The following Conditions are related to Motor
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- What is allan herndon syndrome? thyroid hormone cell transporter deficiency (THCT deficiency) is an inherited disorder that is characterized by severe mental retardation, an impaired ability to speak, diminished muscle tone (hypotonia), and/or movement abnormalitie...
What are the symptoms for allan herndon syndrome? - What is allan-herndon-dudley mental retardation? thyroid hormone cell transporter deficiency (THCT deficiency) is an inherited disorder that is characterized by severe mental retardation, an impaired ability to speak, diminished muscle tone (hypotonia), and/or movement abnormalitie...
What are the symptoms for allan-herndon-dudley mental retardation? - What is baller gerold syndrome? Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that is apparent at birth (congenital). The disorder is characterized by distinctive malformations of the skull and facial (craniofacial) area and bones of the forearms and hands. In in...
What are the symptoms for baller gerold syndrome? - What is cerebral palsy? palsy facts Cerebral palsy (CP) is an abnormality of motor function, the ability to move and control movements. Cerebral palsy is acquired at an early age, usually less than a year of age. Cerebral palsy...
What are the symptoms for cerebral palsy? - What is dancing eyes-dancing feet? syndrome (OMS) is a paraneoplastic neurological disorder. It is characterized by associated ocular, motor, behavioral, sleep, and language disturbances. The onset is usually abrupt, often severe, and can become chronic....
What are the symptoms for dancing eyes-dancing feet? - What is dmc syndrome? (DMC) syndrome is a rare, progressive genetic disorder characterized by abnormal skeletal development, microcephaly and intellectual disability. The condition was first reported by Dyggve, Melchior and Clausen in 1962 in th...
What are the symptoms for dmc syndrome? - What is dysmyelogenic leukodystrophy-megalobare? disease is named after the physician who first described the condition in 1949 (WS Alexander). It is an extremely rare, usually progressive and fatal, neurological disorder. Initially it was detected most often during infancy or early ch...
What are the symptoms for dysmyelogenic leukodystrophy-megalobare? - What is fahr disease? idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (FIBGC) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal calcium deposits (calcifications) of unknown cause. Associated symptoms include progressive deterioration of cognitiv...
What are the symptoms for fahr disease? - What is fahr\'s disease? idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (FIBGC) is a rare neurological disorder characterized by the presence of abnormal calcium deposits (calcifications) of unknown cause. Associated symptoms include progressive deterioration of cognitiv...
What are the symptoms for fahr\'s disease? - What is febrile seizures? seizures are convulsions brought on by a fever in infants or small children. How common are febrile seizures? Approximately one in every 25 children will have at least one febrile seizure, and more than one-third of these c...
What are the symptoms for febrile seizures? - What is fiber type disproportion, congenital? fiber type disproportion (CFTD) is a rare genetic muscle disease that is usually apparent at birth (congenital myopathy). It belongs to a group of muscle conditions called the congenital myopathies that tend to affect people in a simila...
What are the symptoms for fiber type disproportion, congenital? - What is franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome? - What is fucosidase deficiency? is a rare genetic disorder characterized by deficiency of the enzyme alpha-L-fucosidase, which is required to break down (metabolize) certain complex compounds (e.g., fucose-containing glycolipids or fucose-containing glycoproteins). F...
What are the symptoms for fucosidase deficiency? - What is galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis? - What is galactosylceramidase deficiency?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for galactosylceramidase deficiency? - What is galactosylceramide lipidosis?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for galactosylceramide lipidosis? - What is globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?'s Leukodystrophy is a rare inherited lipid storage disorder caused by a deficiency of the enzyme galactocerebrosidase (GALC), which is necessary for the breakdown (metabolism) of the sphingolipids galactosylceremide and psychosine. Failure ...
What are the symptoms for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy? - What is greenfield disease? leukodystrophy, the most common form of leukodystrophy, is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder affecting the white matter of the brain (leukoencephalopathy). It is characterized by the accumulation of a fatty substance known as ...
What are the symptoms for greenfield disease? - What is ichthyosis spastic neurologic disorder mental retardation? syndrome is an inherited disorder characterized by scaling skin (ichthyosis), mental retardation, speech abnormalities, and spasticity. Affected infants develop various degrees of reddened skin with fine scales soon after birth. Af...
What are the symptoms for ichthyosis spastic neurologic disorder mental retardation? - What is infantile spinal muscular atrophy? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for infantile spinal muscular atrophy? - What is infantile spinal muscular atrophy type i? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for infantile spinal muscular atrophy type i? - What is ito hypomelanosis? of Ito is a rare condition characterized by distinctive skin changes, in which areas of the body lack skin color (hypopigmentation). These skin changes may present as patches, streaks or spiral-shaped (whorled) areas. In many cases, ...
What are the symptoms for ito hypomelanosis? - What is juvenile spinal muscular atrophy? Welander syndrome is a milder type of spinal muscular atrophy. It is a rare inherited neuromuscular disorder characterized by wasting and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, leading to walking difficulties in, and eventual loss...
What are the symptoms for juvenile spinal muscular atrophy? - What is kinsbourne syndrome? syndrome (OMS) is a paraneoplastic neurological disorder. It is characterized by associated ocular, motor, behavioral, sleep, and language disturbances. The onset is usually abrupt, often severe, and can become chronic....
What are the symptoms for kinsbourne syndrome? - What is klinefelter syndrome? syndrome facts Klinefelter syndrome, also known as the XXY condition, is a term used to describe males who have an extra X chromosome in most of their cells. About one of every 500 males has an extra X chromoso...
What are the symptoms for klinefelter syndrome? - What is kramer syndrome? Syndrome with Hypopigmentation is an extremely rare inherited disorder characterized by the lack of normal color (hypopigmentation) of the skin and hair and abnormalities of the central nervous system that affect the eyes and certain...
What are the symptoms for kramer syndrome? - What is kugelberg welander syndrome? Welander syndrome is a milder type of spinal muscular atrophy. It is a rare inherited neuromuscular disorder characterized by wasting and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, leading to walking difficulties in, and eventual loss...
What are the symptoms for kugelberg welander syndrome? - What is le jeune syndrome? du chat syndrome (CdCS or 5p-) is a rare genetic disorder in which a variable portion of the short arm of chromosome 5 is missing or deleted (monosomic). Symptoms vary greatly from case to case depending upon the exact size and location of the...
What are the symptoms for le jeune syndrome? - What is lipidosis sphingomyelin? disease (NPD) is a group of rare inherited disorders of fat metabolism. At least five types of Niemann-Pick disease have been identified (NPD types A, B, C, D, and E). Symptoms of types A and B occur as a result of a deficiency of the...
What are the symptoms for lipidosis sphingomyelin? - What is mandibulofacial dysostosis? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for mandibulofacial dysostosis? - What is microcephaly? is a condition where the head (circumference) is smaller than normal. Microcephaly may be caused by genetic abnormalities or by drugs, alcohol, certain viruses, and toxins that are exposed to the fetus during pregnancy ...
What are the symptoms for microcephaly? - What is monosomy 3p2? 3, Monosomy 3p is a rare chromosomal disorder in which the end (distal) portion of the short arm (p) of chromosome 3 is missing (deleted or monosomic). The range and severity of symptoms and findings may be variable. However, associated...
What are the symptoms for monosomy 3p2? - What is mucolipidosis ii? disease (mucolipidosis II) is a rare inherited metabolic disorder characterized by coarse facial features, skeletal abnormalities and mental retardation. The symptoms of I-cell disease are similar to but more severe than those of Hurler syn...
What are the symptoms for mucolipidosis ii? - What is mucolipidosis iv? IV is a rare inherited metabolic disorder believed to be characterized by a deficiency of transport channel receptor protein, based upon the recent discovery of the Mucolipidosis IV gene. This deficiency may lead to the accumulation ...
What are the symptoms for mucolipidosis iv? - What is necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh? syndrome is a rare genetic neurometabolic disorder. It is characterized by the degeneration of the central nervous system (i.e., brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve). The symptoms of Leigh syndrome usually begin between the ages of three mon...
What are the symptoms for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh? - What is neill-dingwall syndrome? Syndrome (CS) is a rare form of dwarfism. It is an inherited disorder whose diagnosis depends on the presence of three signs (1) growth retardation, i.e. short stature, (2) abnormal sensitivity to light (photosensitivity), and (3) prematu...
What are the symptoms for neill-dingwall syndrome? - What is niemann pick disease? disease (NPD) is a group of rare inherited disorders of fat metabolism. At least five types of Niemann-Pick disease have been identified (NPD types A, B, C, D, and E). Symptoms of types A and B occur as a result of a deficiency of the...
What are the symptoms for niemann pick disease? - What is opsoclonic encephalopathy? syndrome (OMS) is a paraneoplastic neurological disorder. It is characterized by associated ocular, motor, behavioral, sleep, and language disturbances. The onset is usually abrupt, often severe, and can become chronic....
What are the symptoms for opsoclonic encephalopathy? - What is opsoclonus-myoclonus? syndrome (OMS) is a paraneoplastic neurological disorder. It is characterized by associated ocular, motor, behavioral, sleep, and language disturbances. The onset is usually abrupt, often severe, and can become chronic....
What are the symptoms for opsoclonus-myoclonus? - What is opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome? syndrome (OMS) is a paraneoplastic neurological disorder. It is characterized by associated ocular, motor, behavioral, sleep, and language disturbances. The onset is usually abrupt, often severe, and can become chronic....
What are the symptoms for opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome? - What is rheumatic chorea? chorea is a rare neurological disorder characterized by rapid, involuntary, purposeless movements, especially of the face, feet and hands. Additional symptoms may include muscle weakness and emotional or behavioral problems. Sydenham chor...
What are the symptoms for rheumatic chorea? - What is subacute necrotizing encephalopathy? syndrome is a rare genetic neurometabolic disorder. It is characterized by the degeneration of the central nervous system (i.e., brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve). The symptoms of Leigh syndrome usually begin between the ages of three mon...
What are the symptoms for subacute necrotizing encephalopathy? - What is succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...? semialdehyde dehydrogenase (SSADH) deficiency is a rare inborn error of metabolism that is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. In individuals with the disorder, deficient activity of the SSADH enzyme disrupts the metabolism of gamm...
What are the symptoms for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...? - What is succinylpurinemic autism? lyase deficiency (ASLD) is a rare, inherited metabolic disorder due to a lack of the enzyme adenylosuccinate lyase (ASL). The defect is characterized by the appearance of two unusual chemicals, succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide r...
What are the symptoms for succinylpurinemic autism? - What is sulfatide lipidosis? leukodystrophy, the most common form of leukodystrophy, is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder affecting the white matter of the brain (leukoencephalopathy). It is characterized by the accumulation of a fatty substance known as ...
What are the symptoms for sulfatide lipidosis? - What is taybi syndrome? DiscussionRubinstein-Taybi syndrome is a rare genetic multisystem disorder that affects many organ systems of the body. The group of findings (constellation) associated with this syndrome include growth retardation and delayed bon...
What are the symptoms for taybi syndrome? - What is urticaria, physical? urticaria is a condition in which red (erythematous) allergic skin lesions and itching (pruritus) are produced by exposure to heat, cold, or contact with chemicals or plants. These are called wheals by the medical community and may range ...
What are the symptoms for urticaria, physical? - What is vermis cerebellar agenesis? syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects the area of the brain that controls balance and coordination. This condition is characterized by a specific finding on an MRI called a "molar tooth sign" in which the cerebel...
What are the symptoms for vermis cerebellar agenesis?
Conditions & Treatments 288 results
What are the causes for allan herndon syndrome?
What are the treatments for allan herndon syndrome?
What are the risk factors for allan herndon syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for allan herndon syndrome?
What are the causes for allan-herndon-dudley mental retardation?
What are the treatments for allan-herndon-dudley mental retardation?
What are the risk factors for allan-herndon-dudley mental retardation?
Is there a cure/medications for allan-herndon-dudley mental retardation?
What are the causes for baller gerold syndrome?
What are the treatments for baller gerold syndrome?
What are the risk factors for baller gerold syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for baller gerold syndrome?
What are the causes for cerebral palsy?
What are the treatments for cerebral palsy?
What are the risk factors for cerebral palsy?
Is there a cure/medications for cerebral palsy?
What are the causes for dancing eyes-dancing feet?
What are the treatments for dancing eyes-dancing feet?
What are the risk factors for dancing eyes-dancing feet?
Is there a cure/medications for dancing eyes-dancing feet?
What are the causes for dmc syndrome?
What are the treatments for dmc syndrome?
What are the risk factors for dmc syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for dmc syndrome?
What are the causes for dysmyelogenic leukodystrophy-megalobare?
What are the treatments for dysmyelogenic leukodystrophy-megalobare?
What are the risk factors for dysmyelogenic leukodystrophy-megalobare?
Is there a cure/medications for dysmyelogenic leukodystrophy-megalobare?
What are the causes for fahr disease?
What are the treatments for fahr disease?
What are the risk factors for fahr disease?
Is there a cure/medications for fahr disease?
What are the causes for fahr's disease?
What are the treatments for fahr's disease?
What are the risk factors for fahr's disease?
Is there a cure/medications for fahr's disease?
What are the causes for febrile seizures?
What are the treatments for febrile seizures?
What are the risk factors for febrile seizures?
Is there a cure/medications for febrile seizures?
What are the causes for fiber type disproportion, congenital?
What are the treatments for fiber type disproportion, congenital?
What are the risk factors for fiber type disproportion, congenital?
Is there a cure/medications for fiber type disproportion, congenital?
What are the causes for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
What are the treatments for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
What are the risk factors for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
What are the causes for fucosidase deficiency?
What are the treatments for fucosidase deficiency?
What are the risk factors for fucosidase deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for fucosidase deficiency?
What are the causes for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
What are the treatments for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
What are the risk factors for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for galactosyl ceramide lipidosis?
What are the causes for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
What are the treatments for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
What are the risk factors for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for galactosylceramidase deficiency?
What are the causes for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
What are the treatments for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
What are the risk factors for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for galactosylceramide lipidosis?
What are the causes for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
What are the treatments for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
What are the risk factors for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for globoid cell leukoencephalopathy?
What are the causes for greenfield disease?
What are the treatments for greenfield disease?
What are the risk factors for greenfield disease?
Is there a cure/medications for greenfield disease?
What are the causes for ichthyosis spastic neurologic disorder mental retardation?
What are the treatments for ichthyosis spastic neurologic disorder mental retardation?
What are the risk factors for ichthyosis spastic neurologic disorder mental retardation?
Is there a cure/medications for ichthyosis spastic neurologic disorder mental retardation?
What are the causes for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the treatments for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the risk factors for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the causes for infantile spinal muscular atrophy type i?
What are the treatments for infantile spinal muscular atrophy type i?
What are the risk factors for infantile spinal muscular atrophy type i?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile spinal muscular atrophy type i?
What are the causes for ito hypomelanosis?
What are the treatments for ito hypomelanosis?
What are the risk factors for ito hypomelanosis?
Is there a cure/medications for ito hypomelanosis?
What are the causes for juvenile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the treatments for juvenile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the risk factors for juvenile spinal muscular atrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for juvenile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the causes for kinsbourne syndrome?
What are the treatments for kinsbourne syndrome?
What are the risk factors for kinsbourne syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for kinsbourne syndrome?
What are the causes for klinefelter syndrome?
What are the treatments for klinefelter syndrome?
What are the risk factors for klinefelter syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for klinefelter syndrome?
What are the causes for kramer syndrome?
What are the treatments for kramer syndrome?
What are the risk factors for kramer syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for kramer syndrome?
What are the causes for kugelberg welander syndrome?
What are the treatments for kugelberg welander syndrome?
What are the risk factors for kugelberg welander syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for kugelberg welander syndrome?
What are the causes for le jeune syndrome?
What are the treatments for le jeune syndrome?
What are the risk factors for le jeune syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for le jeune syndrome?
What are the causes for lipidosis sphingomyelin?
What are the treatments for lipidosis sphingomyelin?
What are the risk factors for lipidosis sphingomyelin?
Is there a cure/medications for lipidosis sphingomyelin?
What are the causes for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
What are the treatments for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
What are the risk factors for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
Is there a cure/medications for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
What are the causes for microcephaly?
What are the treatments for microcephaly?
What are the risk factors for microcephaly?
Is there a cure/medications for microcephaly?
What are the causes for monosomy 3p2?
What are the treatments for monosomy 3p2?
What are the risk factors for monosomy 3p2?
Is there a cure/medications for monosomy 3p2?
What are the causes for mucolipidosis ii?
What are the treatments for mucolipidosis ii?
What are the risk factors for mucolipidosis ii?
Is there a cure/medications for mucolipidosis ii?
What are the causes for mucolipidosis iv?
What are the treatments for mucolipidosis iv?
What are the risk factors for mucolipidosis iv?
Is there a cure/medications for mucolipidosis iv?
What are the causes for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
What are the treatments for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
What are the risk factors for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
Is there a cure/medications for necrotizing encephalomyelopathy of leigh?
What are the causes for neill-dingwall syndrome?
What are the treatments for neill-dingwall syndrome?
What are the risk factors for neill-dingwall syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for neill-dingwall syndrome?
What are the causes for niemann pick disease?
What are the treatments for niemann pick disease?
What are the risk factors for niemann pick disease?
Is there a cure/medications for niemann pick disease?
What are the causes for opsoclonic encephalopathy?
What are the treatments for opsoclonic encephalopathy?
What are the risk factors for opsoclonic encephalopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for opsoclonic encephalopathy?
What are the causes for opsoclonus-myoclonus?
What are the treatments for opsoclonus-myoclonus?
What are the risk factors for opsoclonus-myoclonus?
Is there a cure/medications for opsoclonus-myoclonus?
What are the causes for opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome?
What are the treatments for opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome?
What are the risk factors for opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome?
What are the causes for rheumatic chorea?
What are the treatments for rheumatic chorea?
What are the risk factors for rheumatic chorea?
Is there a cure/medications for rheumatic chorea?
What are the causes for subacute necrotizing encephalopathy?
What are the treatments for subacute necrotizing encephalopathy?
What are the risk factors for subacute necrotizing encephalopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for subacute necrotizing encephalopathy?
What are the causes for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
What are the treatments for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
What are the risk factors for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
Is there a cure/medications for succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase defi...?
What are the causes for succinylpurinemic autism?
What are the treatments for succinylpurinemic autism?
What are the risk factors for succinylpurinemic autism?
Is there a cure/medications for succinylpurinemic autism?
What are the causes for sulfatide lipidosis?
What are the treatments for sulfatide lipidosis?
What are the risk factors for sulfatide lipidosis?
Is there a cure/medications for sulfatide lipidosis?
What are the causes for taybi syndrome?
What are the treatments for taybi syndrome?
What are the risk factors for taybi syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for taybi syndrome?
What are the causes for urticaria, physical?
What are the treatments for urticaria, physical?
What are the risk factors for urticaria, physical?
Is there a cure/medications for urticaria, physical?
What are the causes for vermis cerebellar agenesis?
What are the treatments for vermis cerebellar agenesis?
What are the risk factors for vermis cerebellar agenesis?
Is there a cure/medications for vermis cerebellar agenesis?