The following Conditions are related to Jaw
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- What is angina? is angina? The heart is the pump responsible for circulating blood throughout the body. Myocardium (myo=muscle + cardium=muscle) is the heart muscle that contracts to pump that blood and like any other muscle, it requires oxygen rich ...
What are the symptoms for angina? - What is angina? heart is the pump responsible for circulating blood throughout the body. Myocardium (myo=muscle + cardium=muscle) is the heart muscle that contracts to pump that blood and like any other muscle, it requires oxygen rich blood for energy. Angina...
What are the symptoms for angina? - What is batten turner syndrome? Turner Type Congenital Myopathy is an extremely rare, inherited muscle disease (myopathy) and is characterized by the lack of muscle tone or floppiness at birth (congenital hypotonia). The symptoms of Batten Turner Type Congenital Myopathy ...
What are the symptoms for batten turner syndrome? - What is bell\'s palsy?'s palsy (Bell palsy) is paralysis of the facial nerve of unknown cause. The diagnosis is made when no other cause can be identified. Although Bell's palsy is thought to be caused by a viral infection of the facial nerve, this hasn't been prov...
What are the symptoms for bell\'s palsy? - What is bloom syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by short stature; increased sensitivity to light (photosensitivity); multiple small dilated blood vessels on the face (facial telangiectasia), often resembling a butterfly in shape; immune de...
What are the symptoms for bloom syndrome? - What is Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?, also known as teeth grinding, is a condition characterized by the involuntary clenching, grinding, or gnashing of teeth. It can occur during the day or night, but is most commonly associated with nighttime grinding, known as sleep bruxism...
- What is bulldog syndrome? dysmorphia syndrome types 1 and 2 are two forms of a rare, X-linked recessive, inherited disorder characterized by unusually large fetuses (prenatal overgrowth) and unusually large babies (postnatal overgrowth). In addition, affected indiv...
What are the symptoms for bulldog syndrome? - What is campomelic dysplasia? dysplasia is a severe disorder that affects the development of the skeleton and reproductive system. This condition is often life-threatening in the newborn period. The term "campomelic" comes from the Greek words for "bent limb." Affec...
What are the symptoms for campomelic dysplasia? - What is cleidocranial dysostosis? dysplasia is a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by short stature, distinctive facial features and narrow, sloping shoulders caused by defective or absent collarbones (clavicles). Major symptoms may include premature closing of t...
What are the symptoms for cleidocranial dysostosis? - What is craniofacial syndrome? 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is associated with a range of problems including: congenital heart disease, palate abnormalities, immune system dysfunction including autoimmune disease, low calcium (hypocalcemia) and other endocrine abnormali...
What are the symptoms for craniofacial syndrome? - What is craniofrontonasal dysplasia? dysplasia is a very rare inherited disorder characterized by abnormalities of the head and face (craniofacial area), hands and feet, and certain skeletal bones. Major symptoms of this disorder may include widely spaced eyes (ocul...
What are the symptoms for craniofrontonasal dysplasia? - What is craniostenosis, crouzon type? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that may be evident at birth (congenital) or during infancy. The disorder is characterized by distinctive malformations of the skull and facial (craniofacial) region. Such abnormalities may vary greatly ...
What are the symptoms for craniostenosis, crouzon type? - What is Crossbite? is a dental condition in which the upper teeth do not align properly with the lower teeth when the jaw is closed. This misalignment can occur on one side of the mouth (unilateral crossbite) or on both sides (bilateral crossbite). Crossbi...
Is there a cure/medications for Crossbite? - What is crouzon craniofacial dysostosis? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that may be evident at birth (congenital) or during infancy. The disorder is characterized by distinctive malformations of the skull and facial (craniofacial) region. Such abnormalities may vary greatly ...
What are the symptoms for crouzon craniofacial dysostosis? - What is Crowded Teeth? teeth, also known as dental crowding, is a common orthodontic issue where there is not enough space in the mouth for all of the teeth to align properly. This can result in teeth overlapping, twisting, or becoming crooked. Crowded teeth can...
What are the treatments for Crowded Teeth? - What is Dental Cavitation? cavitation, also known as a cavitation lesion or a cavitation, is a hole or hollow space in the jawbone that is caused by a chronic infection or inflammation in the bone. These cavitations can occur after a tooth extraction, root canal trea...
What are the causes of Dental Cavitation? - What is diamond-blackfan anemia? anemia (BDA) is a rare blood disorder that is caused by a failure of the bone marrow to generate enough red blood cells. It is characterized by deficiency of red blood cells at birth (congenital hypoplastic anemia) as well as slow...
What are the symptoms for diamond-blackfan anemia? - What is dmc disease? (DMC) syndrome is a rare, progressive genetic disorder characterized by abnormal skeletal development, microcephaly and intellectual disability. The condition was first reported by Dyggve, Melchior and Clausen in 1962 in th...
What are the symptoms for dmc disease? - What is facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum? spectrum (OAVS) refers to three rare disorders that many clinicians believe to be intimately related to one another and which represent the range of severity of the same disorder. These disorders are apparent at birth (con...
What are the symptoms for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum? - What is glossoptosis micrognathia and cleft palate? Robin sequence is characterized by an unusually small lower jaw (micrognathia) and downward displacement of the tongue (glossoptosis). Some infants also have an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate); both the soft and har...
What are the symptoms for glossoptosis micrognathia and cleft palate? - What is hart syndrome? syndrome is a rare birth defect in which the most obvious signs are a short, incompletely developed tongue (hypoglossia); absent or partially missing fingers and/or toes (hypodactylia); malformed arms and/or legs (peromelia); and an extrem...
What are the symptoms for hart syndrome? - What is hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (hgps)?, or Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), is a rare, fatal, genetic condition of childhood with striking features resembling premature aging. Children with progeria usually have a normal appearance in early infancy. At approximatel...
What are the symptoms for hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (hgps)? - What is Impacted Wisdom Teeth? wisdom teeth are third molars at the back of the mouth that do not have enough room to emerge or develop normally. This can cause them to become trapped or impacted in the jawbone or gum tissue, leading to pain, swelling, infection, and o...
- What is jansen disease? type metaphyseal chondrodysplasia is an extremely rare progressive disorder in which portions of the bones of the arms and legs develop abnormally with unusual cartilage formations and subsequent abnormal bone formation at the large (bulbo...
What are the symptoms for jansen disease? - What is Jaw Pain? pain is discomfort or soreness in the jaw area, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as teeth grinding, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, dental issues, or muscle tension. It can range from mild to severe and may be accompani...
Is there a cure/medications for Jaw Pain? - What is kabuki make-up syndrome? syndrome is a rare, multisystem disorder characterized by multiple abnormalities including distinctive facial features, growth delays, varying degrees of intellectual disability, skeletal abnormalities, and short stature. A wide variety of ...
What are the symptoms for kabuki make-up syndrome? - What is Malocclusion? is a dental condition in which the teeth are misaligned or do not fit together properly when the jaws are closed. This can result in problems with biting, chewing, and speaking, as well as issues with the appearance of the teeth and f...
What are the causes of Malocclusion? - What is marcus gunn (jaw-winking) syndrome? Gunn phenomenon is a rare genetic disorder that is usually present at birth. It is characterized by the movement of one upper eyelid in a rapid rising motion each time the jaw moves. Other eye abnormalities and vision difficulties may also ...
What are the symptoms for marcus gunn (jaw-winking) syndrome? - What is mucolipidosis iii? DiscussionPseudo-Hurler polydystrophy (mucolipidosis type III) is a rare genetic metabolic disorder characterized by a defective enzyme known as UPD-N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase. This defective enzyme ultimately result...
What are the symptoms for mucolipidosis iii? - What is nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome? Syndrome is a rare disorder that may or may not be genetically derived. Major symptoms may include underdevelopment of the cheek and jaw area of the face. Down-sloping of the opening of the eyes, a smaller than normal jaw, lack or absence of...
What are the symptoms for nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome? - What is nasomaxillary hypoplasia? type maxillonasal dysplasia is a rare condition characterized by abnormal development (dysplasia) of the nasal and upper jaw (nasomaxillary) regions. Affected individuals typically have an unusually flat, underdeveloped midface (midfacial h...
What are the symptoms for nasomaxillary hypoplasia? - What is Open Bite? bite is a type of malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth) where the upper and lower front teeth do not touch when the mouth is closed. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, or prolon...
Is there a cure/medications for Open Bite? - What is Oral Cancer? cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the mouth or throat. It can occur in the lips, tongue, gums, floor of the mouth, roof of the mouth, or the inner lining of the cheeks and throat. Oral cancer is often linked to tobacc...
- What is Oral Fibrosis? fibrosis, also known as oral submucous fibrosis, is a chronic, progressive condition that affects the mucous membranes in the mouth. It is characterized by the formation of fibrous bands of tissue in the mouth, which can lead to restricted mo...
- What is Osteonecrosis of the Jaw? of the jaw (ONJ) is a rare condition in which the bone tissue in the jaw fails to heal after minor trauma, such as a tooth extraction or dental surgery, leading to the death of the bone tissue. This can result in pain, swelling, infe...
What are the treatments for Osteonecrosis of the Jaw? - What is Overbite? overbite is a dental condition in which the upper front teeth overlap significantly with the lower front teeth when the mouth is closed. This can be caused by genetics, thumb sucking, or prolonged use of a pacifier. Overbites can lead to issues...
Is there a cure/medications for Overbite? - What is pierre robin anomalad? Robin sequence is characterized by an unusually small lower jaw (micrognathia) and downward displacement of the tongue (glossoptosis). Some infants also have an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate); both the soft and har...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin anomalad? - What is pierre robin complex? Robin sequence is characterized by an unusually small lower jaw (micrognathia) and downward displacement of the tongue (glossoptosis). Some infants also have an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate); both the soft and har...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin complex? - What is pierre robin malformation sequence? Robin sequence is characterized by an unusually small lower jaw (micrognathia) and downward displacement of the tongue (glossoptosis). Some infants also have an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate); both the soft and har...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin malformation sequence? - What is pierre robin sequence? Robin sequence is characterized by an unusually small lower jaw (micrognathia) and downward displacement of the tongue (glossoptosis). Some infants also have an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate); both the soft and har...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin sequence? - What is pierre robin syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the index fingers; the classic features of Pierre Robin syndrome; and, in some cases, additional physical findings. Pierre Robin syndrome refers to a se...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin syndrome? - What is robin sequence? Robin sequence is characterized by an unusually small lower jaw (micrognathia) and downward displacement of the tongue (glossoptosis). Some infants also have an abnormal opening in the roof of the mouth (cleft palate); both the soft and har...
What are the symptoms for robin sequence? - What is smith-magenis chromosome region? syndrome is characterized by particular facial features, developmental delays, mental retardation and behavioral abnormalities. The facial features include a broad square-shaped face, an abnormally short, broad head (brac...
What are the symptoms for smith-magenis chromosome region? - What is sms -- smith magenis syndrome? syndrome is characterized by particular facial features, developmental delays, mental retardation and behavioral abnormalities. The facial features include a broad square-shaped face, an abnormally short, broad head (brac...
What are the symptoms for sms -- smith magenis syndrome? - What is Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)? Joint Disorder (TMJ) is a condition that affects the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the jaw to the skull. It can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw joint and the muscles that control jaw movement. Sym...
What are the risk factors for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)? - What is the heart and vascular disease? disease includes any condition that affects the circulatory system. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the bo...
What are the symptoms for the heart and vascular disease? - What is the heart and vascular disease? disease includes any condition that affects the circulatory system. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic tubes that carry blood to every part of the bo...
What are the symptoms for the heart and vascular disease? - What is Torus Mandibularis? mandibularis is a bony growth that develops on the inner surface of the lower jaw, near the premolar and molar teeth. It is a benign, non-cancerous growth that is usually painless and does not require treatment unless it causes discomfort or...
What are the risk factors for Torus Mandibularis? - What is treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1? - What is trigonocephaly syndrome? syndrome, also known as Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome, is a rare disorder transmitted as a result of "gonadal mosaicism". Mosaicism refers to a condition in which a person has cells that differ from each other in genetic makeup. The difference i...
What are the symptoms for trigonocephaly syndrome? - What is Trismus (Lockjaw)?, also known as lockjaw, is a condition characterized by difficulty opening the mouth due to muscle spasms in the jaw. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including dental procedures, trauma to the jaw, infections, or neurological con...
What are the causes of Trismus (Lockjaw)? - What is Underbite? underbite is a dental condition in which the lower teeth protrude further out than the upper teeth when the jaw is closed. This misalignment of the teeth can cause issues with chewing, speaking, and overall oral health. Underbites can be caused...
- What is weaver-smith syndrome? Syndrome is characterized by rapid growth. Usually starting before birth (prenatal onset), physical growth and bone development (maturation) can occur more quickly than average. Other symptoms can include increased muscle tone (hypertonia) ...
What are the symptoms for weaver-smith syndrome?
Conditions & Treatments 318 results
What are the causes for angina?
What are the treatments for angina?
What are the risk factors for angina?
Is there a cure/medications for angina?
What are the causes for angina?
What are the treatments for angina?
What are the risk factors for angina?
Is there a cure/medications for angina?
What are the causes for batten turner syndrome?
What are the treatments for batten turner syndrome?
What are the risk factors for batten turner syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for batten turner syndrome?
What are the causes for bell\'s palsy?
What are the treatments for bell\'s palsy?
What are the risk factors for bell\'s palsy?
Is there a cure/medications for bell\'s palsy?
What are the causes for bloom syndrome?
What are the treatments for bloom syndrome?
What are the risk factors for bloom syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for bloom syndrome?
What are the causes for bulldog syndrome?
What are the treatments for bulldog syndrome?
What are the risk factors for bulldog syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for bulldog syndrome?
What are the causes for campomelic dysplasia?
What are the treatments for campomelic dysplasia?
What are the risk factors for campomelic dysplasia?
Is there a cure/medications for campomelic dysplasia?
What are the causes for cleidocranial dysostosis?
What are the treatments for cleidocranial dysostosis?
What are the risk factors for cleidocranial dysostosis?
Is there a cure/medications for cleidocranial dysostosis?
What are the causes for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the treatments for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the risk factors for craniofacial syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the causes for craniofrontonasal dysplasia?
What are the treatments for craniofrontonasal dysplasia?
What are the risk factors for craniofrontonasal dysplasia?
Is there a cure/medications for craniofrontonasal dysplasia?
What are the causes for craniostenosis, crouzon type?
What are the treatments for craniostenosis, crouzon type?
What are the risk factors for craniostenosis, crouzon type?
Is there a cure/medications for craniostenosis, crouzon type?
What are the risk factors for Crossbite?
What are the treatments for Crossbite?
What are the causes for crouzon craniofacial dysostosis?
What are the treatments for crouzon craniofacial dysostosis?
What are the risk factors for crouzon craniofacial dysostosis?
Is there a cure/medications for crouzon craniofacial dysostosis?
Is there a cure/medications for Crowded Teeth?
What are the causes for diamond-blackfan anemia?
What are the treatments for diamond-blackfan anemia?
What are the risk factors for diamond-blackfan anemia?
Is there a cure/medications for diamond-blackfan anemia?
What are the causes for dmc disease?
What are the treatments for dmc disease?
What are the risk factors for dmc disease?
Is there a cure/medications for dmc disease?
What are the causes for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
What are the treatments for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
What are the risk factors for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
Is there a cure/medications for facio-auriculo-vertebral spectrum?
What are the causes for glossoptosis micrognathia and cleft palate?
What are the treatments for glossoptosis micrognathia and cleft palate?
What are the risk factors for glossoptosis micrognathia and cleft palate?
Is there a cure/medications for glossoptosis micrognathia and cleft palate?
What are the causes for hart syndrome?
What are the treatments for hart syndrome?
What are the risk factors for hart syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for hart syndrome?
What are the causes for hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (hgps)?
What are the treatments for hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (hgps)?
What are the risk factors for hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (hgps)?
Is there a cure/medications for hutchinson-gilford progeria syndrome (hgps)?
What are the causes for jansen disease?
What are the treatments for jansen disease?
What are the risk factors for jansen disease?
Is there a cure/medications for jansen disease?
What are the risk factors for Jaw Pain?
What are the symptoms of Jaw Pain?
What are the causes for kabuki make-up syndrome?
What are the treatments for kabuki make-up syndrome?
What are the risk factors for kabuki make-up syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for kabuki make-up syndrome?
What are the causes for marcus gunn (jaw-winking) syndrome?
What are the treatments for marcus gunn (jaw-winking) syndrome?
What are the risk factors for marcus gunn (jaw-winking) syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for marcus gunn (jaw-winking) syndrome?
What are the causes for mucolipidosis iii?
What are the treatments for mucolipidosis iii?
What are the risk factors for mucolipidosis iii?
Is there a cure/medications for mucolipidosis iii?
What are the causes for nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome?
What are the treatments for nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome?
What are the risk factors for nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome?
What are the causes for nasomaxillary hypoplasia?
What are the treatments for nasomaxillary hypoplasia?
What are the risk factors for nasomaxillary hypoplasia?
Is there a cure/medications for nasomaxillary hypoplasia?
What are the risk factors for Open Bite?
What are the treatments for Open Bite?
What are the risk factors for Osteonecrosis of the Jaw?
What are the causes of Overbite?
What are the causes for pierre robin anomalad?
What are the treatments for pierre robin anomalad?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin anomalad?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin anomalad?
What are the causes for pierre robin complex?
What are the treatments for pierre robin complex?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin complex?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin complex?
What are the causes for pierre robin malformation sequence?
What are the treatments for pierre robin malformation sequence?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin malformation sequence?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin malformation sequence?
What are the causes for pierre robin sequence?
What are the treatments for pierre robin sequence?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin sequence?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin sequence?
What are the causes for pierre robin syndrome?
What are the treatments for pierre robin syndrome?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin syndrome?
What are the causes for robin sequence?
What are the treatments for robin sequence?
What are the risk factors for robin sequence?
Is there a cure/medications for robin sequence?
What are the causes for smith-magenis chromosome region?
What are the treatments for smith-magenis chromosome region?
What are the risk factors for smith-magenis chromosome region?
Is there a cure/medications for smith-magenis chromosome region?
What are the causes for sms -- smith magenis syndrome?
What are the treatments for sms -- smith magenis syndrome?
What are the risk factors for sms -- smith magenis syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for sms -- smith magenis syndrome?
What are the treatments for Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ)?
What are the causes for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the treatments for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the risk factors for the heart and vascular disease?
Is there a cure/medications for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the causes for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the treatments for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the risk factors for the heart and vascular disease?
Is there a cure/medications for the heart and vascular disease?
What are the symptoms of Torus Mandibularis?
What are the causes for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
What are the treatments for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
What are the risk factors for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
Is there a cure/medications for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
What are the causes for trigonocephaly syndrome?
What are the treatments for trigonocephaly syndrome?
What are the risk factors for trigonocephaly syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for trigonocephaly syndrome?
What are the symptoms of Trismus (Lockjaw)?
Is there a cure/medications for Trismus (Lockjaw)?
What are the risk factors for Trismus (Lockjaw)?
What are the treatments for Trismus (Lockjaw)?
What are the causes for weaver-smith syndrome?
What are the treatments for weaver-smith syndrome?
What are the risk factors for weaver-smith syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for weaver-smith syndrome?