The following Conditions are related to Bad breath
Select a specific condition below to view its details.
- What is Black Hairy Tongue? hairy tongue is a harmless condition in which the tongue appears dark and hairy due to an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast on the tongue's surface. This can be caused by poor oral hygiene, smoking, certain medications, or consuming certain fo...
Is there a cure/medications for Black Hairy Tongue? - What is black tongue? tongue is an uncommon, benign condition that is also known as black hairy tongue or lingua nigra. It is characterized by abnormal elongation and blackish or dark brownish discoloration or "staining" of the thread-like elevations (filiform pa...
What are the symptoms for black tongue? - What is Dental Cavitation? cavitation, also known as a cavitation lesion or a cavitation, is a hole or hollow space in the jawbone that is caused by a chronic infection or inflammation in the bone. These cavitations can occur after a tooth extraction, root canal trea...
What are the causes of Dental Cavitation? - What is Dental Plaque? plaque is a sticky, colorless film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and along the gumline. It is constantly forming on the teeth and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease if not removed regularly through proper oral hygiene practices s...
What are the risk factors for Dental Plaque? - What is Dental Tartar? tartar, also known as dental calculus, is a hard, yellowish or brownish deposit that forms on the teeth when plaque hardens. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth when sugars and starches in food interact with the bact...
What are the treatments for Dental Tartar? - What is Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)? mouth, also known as xerostomia, is a condition in which the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep the mouth moist. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, including a dry, sticky feeling in the mouth, difficulty swallowing or s...
What are the treatments for Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)? - What is Dry Socket? socket, also known as alveolar osteitis, is a painful dental condition that can occur after a tooth extraction. It occurs when the blood clot that forms in the socket where the tooth was removed becomes dislodged or dissolves before the wound ...
What are the treatments for Dry Socket? - What is Gingivitis? is a common and mild form of gum disease that causes irritation, redness, and swelling (inflammation) of the gingiva, the part of the gum around the base of the teeth. It is usually caused by poor oral hygiene that allows plaque to buil...
- What is Halitosis?, commonly known as bad breath, is a condition characterized by an unpleasant odor coming from the mouth. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor oral hygiene, certain foods and drinks, smoking, dry mouth, and underlying ...
Is there a cure/medications for Halitosis? - What is Impacted Wisdom Teeth? wisdom teeth are third molars at the back of the mouth that do not have enough room to emerge or develop normally. This can cause them to become trapped or impacted in the jawbone or gum tissue, leading to pain, swelling, infection, and o...
- What is Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis? Ulcerative Gingivitis (NUG), also known as trench mouth, is a severe form of gum disease characterized by painful, bleeding gums, ulcers, and necrosis (death) of gum tissue. It is caused by a bacterial infection, typically associated w...
What are the causes of Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis? - What is Odontoma? is a type of benign tumor that develops in the jawbone and consists of dental tissue. It is considered a developmental anomaly rather than a true neoplasm, as it is composed of mature dental tissues such as enamel, dentin, cementum, and p...
What are the symptoms of Odontoma? - What is Oral Cancer? cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It can occur in the lips, tongue, gums, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, or the inner lining of the cheeks and throat. Oral cancer is often linked to tobacc...
- What is Oral Fistula? oral fistula is an abnormal connection or passageway that forms between two structures in the mouth, such as between the oral cavity and the skin or between the oral cavity and the nasal cavity. This can result in the leakage of saliva, food, o...
What are the symptoms of Oral Fistula? - What is Periodontitis? is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and destroys the bone that supports your teeth. It is a common cause of tooth loss in adults and is typically caused by poor oral hygiene that allows bacteria in plaque to build...
What are the risk factors for Periodontitis? - What is Stomatitis? is a general term for inflammation of the mucous lining of the mouth, which can result in painful sores or ulcers. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including viral or bacterial infections, autoimmune disorders, allergies, or ir...
What are the risk factors for Stomatitis? - What is Tooth Decay? decay, also known as dental caries or cavities, is a common dental problem that occurs when bacteria in the mouth produce acids that erode the enamel of the teeth. This erosion leads to the formation of small holes or cavities in the teeth, ...
Is there a cure/medications for Tooth Decay?
Conditions & Treatments 102 results
What are the causes for black tongue?
What are the treatments for black tongue?
What are the risk factors for black tongue?
Is there a cure/medications for black tongue?
Is there a cure/medications for Dental Plaque?
What are the treatments for Dental Plaque?
What are the risk factors for Dental Tartar?
What are the causes of Dental Tartar?
What are the symptoms of Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)?
What are the symptoms of Dry Socket?
What are the symptoms of Halitosis?
What are the treatments for Halitosis?
What are the causes of Halitosis?
What are the symptoms of Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis?
What are the risk factors for Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis?
Is there a cure/medications for Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis?
What are the treatments for Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis?
Is there a cure/medications for Odontoma?
What are the treatments for Odontoma?
What are the treatments for Oral Fistula?
What are the causes of Oral Fistula?
What are the treatments for Periodontitis?
What are the treatments for Stomatitis?
What are the symptoms of Stomatitis?
What are the causes of Tooth Decay?
What are the symptoms of Tooth Decay?