The following Conditions are related to Breathing
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- What is acf with cardiac defects? syndrome, also known as "asymmetric crying facies with cardiac defects," is an extremely rare disorder characterized by congenital heart defects and the underdevelopment or absence of one of the muscles that control the movements of the low...
What are the symptoms for acf with cardiac defects? - What is acf with cardiac defects? syndrome, also known as "asymmetric crying facies with cardiac defects," is an extremely rare disorder characterized by congenital heart defects and the underdevelopment or absence of one of the muscles that control the movements of the low...
What are the symptoms for acf with cardiac defects? - What is asbestos related disorders? is the definition of asbestos? Asbestos is a family of naturally occurring silica compounds (similar to, but not the same as, the silica of window glass and computer chips). These substances form fibers with varying shapes and sizes a...
What are the symptoms for asbestos related disorders? - What is atrial fibrillation? fibrillation (A-fib) is an irregular and often very rapid heart rhythm (arrhythmia) that can lead to blood clots in the heart. A-fib increases the risk of stroke, heart failure and other he...
What are the symptoms for atrial fibrillation? - What is batten turner congenital myopathy? Turner Type Congenital Myopathy is an extremely rare, inherited muscle disease (myopathy) and is characterized by the lack of muscle tone or floppiness at birth (congenital hypotonia). The symptoms of Batten Turner Type Congenital Myopathy ...
What are the symptoms for batten turner congenital myopathy? - What is cheney syndrome? syndrome (HCS) is a rare, heritable disorder of connective tissue; only about 50 cases have been reported in the medical literature. The breakdown of bone (osteolysis), especially the outermost bones of the fingers and toes (acroosteo...
What are the symptoms for cheney syndrome? - What is childhood muscular dystrophy? muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a rare muscle disorder but it is one of the most frequent genetic conditions affecting approximately 1 in 3,500 male births worldwide. It is usually recognized between three and six years of age. DMD is charact...
What are the symptoms for childhood muscular dystrophy? - What is coa syndrome? DiscussionWildervanck syndrome, also known as cervicooculoacoustic syndrome, is a rare genetic disorder that primarily affects females. The disorder is characterized by a skeletal condition known as Klippel-Feil syndrome (KFS); ab...
What are the symptoms for coa syndrome? - What is congenital heart defects? are congenital heart defects? Congenital (kon-JEN-ih-tal) heart defects are problems with the heart's structure that are present at birth. These defects can involve: The interior walls of the heart The valves ...
What are the symptoms for congenital heart defects? - What is craniofacial syndrome? 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is associated with a range of problems including: congenital heart disease, palate abnormalities, immune system dysfunction including autoimmune disease, low calcium (hypocalcemia) and other endocrine abnormali...
What are the symptoms for craniofacial syndrome? - What is cribriform carcinoma? cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a relatively rare form of cancer that most commonly develops in the salivary glands or other regions of the head and neck. In some cases, ACC may arise in other primary sites, such as the skin; the breast; the nec...
What are the symptoms for cribriform carcinoma? - What is cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis? interstitial lung disease occurs when there is cryptogenic fibrous alveolitis in the lungs (or ILD for short). They have an impact on the tissues that support the air sacs in the lungs, making it difficult for them to take in as much air as the...
What are the symptoms for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis? - What is da costa's syndrome? DiscussionThe word "neurasthenia" is a term that has fallen into disuse among psychiatrists in the United States and Australia. It remains in use in the United Kingdom. Where it is used, it covers a wide spectrum of symptoms inclu...
What are the symptoms for da costa's syndrome? - What is Diphtheria? is a serious bacterial infection that usually affects the mucous membranes of the throat and nose. It is caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae and is spread through respiratory droplets or direct contact with an infected p...
- What is doc 6 (harlequin type)? ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin inf...
What are the symptoms for doc 6 (harlequin type)? - What is encephalocele? are rare birth defects associated with skull defects characterized by partial lacking of bone fusion leaving a gap through which a portion of the brain sticks out (protrudes). In some cases, cerebrospinal fluid or the membranes that...
What are the symptoms for encephalocele? - What is endocardial fibroelastosis? fibroelastosis (EFE) is a rare heart disorder that affects infants and children. It is characterized by a thickening within the muscular lining of the heart chambers due to an increase in the amount of supporting connective tissue (ine...
What are the symptoms for endocardial fibroelastosis? - What is european blastomycosis? is caused by a fungus known as Cryptococcosis neoformans. The infection may be spread to humans through contact with pigeon droppings or unwashed raw fruit. Contact with an infected individual may also spread the infection. Individu...
What are the symptoms for european blastomycosis? - What is fibroelastic endocarditis? fibrosis (EMF) is a progressive disease of unknown origin (idiopathic) that may seriously affect the heart. Its most obvious feature is a gross change in the makeup of the lining of the heart cavities (the endocardium) of one or bot...
What are the symptoms for fibroelastic endocarditis? - What is fiedler disease? DiscussionWeil syndrome, a rare infectious disorder, is a severe form of the bacterial infection caused by Leptospira bacteria known as leptospirosis. Weil syndrome is characterized by dysfunction of the kidneys and liver, abnorma...
What are the symptoms for fiedler disease? - What is formaldehyde poisoning? Poisoning is a disorder brought about by breathing the fumes of formaldehyde. This can occur while working directly with formaldehyde, or using equipment cleaned with formaldehyde. Major symptoms may include eye, nose, and throat irri...
What are the symptoms for formaldehyde poisoning? - What is formalin toxicity? is a transitional molecule that participates in a wide range of biological activities. It can be found in a variety of everyday items, including meals. It's also used in medicine to treat a variety of ailments. Formalin is a 40 percen...
What are the symptoms for formalin toxicity? - What is franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome? - What is gastric ulcer? ulcers often heal on their own, you shouldn't ignore their warning signs. If not properly treated, ulcers can lead to serious health problems, including: Bleeding Perforation (a hole through the wall of the stomach)...
What are the symptoms for gastric ulcer? - What is glycogenosis type iv? disease belongs to a group of rare genetic disorders of glycogen metabolism, known as glycogen storage diseases. Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate that is converted into the simple sugar glucose for the body's use as energy. Glycogen sto...
What are the symptoms for glycogenosis type iv? - What is haddad syndrome? central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare disorder of respiratory control with autonomic nervous system dysregulation (ANSD). The autonomic nervous system is the portion of the nervous system that controls or regulates certain i...
What are the symptoms for haddad syndrome? - What is Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)? influenzae type b (Hib) is a type of bacteria that can cause serious infections, particularly in young children. It can lead to illnesses such as meningitis, pneumonia, and epiglottitis. The Hib vaccine is highly effective in preventin...
- What is harlequin fetus? ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin inf...
What are the symptoms for harlequin fetus? - What is harley syndrome? cold hemoglobinuria (PCH) is a rare type of anemia characterized by the premature destruction of healthy red blood cells by autoantibodies. The disorder is classified as an autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA), an uncommon group of disord...
What are the symptoms for harley syndrome? - What is heart transplant? to heart transplant The idea of replacing a bad organ with a good one has been documented in ancient mythology. The first real organ transplants were probably skin grafts that may have been done in India as early as the second...
What are the symptoms for heart transplant? - What is hie syndrome? recessive hyper IgE syndrome (AR-HIES) is a very rare primary immunodeficiency disorder. Symptoms often become apparent at birth or early during infancy or childhood. The disorder is characterized by the triad of highly elevated levels o...
What are the symptoms for hie syndrome? - What is histoplasmosis? is an infection caused by the fungus Histoplasma. The fungus can be found in the environment, particularly in soil with a high concentration of bird or bat droppings. Histoplasma is mostly found in the central and eastern United Sta...
What are the symptoms for histoplasmosis? - What is hyaline membrane disease? respiratory distress syndrome is a lung disorder that tends to affect premature infants. Major symptoms include difficulty in breathing and collapsed lungs, potentially requiring mechanical ventilation or positive end-expiratory pressure (P...
What are the symptoms for hyaline membrane disease? - What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)? DiscussionHypoplastic left heart syndrome is a term used to describe a group of closely related rare heart defects that are present at birth (congenital). The normal heart has four chambers. The two upper chambers, known as atria,...
What are the symptoms for hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)? - What is ichthyosis fetalis? ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin inf...
What are the symptoms for ichthyosis fetalis? - What is ichthyosis harlequin type? ichthyosis is a rare genetic skin disorder. The newborn infant is covered with plates of thick skin that crack and split apart. The thick plates can pull at and distort facial features and can restrict breathing and eating. Harlequin inf...
What are the symptoms for ichthyosis harlequin type? - What is immunoglobulin deficiency? is a group of inherited immune deficiencies characterized by a low concentration of antibodies in the blood due to the lack of particular lymphocytes in the blood and lymph. Antibodies are proteins (immunoglobulins, (IgM), (IgG)...
What are the symptoms for immunoglobulin deficiency? - What is infantile apnea? is a term used to describe the temporary absence of spontaneous breathing. Infantile apnea occurs in children under the age of one year. Apnea may occur because of neurological impairment of the respiratory rhythm or obstruction of air flow ...
What are the symptoms for infantile apnea? - What is infantile respiratory distress syndrome? respiratory distress syndrome is a lung disorder that tends to affect premature infants. Major symptoms include difficulty in breathing and collapsed lungs, potentially requiring mechanical ventilation or positive end-expiratory pressure (P...
What are the symptoms for infantile respiratory distress syndrome? - What is infantile sleep apnea? is a term used to describe the temporary absence of spontaneous breathing. Infantile apnea occurs in children under the age of one year. Apnea may occur because of neurological impairment of the respiratory rhythm or obstruction of air flow ...
What are the symptoms for infantile sleep apnea? - What is infantile spinal muscular atrophy? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for infantile spinal muscular atrophy? - What is jarcho levin syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive malformations of bones of the spinal column (vertebrae) and the ribs, respiratory insufficiency, and/or other abnormalities. Infants born with Jarcho-Levin syndrome have...
What are the symptoms for jarcho levin syndrome? - What is joubert syndrome? syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects the area of the brain that controls balance and coordination. This condition is characterized by a specific finding on an MRI called a "molar tooth sign" in which the cerebel...
What are the symptoms for joubert syndrome? - What is joubert-bolthauser syndrome? syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects the area of the brain that controls balance and coordination. This condition is characterized by a specific finding on an MRI called a "molar tooth sign" in which the cerebel...
What are the symptoms for joubert-bolthauser syndrome? - What is laryngeal papilloma? Papilloma is a rare medical condition in which non-cancerous tumors form along the aerodigestive tract. Laryngeal Papilloma grows inside the voice box, vocal cords, or the air passage from the nose to the lungs. The symptoms include brea...
What are the symptoms for laryngeal papilloma? - What is latex allergy? allergy facts Latex allergy is dramatically on the rise throughout the world. Latex allergy rises with exposure and is suspected to continue to rise until a latex substitute is found. Latex allergy can be s...
What are the symptoms for latex allergy? - What is lobar emphysema infantile? lobar emphysema is a rare respiratory disorder in which air can enter the lungs but cannot escape, causing overinflation (hyperinflation) of the lobes of the lung. It is most often detected in newborns or young infants, but some cases d...
What are the symptoms for lobar emphysema infantile? - What is mandibulofacial dysostosis? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for mandibulofacial dysostosis? - What is mirror-image dextrocardia? with Situs Inversus is a rare heart condition characterized by abnormal positioning of the heart. In this condition, the tip of the heart (apex) is positioned on the right side of the chest. Additionally, the position of the heart cha...
What are the symptoms for mirror-image dextrocardia? - What is nocardiosis? is an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs. These abscesses may extend through the chest wall. The infection is spread through the body via the bloodstream by a microorganism called Nocardia asteroids....
What are the symptoms for nocardiosis? - What is nonketotic hyperglycinemia? hyperglycinemia is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of the amino acid glycine in blood, urine and, particularly, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The metabolic block occurs in the conversion...
What are the symptoms for nonketotic hyperglycinemia? - What is phosphate diabetes? hypophosphatemia is a rare inherited disorder characterized by impaired transport of phosphate and often altered vitamin-D metabolism in the kidneys. In addition, phosphate may not be well-absorbed in the intestines. The hypophosphatemia ...
What are the symptoms for phosphate diabetes? - What is pierre robin syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the index fingers; the classic features of Pierre Robin syndrome; and, in some cases, additional physical findings. Pierre Robin syndrome refers to a se...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin syndrome? - What is pierre robin syndrome with hyperphalangy? syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the index fingers; the classic features of Pierre Robin syndrome; and, in some cases, additional physical findings. Pierre Robin syndrome refers to a se...
What are the symptoms for pierre robin syndrome with hyperphalangy? - What is pleurisy (pleuritis)? (pleuritis) is a health condition that occurs when the pleura, the thin layer of tissue that covers the lungs, becomes inflamed. Pleurisy (pleuritis) can be caused by a variety of things, including viruses, bacteria, and even lung cancer....
What are the symptoms for pleurisy (pleuritis)? - What is pneumothorax (collapsed lung)? (collapsed lung) is a medical condition in which either the lungs collapse on the whole or only a portion of the lungs collapse. In this condition, the air enters the area between the lungs and chest wall known as a plural stag. ...
What are the symptoms for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)? - What is pneumothorax (collapsed lung)? (collapsed lung) is a medical condition in which either the lungs collapse on the whole or only a portion of the lungs collapse. In this condition, the air enters the area between the lungs and chest wall known as a plural stag. ...
What are the symptoms for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)? - What is postanesthetic apnea? depression (hypoventilation) is a breathing disorder characterized by slow and ineffective breathing. During a normal breathing cycle, you inhale oxygen into your lungs. Your blood carries the oxygen around your body, deliverin...
What are the symptoms for postanesthetic apnea? - What is primary central hypoventilation syndrome? central hypoventilation syndrome is a disorder affecting normal breathing. It causes people to take shallow breaths resulting in a lack of oxygen and accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. The com...
What are the symptoms for primary central hypoventilation syndrome? - What is pump lung? lung, (also known as Shock Lung), is inflammatory lung damage. Pump lung is caused by fluid buildup in the lungs' small air sacs (called alveoli), which makes breathing very difficult. It also results in severely low bloo...
What are the symptoms for pump lung? - What is recurrent respiratory papillomatosis? Respiratory Papillomatosis (RRP) is the respiratory condition characterised by the presence of recurrent wart-like growths called papillomas around the vocal cords in the respiratory tract. It is caused by the Human Papill...
What are the symptoms for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis? - What is reye\'s syndrome?'s syndrome is a rare and severe illness affecting children. Reye's syndrome is associated with viral infection and aspirin use. Patients with Reye's syndrome present with vomiting and mental-status changes. ...
What are the symptoms for reye\\\'s syndrome? - What is rubinstein taybi syndrome? syndrome is a rare genetic multisystem disorder that affects many organ systems of the body. The group of findings (constellation) associated with this syndrome include growth retardation and delayed bone age; mental retardation; ...
What are the symptoms for rubinstein taybi syndrome? - What is sleep apnea? apnea is defined as a reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep. The three types of sleep apnea are central apnea, obstructive apnea, and a mixture of central and obstructive apnea. Central sleep apnea is caus...
What are the symptoms for sleep apnea? - What is spinal muscular atrophy type 1? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for spinal muscular atrophy type 1? - What is spinal muscular atrophy type i? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for spinal muscular atrophy type i? - What is spinal muscular atrophy type iii? Welander syndrome is a milder type of spinal muscular atrophy. It is a rare inherited neuromuscular disorder characterized by wasting and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs, leading to walking difficulties in, and eventual loss...
What are the symptoms for spinal muscular atrophy type iii? - What is subendocardial sclerosis? DiscussionEndocardial fibroelastosis (EFE) is a rare heart disorder that affects infants and children. It is characterized by a thickening within the muscular lining of the heart chambers due to an increase in the amount of suppor...
What are the symptoms for subendocardial sclerosis? - What is tcof1? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for tcof1? - What is thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis? of Cantrell is a rare disorder that is present at birth (congenital). Pentalogy of Cantrell is characterized by a combination of birth defects. These birth defects can potentially involve the breastbone (sternum), the muscle that separat...
What are the symptoms for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis? - What is torticollis? dystonia, also known as spasmodic torticollis, is a rare neurological disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions in the neck that cause abnormal movements and postures of the neck and head. In some cases, these abnormal con...
What are the symptoms for torticollis? - What is tracheoesophageal fistula? atresia (EA) is a rare birth defect in which the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat with the stomach) does not develop normally. In infants with EA, the esophagus is usually separated into two parts, an upper and lower segment...
What are the symptoms for tracheoesophageal fistula? - What is tracheoesophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia? atresia (EA) is a rare birth defect in which the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat with the stomach) does not develop normally. In infants with EA, the esophagus is usually separated into two parts, an upper and lower segment...
What are the symptoms for tracheoesophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia? - What is treacher collins syndrome? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for treacher collins syndrome? - What is treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1? Collins syndrome (TCS) is a rare genetic disorder characterized by distinctive abnormalities of the head and face area resulting from underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of certain facial structures including the jaw, cheekbones and nearby stru...
What are the symptoms for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1? - What is triatrial heart? DiscussionCor triatriatum is an extremely rare congenital (present at birth) heart defect. Normally, the human heart has four chambers of which two are the atria. These two are separated from each other by a partition (septum) cal...
What are the symptoms for triatrial heart? - What is trisomy 9 (complete trisomy 9 syndrome), included? Discussion Chromosome 9, Trisomy Mosaic, also known as Trisomy 9 Mosaicism syndrome, is a rare chromosomal disorder in which the entire 9th chromosome appears three times (trisomy) rather than twice in some cells of the body. The...
What are the symptoms for trisomy 9 (complete trisomy 9 syndrome), included? - What is ulcer? ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of your stomach a...
What are the symptoms for ulcer? - What is vacterl association? DiscussionVACTERL association is a nonrandom association of birth defects that affects multiple median and para-median structures. The term VACTERL is an acronym with each letter representing the first letter of one of the more co...
What are the symptoms for vacterl association? - What is vacterl association? DiscussionVACTERL association is a nonrandom association of birth defects that affects multiple median and para-median structures. The term VACTERL is an acronym with each letter representing the first letter of one of the more co...
What are the symptoms for vacterl association? - What is ventricular septal defects? DiscussionVentricular septal defects are heart defects that are present at birth (congenital). The normal heart has four chambers. The two upper chambers, known as atria, are separated from each other by a fibrous partition known ...
What are the symptoms for ventricular septal defects? - What is werdnig hoffman disease? spinal muscular atrophies (SMAs), are characterized by degeneration of nerve cells (motor nuclei) within the lowest region of the brain (lower brainstem) and certain motor neurons in the spinal cord (anterior horn cells) leading to muscle weak...
What are the symptoms for werdnig hoffman disease? - What is wolff parkinson white syndrome? DiscussionWolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is a rare congenital heart disorder involving irregularities in the electrical system of the heart. In individuals with WPW syndrome, an abnormal alternate electrical pathway (accesso...
What are the symptoms for wolff parkinson white syndrome? - What is x-linked congenital recessive muscle hyp...? myotubular myopathy (XLMTM) is a rare genetic neuromuscular disorder that is characterized by muscle weakness that can range from mild to profound. Symptoms are often present at birth, but may first develop during infancy or early childho...
What are the symptoms for x-linked congenital recessive muscle hyp...?
Conditions & Treatments 504 results
What are the causes for acf with cardiac defects?
What are the treatments for acf with cardiac defects?
What are the risk factors for acf with cardiac defects?
Is there a cure/medications for acf with cardiac defects?
What are the causes for acf with cardiac defects?
What are the treatments for acf with cardiac defects?
What are the risk factors for acf with cardiac defects?
Is there a cure/medications for acf with cardiac defects?
What are the causes for asbestos related disorders?
What are the treatments for asbestos related disorders?
What are the risk factors for asbestos related disorders?
Is there a cure/medications for asbestos related disorders?
What are the causes for atrial fibrillation?
What are the treatments for atrial fibrillation?
What are the risk factors for atrial fibrillation?
Is there a cure/medications for atrial fibrillation?
What are the causes for batten turner congenital myopathy?
What are the treatments for batten turner congenital myopathy?
What are the risk factors for batten turner congenital myopathy?
Is there a cure/medications for batten turner congenital myopathy?
What are the causes for cheney syndrome?
What are the treatments for cheney syndrome?
What are the risk factors for cheney syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for cheney syndrome?
What are the causes for childhood muscular dystrophy?
What are the treatments for childhood muscular dystrophy?
What are the risk factors for childhood muscular dystrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for childhood muscular dystrophy?
What are the causes for coa syndrome?
What are the treatments for coa syndrome?
What are the risk factors for coa syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for coa syndrome?
What are the causes for congenital heart defects?
What are the treatments for congenital heart defects?
What are the risk factors for congenital heart defects?
Is there a cure/medications for congenital heart defects?
What are the causes for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the treatments for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the risk factors for craniofacial syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for craniofacial syndrome?
What are the causes for cribriform carcinoma?
What are the treatments for cribriform carcinoma?
What are the risk factors for cribriform carcinoma?
Is there a cure/medications for cribriform carcinoma?
What are the causes for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
What are the treatments for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
What are the risk factors for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
Is there a cure/medications for cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis?
What are the causes for da costa's syndrome?
What are the treatments for da costa's syndrome?
What are the risk factors for da costa's syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for da costa\'s syndrome?
What are the causes for doc 6 (harlequin type)?
What are the treatments for doc 6 (harlequin type)?
What are the risk factors for doc 6 (harlequin type)?
Is there a cure/medications for doc 6 (harlequin type)?
What are the causes for encephalocele?
What are the treatments for encephalocele?
What are the risk factors for encephalocele?
Is there a cure/medications for encephalocele?
What are the causes for endocardial fibroelastosis?
What are the treatments for endocardial fibroelastosis?
What are the risk factors for endocardial fibroelastosis?
Is there a cure/medications for endocardial fibroelastosis?
What are the causes for european blastomycosis?
What are the treatments for european blastomycosis?
What are the risk factors for european blastomycosis?
Is there a cure/medications for european blastomycosis?
What are the causes for fibroelastic endocarditis?
What are the treatments for fibroelastic endocarditis?
What are the risk factors for fibroelastic endocarditis?
Is there a cure/medications for fibroelastic endocarditis?
What are the causes for fiedler disease?
What are the treatments for fiedler disease?
What are the risk factors for fiedler disease?
Is there a cure/medications for fiedler disease?
What are the causes for formaldehyde poisoning?
What are the treatments for formaldehyde poisoning?
What are the risk factors for formaldehyde poisoning?
Is there a cure/medications for formaldehyde poisoning?
What are the causes for formalin toxicity?
What are the treatments for formalin toxicity?
What are the risk factors for formalin toxicity?
Is there a cure/medications for formalin toxicity?
What are the causes for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
What are the treatments for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
What are the risk factors for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for franceschetti-zwalen-klein syndrome?
What are the causes for gastric ulcer?
What are the treatments for gastric ulcer?
What are the risk factors for gastric ulcer?
Is there a cure/medications for gastric ulcer?
What are the causes for glycogenosis type iv?
What are the treatments for glycogenosis type iv?
What are the risk factors for glycogenosis type iv?
Is there a cure/medications for glycogenosis type iv?
What are the causes for haddad syndrome?
What are the treatments for haddad syndrome?
What are the risk factors for haddad syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for haddad syndrome?
What are the causes for harlequin fetus?
What are the treatments for harlequin fetus?
What are the risk factors for harlequin fetus?
Is there a cure/medications for harlequin fetus?
What are the causes for harley syndrome?
What are the treatments for harley syndrome?
What are the risk factors for harley syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for harley syndrome?
What are the causes for heart transplant?
What are the treatments for heart transplant?
What are the risk factors for heart transplant?
Is there a cure/medications for heart transplant?
What are the causes for hie syndrome?
What are the treatments for hie syndrome?
What are the risk factors for hie syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for hie syndrome?
What are the causes for histoplasmosis?
What are the treatments for histoplasmosis?
What are the risk factors for histoplasmosis?
Is there a cure/medications for histoplasmosis?
What are the causes for hyaline membrane disease?
What are the treatments for hyaline membrane disease?
What are the risk factors for hyaline membrane disease?
Is there a cure/medications for hyaline membrane disease?
What are the causes for hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)?
What are the treatments for hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)?
What are the risk factors for hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)?
Is there a cure/medications for hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)?
What are the causes for ichthyosis fetalis?
What are the treatments for ichthyosis fetalis?
What are the risk factors for ichthyosis fetalis?
Is there a cure/medications for ichthyosis fetalis?
What are the causes for ichthyosis harlequin type?
What are the treatments for ichthyosis harlequin type?
What are the risk factors for ichthyosis harlequin type?
Is there a cure/medications for ichthyosis harlequin type?
What are the causes for immunoglobulin deficiency?
What are the treatments for immunoglobulin deficiency?
What are the risk factors for immunoglobulin deficiency?
Is there a cure/medications for immunoglobulin deficiency?
What are the causes for infantile apnea?
What are the treatments for infantile apnea?
What are the risk factors for infantile apnea?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile apnea?
What are the causes for infantile respiratory distress syndrome?
What are the treatments for infantile respiratory distress syndrome?
What are the risk factors for infantile respiratory distress syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile respiratory distress syndrome?
What are the causes for infantile sleep apnea?
What are the treatments for infantile sleep apnea?
What are the risk factors for infantile sleep apnea?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile sleep apnea?
What are the causes for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the treatments for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the risk factors for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
Is there a cure/medications for infantile spinal muscular atrophy?
What are the causes for jarcho levin syndrome?
What are the treatments for jarcho levin syndrome?
What are the risk factors for jarcho levin syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for jarcho levin syndrome?
What are the causes for joubert syndrome?
What are the treatments for joubert syndrome?
What are the risk factors for joubert syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for joubert syndrome?
What are the causes for joubert-bolthauser syndrome?
What are the treatments for joubert-bolthauser syndrome?
What are the risk factors for joubert-bolthauser syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for joubert-bolthauser syndrome?
What are the causes for laryngeal papilloma?
What are the treatments for laryngeal papilloma?
What are the risk factors for laryngeal papilloma?
Is there a cure/medications for laryngeal papilloma?
What are the causes for latex allergy?
What are the treatments for latex allergy?
What are the risk factors for latex allergy?
Is there a cure/medications for latex allergy?
What are the causes for lobar emphysema infantile?
What are the treatments for lobar emphysema infantile?
What are the risk factors for lobar emphysema infantile?
Is there a cure/medications for lobar emphysema infantile?
What are the causes for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
What are the treatments for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
What are the risk factors for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
Is there a cure/medications for mandibulofacial dysostosis?
What are the causes for mirror-image dextrocardia?
What are the treatments for mirror-image dextrocardia?
What are the risk factors for mirror-image dextrocardia?
Is there a cure/medications for mirror-image dextrocardia?
What are the causes for nocardiosis?
What are the treatments for nocardiosis?
What are the risk factors for nocardiosis?
Is there a cure/medications for nocardiosis?
What are the causes for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
What are the treatments for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
What are the risk factors for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
Is there a cure/medications for nonketotic hyperglycinemia?
What are the causes for phosphate diabetes?
What are the treatments for phosphate diabetes?
What are the risk factors for phosphate diabetes?
Is there a cure/medications for phosphate diabetes?
What are the causes for pierre robin syndrome?
What are the treatments for pierre robin syndrome?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin syndrome?
What are the causes for pierre robin syndrome with hyperphalangy?
What are the treatments for pierre robin syndrome with hyperphalangy?
What are the risk factors for pierre robin syndrome with hyperphalangy?
Is there a cure/medications for pierre robin syndrome with hyperphalangy?
What are the causes for pleurisy (pleuritis)?
What are the treatments for pleurisy (pleuritis)?
What are the risk factors for pleurisy (pleuritis)?
Is there a cure/medications for pleurisy (pleuritis)?
What are the causes for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
What are the treatments for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
What are the risk factors for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
Is there a cure/medications for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
What are the causes for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
What are the treatments for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
What are the risk factors for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
Is there a cure/medications for pneumothorax (collapsed lung)?
What are the causes for postanesthetic apnea?
What are the treatments for postanesthetic apnea?
What are the risk factors for postanesthetic apnea?
Is there a cure/medications for postanesthetic apnea?
What are the causes for primary central hypoventilation syndrome?
What are the treatments for primary central hypoventilation syndrome?
What are the risk factors for primary central hypoventilation syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for primary central hypoventilation syndrome?
What are the causes for pump lung?
What are the treatments for pump lung?
What are the risk factors for pump lung?
Is there a cure/medications for pump lung?
What are the causes for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis?
What are the treatments for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis?
What are the risk factors for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis?
Is there a cure/medications for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis?
What are the causes for reye\'s syndrome?
What are the treatments for reye\'s syndrome?
What are the risk factors for reye\'s syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for reye\'s syndrome?
What are the causes for rubinstein taybi syndrome?
What are the treatments for rubinstein taybi syndrome?
What are the risk factors for rubinstein taybi syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for rubinstein taybi syndrome?
What are the causes for sleep apnea?
What are the treatments for sleep apnea?
What are the risk factors for sleep apnea?
Is there a cure/medications for sleep apnea?
What are the causes for spinal muscular atrophy type 1?
What are the treatments for spinal muscular atrophy type 1?
What are the risk factors for spinal muscular atrophy type 1?
Is there a cure/medications for spinal muscular atrophy type 1?
What are the causes for spinal muscular atrophy type i?
What are the treatments for spinal muscular atrophy type i?
What are the risk factors for spinal muscular atrophy type i?
Is there a cure/medications for spinal muscular atrophy type i?
What are the causes for spinal muscular atrophy type iii?
What are the treatments for spinal muscular atrophy type iii?
What are the risk factors for spinal muscular atrophy type iii?
Is there a cure/medications for spinal muscular atrophy type iii?
What are the causes for subendocardial sclerosis?
What are the treatments for subendocardial sclerosis?
What are the risk factors for subendocardial sclerosis?
Is there a cure/medications for subendocardial sclerosis?
What are the causes for tcof1?
What are the treatments for tcof1?
What are the risk factors for tcof1?
Is there a cure/medications for tcof1?
What are the causes for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
What are the treatments for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
What are the risk factors for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
Is there a cure/medications for thoracoabdominal ectopia cordis?
What are the causes for torticollis?
What are the treatments for torticollis?
What are the risk factors for torticollis?
Is there a cure/medications for torticollis?
What are the causes for tracheoesophageal fistula?
What are the treatments for tracheoesophageal fistula?
What are the risk factors for tracheoesophageal fistula?
Is there a cure/medications for tracheoesophageal fistula?
What are the causes for tracheoesophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia?
What are the treatments for tracheoesophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia?
What are the risk factors for tracheoesophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia?
Is there a cure/medications for tracheoesophageal fistula with or without esophageal atresia?
What are the causes for treacher collins syndrome?
What are the treatments for treacher collins syndrome?
What are the risk factors for treacher collins syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for treacher collins syndrome?
What are the causes for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
What are the treatments for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
What are the risk factors for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
Is there a cure/medications for treacher collins-franceschetti syndrome 1?
What are the causes for triatrial heart?
What are the treatments for triatrial heart?
What are the risk factors for triatrial heart?
Is there a cure/medications for triatrial heart?
What are the causes for trisomy 9 (complete trisomy 9 syndrome), included?
What are the treatments for trisomy 9 (complete trisomy 9 syndrome), included?
What are the risk factors for trisomy 9 (complete trisomy 9 syndrome), included?
Is there a cure/medications for trisomy 9 (complete trisomy 9 syndrome), included?
What are the causes for ulcer?
What are the treatments for ulcer?
What are the risk factors for ulcer?
Is there a cure/medications for ulcer?
What are the causes for vacterl association?
What are the treatments for vacterl association?
What are the risk factors for vacterl association?
Is there a cure/medications for vacterl association?
What are the causes for vacterl association?
What are the treatments for vacterl association?
What are the risk factors for vacterl association?
Is there a cure/medications for vacterl association?
What are the causes for ventricular septal defects?
What are the treatments for ventricular septal defects?
What are the risk factors for ventricular septal defects?
Is there a cure/medications for ventricular septal defects?
What are the causes for werdnig hoffman disease?
What are the treatments for werdnig hoffman disease?
What are the risk factors for werdnig hoffman disease?
Is there a cure/medications for werdnig hoffman disease?
What are the causes for wolff parkinson white syndrome?
What are the treatments for wolff parkinson white syndrome?
What are the risk factors for wolff parkinson white syndrome?
Is there a cure/medications for wolff parkinson white syndrome?
What are the causes for x-linked congenital recessive muscle hyp...?
What are the treatments for x-linked congenital recessive muscle hyp...?
What are the risk factors for x-linked congenital recessive muscle hyp...?
Is there a cure/medications for x-linked congenital recessive muscle hyp...?