disorder that affects the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye. It is a slowly progressive disorder that usually affects both eyes. Symptoms include blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and d...
What are the symptoms of Fuchs' Dystrophy? - What is Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis? Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPC) is an inflammatory condition of the eye that affects the inner surface of the eyelids. It is caused by an allergic reaction to contact lenses, foreign bodies, or other irritants. Symptoms include itching, redne...
What are the symptoms of Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis? - What is Glaucoma? is a group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve, which carries information from the eye to the brain. It is usually caused by an abnormally high pressure in the eye, which can damage the optic nerve and lead to vision loss. Glaucom...
What are the symptoms of Glaucoma? - What is grover\'s disease?'s disease is a rare, transient skin disorder that consists of small, firm, raised red lesions, most often on the skin of the chest and back. Diagnosis of this disorder becomes apparent under microscopic examination when the loss of the "cem...
What are the symptoms for grover\'s disease? - What is hematoma? hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. Symptoms of hematomas depend upon their location and whether adjacent structures are affected by the inflammation and swelling associated with the bleeding. Tr...
What are the symptoms for hematoma? - What is holmes-adie syndrome? Syndrome is a rare neurological disorder affecting the pupil of the eye. In most patients the pupil is dilated (larger than normal) and slow to react to light on nearby objects. In some patients, however, the pupil may be constricted (smaller...
What are the symptoms for holmes-adie syndrome? - What is hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis? syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), short stature, a varying degree of mental deficiency, and dist...
What are the symptoms for hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis? - What is hypercholesterolemia, type iv? type III, also known as dysbetalipoproteinemia or broad beta disease, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by improper breakdown (metabolism) of certain fatty materials known as lipids, specifically cholesterol and triglyc...
What are the symptoms for hypercholesterolemia, type iv? - What is ichthyosis keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans? follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is a rare, inherited, skin disorder that affects men predominately and is characterized by hardening of the skin (keratosis) in several parts of the body. Most frequently, the face, neck, and forea...
What are the symptoms for ichthyosis keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans? - What is impetigo? facts Impetigo is a bacterial infection of the surface of the skin. Impetigo is more common in children than in adults. The two types of impetigo are non-bullous and bullous impetigo. Impetigo ...
What are the symptoms for impetigo? - What is keratosis pilaris (kp)? pilaris (KP) facts Keratosis pilaris is a very common, benign skin disorder that affects adolescents and adults. Keratosis pilaris causes numerous small, rough, tan or red little bumps around hair follicles on th...
What are the symptoms for keratosis pilaris (kp)? - What is keratosis seborrheic? Keratosis is a skin disorder usually characterized by discolored lesions that appear to be "stuck on" the skin surface. Warts may appear and skin is often oily or greasy. These skin lesions are sometimes mistaken for cancerous growths a...
What are the symptoms for keratosis seborrheic? - What is kidney disease of diabetes? Course of Kidney Disease Diabetic kidney disease takes many years to develop. In some people, the filtering function of the kidneys is actually higher than normal in the first few years of their diabetes. Over several years, pe...
What are the symptoms for kidney disease of diabetes? - What is knee injury? injury facts The knee is one of the most common body parts to be injured. Types of knee injuries include sprains, strains, bursitis, dislocations, fractures, meniscus tears, and overuse injuries. Knee injuri...
What are the symptoms for knee injury? - What is knee pain? pain facts Knee pain is a common problem with many causes, from acute injuries to medical conditions. Knee pain can be localized or diffuse throughout the knee. Knee pain is often accompanied by physical res...
What are the symptoms for knee pain? - What is kohlers disease of the tarsal navicular? disease is a rare bone disorder of the foot in children that may be the result of stress-related compression at a critical time during the period of growth. It is characterized by limping caused by pain and swelling in the foot. It most oft...
What are the symptoms for kohler\'s disease of the tarsal navicular? - What is kohlers osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular? disease is a rare bone disorder of the foot in children that may be the result of stress-related compression at a critical time during the period of growth. It is characterized by limping caused by pain and swelling in the foot. It most oft...
What are the symptoms for kohler\'s osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular? - What is lichen planus? planus facts Lichen planus is a chronic recurrent rash of unknown cause with no established cure. Lichen planus generally affects adults and can involve any portion of the body, but it has a predilection for the wri...
What are the symptoms for lichen planus? - What is lipoma? lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that's most often situated between your skin and the underlying muscle layer. A lipoma, which feels doughy and usually isn't tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure. Lipomas are usually detected in ...
What are the symptoms for lipoma? - What is Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy? cranial nerve palsy is a condition caused by damage to the cranial nerves due to a stroke or other vascular event. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including double vision, facial weakness, difficulty speaking, and difficulty swal...
What are the symptoms of Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy? - What is milk allergy? allergy is an abnormal response by the body's immune system to milk and products containing milk. It's one of the most common food allergies in children. Cow's milk is the usual cause of milk allergy, but milk from sheep, goats, buffalo and o...
What are the symptoms for milk allergy? - What is mucha habermann disease? disease, also known as pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta or PLEVA, is a rare skin disorder. The lesions most often appear on the trunk and the arms and legs. Lesions tend to develop in small groups. Mucha-Habermann dise...
What are the symptoms for mucha habermann disease? - What is neonatal lupus erythematosus? DiscussionNeonatal lupus is a rare autoimmune disorder that is present at birth (congenital). Affected infants often develop a characteristic red rash or skin eruption. In addition, infants with neonatal lupus may develop liver di...
What are the symptoms for neonatal lupus erythematosus? - What is neuroblastoma? is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in nerve tissue of the adrenal gland, neck, chest, or spinal cord. Neuroblastoma often begins in the nerve tissue of the adrenal glands. There are two adrenal glands, one on...
What are the symptoms for neuroblastoma? - What is Neuropathic Corneal Pain? corneal pain is a type of chronic pain that affects the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye. It is caused by damage to the nerves in the cornea, which can be caused by a variety of conditions, including infection, trauma, or surge...
What are the symptoms of Neuropathic Corneal Pain? - What is paget disease of the breast? disease of the breast is a form of breast cancer that affects the skin of the nipple. The cause of Paget disease of the breast is poorly understood, but it may be related to tumor cells from other sites in the breast traveling...
What are the symptoms for paget disease of the breast? - What is Photokeratitis? is a painful eye condition caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It is sometimes referred to as "snow blindness" or "welder's flash." Symptoms of photokeratitis include redness, tearing, pain, and temporary vision loss. ...
What are the symptoms of Photokeratitis? - What is phthisis?, also known as pulmonary tuberculosis, is one of the most common illnesses that humans face. It affects people of all ages, from all walks of life, and in every country. While phthisis may affect almost every organ in...
What are the symptoms for phthisis? - What is Pigment Dispersion Syndrome? Dispersion Syndrome (PDS) is a condition in which pigment granules from the iris of the eye are released into the anterior chamber of the eye. This can cause the iris to become thinner and more transparent, resulting in a change in eye col...
What are the symptoms of Pigment Dispersion Syndrome? - What is pityriasis rosea? rosea facts Pityriasis rosea begins as a single, large pink patch found on the trunk called the "herald patch." The herald patch is followed one to two weeks later with smaller pink patches in a "Christmas tree"...
What are the symptoms for pityriasis rosea? - What is polycystic ovarian syndrome ? ovary syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder involving infrequent, irregular or prolonged menstrual periods, and often excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries develop numerous small collections of flui...
What are the symptoms for polycystic ovarian syndrome ? - What is reflex neurovascular dystrophy? sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS), also known as complex regional pain syndrome, is a rare disorder of the sympathetic nervous system that is characterized by chronic, severe pain. The sympathetic nervous system is that part of the auto...
What are the symptoms for reflex neurovascular dystrophy? - What is ringworm? facts Ringworm is a common fungal infection of the skin and is not due to a worm. The medical term for ringworm is tinea. The condition is further named for the site of the body where the infection occurs. ...
What are the symptoms for ringworm? - What is salivosudoriparous syndrome? syndrome is a rare disorder that most often occurs as a result of surgery in the area near the parotid glands. The parotid glands are the largest salivary glands in the body located just below the ears on either side of the face. The main sym...
What are the symptoms for salivosudoriparous syndrome? - What is scabies? is an itchy, highly contagious skin disease caused by an infestation by the itch mite Sarcoptes scabiei. Direct skin-to-skin contact is the mode of transmission. A severe and relentless itch is the predominant symp...
What are the symptoms for scabies? - What is schaumann\'s disease? is a multisystem disorder that most often affects individuals between 20 and 40 years of age. Females appear to be affected more frequently than males. Sarcoidosis is characterized by the abnormal formation of inflammatory masses or no...
What are the symptoms for schaumann\'s disease? - What is thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis? of Cantrell is a rare disorder that is present at birth (congenital). Pentalogy of Cantrell is characterized by a combination of birth defects. These birth defects can potentially involve the breastbone (sternum), the muscle that separat...
What are the symptoms for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis? - What is Tooth Erosion? erosion is the gradual wearing away of the enamel on the surface of the teeth. Enamel is the hard outer layer that protects the teeth from decay and damage. When the enamel is eroded, it can expose the underlying dentin, which is softer and ...
Is there a cure/medications for Tooth Erosion? - What is tracheoesophageal fistula? atresia (EA) is a rare birth defect in which the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat with the stomach) does not develop normally. In infants with EA, the esophagus is usually separated into two parts, an upper and lower segment...
What are the symptoms for tracheoesophageal fistula? - What is trichinosis (trichinellosis)? (trik-ih-NO-sis), sometimes called trichinellosis (trik-ih-nuh-LOW-sis), is a type of roundworm infection. These roundworm parasites (trichinella) use a host body to live and reproduce. These parasites infect animals such as bears, cou...
What are the symptoms for trichinosis (trichinellosis)? - What is trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type ii? syndrome type II (TRPS2), also known as Langer-Giedion syndrome, is an extremely rare inherited multisystem disorder. TRPS2 is characterized by fine, thin hair; unusual facial features; progressive growth retardation resultin...
What are the symptoms for trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type ii? - What is urticaria, cholinergic? urticaria is a relatively common disorder of the immune system characterized by an immediate skin reaction (hypersensitivity) to heat, emotional stress, and/or exercise. Symptoms of the disorder include the appearance of distinctive sm...
What are the symptoms for urticaria, cholinergic? - What is urticaria, physical? urticaria is a condition in which red (erythematous) allergic skin lesions and itching (pruritus) are produced by exposure to heat, cold, or contact with chemicals or plants. These are called wheals by the medical community and may range ...
What are the symptoms for urticaria, physical? - What is vitiligo? is a disease in which the pigment cells of the skin, melanocytes, are destroyed in certain areas. Vitiligo results in depigmented, or white, patches of skin in any location on the body. Vitiligo can be focal and l...
What are the symptoms for vitiligo? - What is williams syndrome? syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), short stature, a varying degree of mental deficiency, and dist...
What are the symptoms for williams syndrome? - What is williams-beuren syndrome? syndrome, also known as Williams-Beuren syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder characterized by growth delays before and after birth (prenatal and postnatal growth retardation), short stature, a varying degree of mental deficiency, and dist...
What are the symptoms for williams-beuren syndrome? - What is zinc deficiency, congenital? enteropathica (AE) is a disorder of zinc metabolism that occurs in one of two forms: an inborn (congenital) form and an acquired form. The inborn form of AE is a rare genetic disorder characterized by intestinal abnormalities that l...
What are the symptoms for zinc deficiency, congenital?
Conditions & Treatments 444 results
What are the causes for acne?
What are the treatments for acne?
What are the risk factors for acne?
Is there a cure/medications for acne?
What are the causes for acne (pimples)?
What are the treatments for acne (pimples)?
What are the risk factors for acne (pimples)?
Is there a cure/medications for acne (pimples)?
What are the causes for apple peel syndrome?
What are the treatments for apple peel syndrome?
What are the risk factors for apple peel syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for apple peel syndrome?
What are the causes of Arcus Senilis?
What are the treatments for Arcus Senilis?
What are the risk factors for Arcus Senilis?
Is there a cure/medications for Arcus Senilis?
What are the causes for auriculotemporal syndrome?
What are the treatments for auriculotemporal syndrome?
What are the risk factors for auriculotemporal syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for auriculotemporal syndrome?
What are the causes of Bell's Palsy?
What are the treatments for Bell's Palsy?
What are the risk factors for Bell's Palsy?
Is there a cure/medications for Bell's Palsy?
What are the causes of Black Eye?
What are the treatments for Black Eye?
What are the risk factors for Black Eye?
Is there a cure/medications for Black Eye?
What are the causes of Blocked Tear Duct?
What are the treatments for Blocked Tear Duct?
What are the risk factors for Blocked Tear Duct?
Is there a cure/medications for Blocked Tear Duct?
What are the causes for bloom syndrome?
What are the treatments for bloom syndrome?
What are the risk factors for bloom syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for bloom syndrome?
What are the causes for boils (skin abscesses)?
What are the treatments for boils (skin abscesses)?
What are the risk factors for boils (skin abscesses)?
Is there a cure/medications for boils (skin abscesses)?
What are the causes for bowen-conradi syndrome?
What are the treatments for bowen-conradi syndrome?
What are the risk factors for bowen-conradi syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for bowen-conradi syndrome?
What are the causes for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
What are the treatments for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
What are the risk factors for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
Is there a cure/medications for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
What are the causes for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
What are the treatments for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
What are the risk factors for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
Is there a cure/medications for breast cancer: checking for cancer recurrence?
What are the causes for bullous pemphigoid?
What are the treatments for bullous pemphigoid?
What are the risk factors for bullous pemphigoid?
Is there a cure/medications for bullous pemphigoid?
What are the causes for calcium gout, familial?
What are the treatments for calcium gout, familial?
What are the risk factors for calcium gout, familial?
Is there a cure/medications for calcium gout, familial?
What are the causes of Cataracts?
What are the treatments for Cataracts?
What are the risk factors for Cataracts?
Is there a cure/medications for Cataracts?
What are the causes of Cellulitis?
What are the treatments for Cellulitis?
What are the risk factors for Cellulitis?
Is there a cure/medications for Cellulitis?
What are the causes for child naevus?
What are the treatments for child naevus?
What are the risk factors for child naevus?
Is there a cure/medications for child naevus?
What are the causes for dislocated ankle (ankle dislocation)?
What are the treatments for dislocated ankle (ankle dislocation)?
What are the risk factors for dislocated ankle (ankle dislocation)?
Is there a cure/medications for dislocated ankle (ankle dislocation)?
What are the causes for dupuytren\'s contracture?
What are the treatments for dupuytren's contracture?
What are the risk factors for dupuytren\'s contracture?
Is there a cure/medications for dupuytren's contracture?
What are the causes for eisenmenger complex?
What are the treatments for eisenmenger complex?
What are the risk factors for eisenmenger complex?
Is there a cure/medications for eisenmenger complex?
What are the causes for elbow pain?
What are the treatments for elbow pain?
What are the risk factors for elbow pain?
Is there a cure/medications for elbow pain?
What are the causes for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
What are the treatments for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
What are the risk factors for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
Is there a cure/medications for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
What are the causes for faciogenital dysplasia?
What are the treatments for faciogenital dysplasia?
What are the risk factors for faciogenital dysplasia?
Is there a cure/medications for faciogenital dysplasia?
What are the causes for fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency?
What are the treatments for fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency?
What are the risk factors for fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for fibrin stabilizing factor deficiency?
What are the causes for fifth digit syndrome?
What are the treatments for fifth digit syndrome?
What are the risk factors for fifth digit syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for fifth digit syndrome?
What are the causes for fox fordyce disease?
What are the treatments for fox fordyce disease?
What are the risk factors for fox fordyce disease?
Is there a cure/medications for fox fordyce disease?
What are the causes of Fuchs' Dystrophy?
What are the treatments for Fuchs' Dystrophy?
What are the risk factors for Fuchs' Dystrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for Fuchs' Dystrophy?
What are the causes of Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis?
What are the treatments for Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis?
What are the risk factors for Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis?
Is there a cure/medications for Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis?
What are the causes of Glaucoma?
What are the treatments for Glaucoma?
What are the risk factors for Glaucoma?
Is there a cure/medications for Glaucoma?
What are the causes for grover\'s disease?
What are the treatments for grover\'s disease?
What are the risk factors for grover\'s disease?
Is there a cure/medications for grover's disease?
What are the causes for hematoma?
What are the treatments for hematoma?
What are the risk factors for hematoma?
Is there a cure/medications for hematoma?
What are the causes for holmes-adie syndrome?
What are the treatments for holmes-adie syndrome?
What are the risk factors for holmes-adie syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for holmes-adie syndrome?
What are the causes for hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis?
What are the treatments for hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis?
What are the risk factors for hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis?
Is there a cure/medications for hypercalcemia-supravalvar aortic stenosis?
What are the causes for hypercholesterolemia, type iv?
What are the treatments for hypercholesterolemia, type iv?
What are the risk factors for hypercholesterolemia, type iv?
Is there a cure/medications for hypercholesterolemia, type iv?
What are the causes for ichthyosis keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans?
What are the treatments for ichthyosis keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans?
What are the risk factors for ichthyosis keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans?
Is there a cure/medications for ichthyosis keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans?
What are the causes for impetigo?
What are the treatments for impetigo?
What are the risk factors for impetigo?
Is there a cure/medications for impetigo?
What are the causes for keratosis pilaris (kp)?
What are the treatments for keratosis pilaris (kp)?
What are the risk factors for keratosis pilaris (kp)?
Is there a cure/medications for keratosis pilaris (kp)?
What are the causes for keratosis seborrheic?
What are the treatments for keratosis seborrheic?
What are the risk factors for keratosis seborrheic?
Is there a cure/medications for keratosis seborrheic?
What are the causes for kidney disease of diabetes?
What are the treatments for kidney disease of diabetes?
What are the risk factors for kidney disease of diabetes?
Is there a cure/medications for kidney disease of diabetes?
What are the causes for knee injury?
What are the treatments for knee injury?
What are the risk factors for knee injury?
Is there a cure/medications for knee injury?
What are the causes for knee pain?
What are the treatments for knee pain?
What are the risk factors for knee pain?
Is there a cure/medications for knee pain?
What are the causes for kohler\'s disease of the tarsal navicular?
What are the treatments for kohler\'s disease of the tarsal navicular?
What are the risk factors for kohler's disease of the tarsal navicular?
Is there a cure/medications for kohler's disease of the tarsal navicular?
What are the causes for kohler\'s osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular?
What are the treatments for kohler\'s osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular?
What are the risk factors for kohler's osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular?
Is there a cure/medications for kohler's osteochondrosis of the tarsal navicular?
What are the causes for lichen planus?
What are the treatments for lichen planus?
What are the risk factors for lichen planus?
Is there a cure/medications for lichen planus?
What are the causes for lipoma?
What are the treatments for lipoma?
What are the risk factors for lipoma?
Is there a cure/medications for lipoma?
What are the causes of Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy?
What are the treatments for Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy?
What are the risk factors for Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy?
Is there a cure/medications for Microvascular Cranial Nerve Palsy?
What are the causes for milk allergy?
What are the treatments for milk allergy?
What are the risk factors for milk allergy?
Is there a cure/medications for milk allergy?
What are the causes for mucha habermann disease?
What are the treatments for mucha habermann disease?
What are the risk factors for mucha habermann disease?
Is there a cure/medications for mucha habermann disease?
What are the causes for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
What are the treatments for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
What are the risk factors for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
Is there a cure/medications for neonatal lupus erythematosus?
What are the causes for neuroblastoma?
What are the treatments for neuroblastoma?
What are the risk factors for neuroblastoma?
Is there a cure/medications for neuroblastoma?
What are the causes of Neuropathic Corneal Pain?
What are the treatments for Neuropathic Corneal Pain?
What are the risk factors for Neuropathic Corneal Pain?
Is there a cure/medications for Neuropathic Corneal Pain?
What are the causes for paget disease of the breast?
What are the treatments for paget disease of the breast?
What are the risk factors for paget disease of the breast?
Is there a cure/medications for paget disease of the breast?
What are the causes of Photokeratitis?
What are the treatments for Photokeratitis?
What are the risk factors for Photokeratitis?
Is there a cure/medications for Photokeratitis?
What are the causes for phthisis?
What are the treatments for phthisis?
What are the risk factors for phthisis?
Is there a cure/medications for phthisis?
What are the causes of Pigment Dispersion Syndrome?
What are the treatments for Pigment Dispersion Syndrome?
What are the risk factors for Pigment Dispersion Syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for Pigment Dispersion Syndrome?
What are the causes for pityriasis rosea?
What are the treatments for pityriasis rosea?
What are the risk factors for pityriasis rosea?
Is there a cure/medications for pityriasis rosea?
What are the causes for polycystic ovarian syndrome ?
What are the treatments for polycystic ovarian syndrome ?
What are the risk factors for polycystic ovarian syndrome ?
Is there a cure/medications for polycystic ovarian syndrome ?
What are the causes for reflex neurovascular dystrophy?
What are the treatments for reflex neurovascular dystrophy?
What are the risk factors for reflex neurovascular dystrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for reflex neurovascular dystrophy?
What are the causes for ringworm?
What are the treatments for ringworm?
What are the risk factors for ringworm?
Is there a cure/medications for ringworm?
What are the causes for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
What are the treatments for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
What are the risk factors for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for salivosudoriparous syndrome?
What are the causes for scabies?
What are the treatments for scabies?
What are the risk factors for scabies?
Is there a cure/medications for scabies?
What are the causes for schaumann\'s disease?
What are the treatments for schaumann\'s disease?
What are the risk factors for schaumann's disease?
Is there a cure/medications for schaumann's disease?
What are the causes for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
What are the treatments for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
What are the risk factors for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
Is there a cure/medications for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
What are the treatments for Tooth Erosion?
What are the causes of Tooth Erosion?
What are the risk factors for Tooth Erosion?
What are the symptoms of Tooth Erosion?
What are the causes for tracheoesophageal fistula?
What are the treatments for tracheoesophageal fistula?
What are the risk factors for tracheoesophageal fistula?
Is there a cure/medications for tracheoesophageal fistula?
What are the causes for trichinosis (trichinellosis)?
What are the treatments for trichinosis (trichinellosis)?
What are the risk factors for trichinosis (trichinellosis)?
Is there a cure/medications for trichinosis (trichinellosis)?
What are the causes for trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type ii?
What are the treatments for trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type ii?
What are the risk factors for trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type ii?
Is there a cure/medications for trichorhinophalangeal syndrome type ii?
What are the causes for urticaria, cholinergic?
What are the treatments for urticaria, cholinergic?
What are the risk factors for urticaria, cholinergic?
Is there a cure/medications for urticaria, cholinergic?
What are the causes for urticaria, physical?
What are the treatments for urticaria, physical?
What are the risk factors for urticaria, physical?
Is there a cure/medications for urticaria, physical?
What are the causes for vitiligo?
What are the treatments for vitiligo?
What are the risk factors for vitiligo?
Is there a cure/medications for vitiligo?
What are the causes for williams syndrome?
What are the treatments for williams syndrome?
What are the risk factors for williams syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for williams syndrome?
What are the causes for williams-beuren syndrome?
What are the treatments for williams-beuren syndrome?
What are the risk factors for williams-beuren syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for williams-beuren syndrome?
What are the causes for zinc deficiency, congenital?
What are the treatments for zinc deficiency, congenital?
What are the risk factors for zinc deficiency, congenital?
Is there a cure/medications for zinc deficiency, congenital?